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Serena was cheerful that night more than her mother was. Maggy looked troubled and even though I couldn't point out what exactly was bothering her she had the not so exciting look on her face. Serena helped me set the table, placed everything in place then we joined her mother at the table. Me: are you okay, you seem to be here but you are not here at all. She smiled pretending she was all good but I was a doctor and I did a little bit of psychology so I could tell. Maggy: it's nothing really. I'm just trying to imagine how you have been coping since you lost both your parents. Me: its been tough but I'm trying to hold it together. My parents were a big part of my life and this came in as a big blow. Maggy: I can imagine. You have Willi's and my support any day Owen. You are like a son to us. I nodded then took a sip of my champagne and all this time we were talking I noticed Serena steal a few glances at me and smile to herself. Me: how do you like it here to Canada Serena? Serena: well in Canada I had friends and a good life but I can barely find my way around here. Its just boring. Me: it won't be once you get used to it. You need to tour around, make new friends and you will enjoy your life again. Serena: can you help show me around when you are not busy, I could do with some company before I make my own friends. Me: sure, I would love that. She raised her glass to make a toast then looked at her mum as if she was suggesting she do the same and she raised her glass too. I followed suit when her eyes shifted to mine and afforded a not so sure smile not knowing what we were really toasting to.. Serena: to the beginning of a beautiful friendship and possibly something more.. I was tempted to laugh but I did not. I thought I had met weird in Rhoda but this one was actually very weird. She seemed like the type of women who got what they want then they want it. Serena looked very sweet on the outside but I could tell she was something else on the inside.... Elsewhere.. They all froze in their tracks with Willis too tired to stand straight and Jabali couldn't let him go either. The officer's gun was still in their face and Buggy had both his hands up as if he was surrendering for both of them. Jabali: we need to get him to the hospital... The officer tried to reach for his radio call but even before he spoke a word a gun blew his head and blood splashed on Jabali's and Willi's faces and when the officer dropped in front of them, they saw Patrick. Patrick: come on... He said getting inside the lift and taking Willi's other arm and hanging it on his shoulder. Buggy got out scanning the surrounding with his eyes ready to kill whoever came their way. Jabali: how are you even here? Jabali asked as the dragged Willis who couldn't walk on his own.. Patrick: I decided to follow you guys after realizing I was being a coward by not helping out. They got to the car and as soon as they got Willis in the car and was about to jump in, the officers who were running from inside the building shot at them. Patrick and Buggy tried to hold them off as Jabali got in the drivers seat and took the wheel. He shot at two officers then shot the tyre to their car and drove off with Buggy catching up with the car and diving in. Jabali was a good driver and he could drive in intense situations like the one they were in. Jabali: hang there Willis we will find a hospital. Willis: no hospital. Buggy: you will die. We can't treat this s**t on our own. Willis: the attack will be all over the news by morning and they will know I was there. Patrick: would you rather you die, should we call your wife? Willis: no. Don't call my wife she will panic. Jabali take me to the apartment we can figure this out from there. He said in between his breath. Jabali: we can't figure out s**t from there. You die on us and we are left answering questions. We are taking you to the hospital and you better be working on a cover story because I'm not getting arrested. There was silence as Jabali drove around trying to find a hospital hoping they would get a doctor at that time. It was late say around 11:00pm... Serena and Maggy got home a few minutes after 11:00pm. The dinner went on just fine but they had to go home slightly rarlier as Maggy complained that she was habing a bad headache. Serena took off her heels she threw herself on the sofa and made a loud sigh. Serena: why didn't you tell me that Owen is so cute? Maggy: all guys cannot be cute all at once. You need to identify one and pursue a relationship with them otherwise you would be jumping from one man to another. She said dropping hee purse on the table and sitting on the opposite side.. Serena: which is not a bad thing right? Maggy: it is. She said switching on the TV but lowering the volume as she flipped through the channels. Serena: mum, you might not be in the know but nowadays no girl dates one man. You need to have back up just in case you get dumped, besides cute does not necessarily mean cashed. Money talks.. Maggy: your father is rich, you have been rolling on money all your life Serena and I've taught you to be an independent woman. You don't really need a mans money. People don't marry for money Serena you marry for love so that in case the money is no longer there, the love will be intact. Serena: says the woman who rolls in money and gets whatever she wants from expensive shoes, car, hair, bags.. Maggy: yes, and even without getting all that from your father, i can Still survive. Serena: i noticed you were not okay at Owen's place, i also know you are worried about dad mum, are you two having problems? Maggy: what makes you think that? Serena: I know you mum and I know you are not okay. You haven't been for a while.. Maggy: we are not having problems. I just thought coming back home would feel a bit different and we would have him home a little more often. Serena: it will be okay. He was also used to living alone so it will take him a little more time to adjust to us being around. Maggy: are you going to wait up for him, I'm tired and I need to catch some sleep. Serena: I will wait a few more minutes, you can go and rest.. Maggy left for her bedroom and Serena lay on the couch scrolling through her phone... Jabali drove into a hospital in a ery high speed and the moment the car stopped, they all tuck in their guns and got out of the car. Jabali signaled the nurses who quickly found a stretcher and rushed towards them... The boys helped Willis to the stretcher and quickly follow the nurses inside. Jabali: is the doctor around? Nurse: yes. Jabali: good. He followed the nurse to the emergency room as the other nurse came rushing in with the doctor. Patrick and Buggy remained at the reception just in case of anything. The receptionist was not there as it was late in the night so the nurses did most of the paper works at night. Doctor : what happened to him? Jabali: he is my boss and we have been attacked by robbers. Doctors: I can't treat a patient with a bullet wound without being accompanied by a police officer.. Jabali: we didn't have tome to call the police.. you need to save his life.. Doctor: i will, but i need to infirm the police first, please wait outside as we take care of him. Jabali: no. I will wait right here. Doctor: its against the hospital.... He did not finish that sentence.. Jabali jumped in.. Jabali: it's against the hospital policy I know.. He said chucking a gun from behind. Jabali : are you going to do your work or do you need motivation? The doctor stepped back in shock as Jabali pointed the gun to his face. The nurses got scared too but Jabali promised he was not going to kill anyone unless they gave him a reason to. The doctor got to his work, he checked how deep the bullet had gone and stuff but he said it was all good because there was no internal bleeding and the bullets did not interfere with any of the organs thanks to the fat in his stomach and that was revealed after an ex ray machine went over him. The doctor was nervous but he did his job just fine. He stuck his finger inside the stomach and pulled out the first bullet then dug in again and pulled out the other. He then treated the wounded area, stitched it then placed gauze round his stomach. Doctor: he will be okay. He said with a relieved look on his face as Jabali lowered his gun. He asked the nurses to get some medication he had written down then took a piece of paper and wrote another prescription. Doctor: we don't have this here but you can get it from a pharmacy. Jabali: thanks. He reached for his wallet and pulled out some money and handed it to him without inquiring how much the entire life saving process caused. Jabali: that's for the trouble and for keeping your mouth shut. The nurse came back with the medication and handed Willis some pills to take immediately and he did before they left... A few minutes to midnight I got a text from a strange number thanking me for dinner and I knew immediately it was Serena. I said a quick thanks then received an incoming call from Rhoda. Rhoda: are you asleep yet? Me: no. Not yet.. Rhoda:why not? Me: uumh, because I'm cold and a bit lonely. She laughed and told me to use two blankets. Rhoda: the dinner went well? Me: it did. You should have been here. Rhoda: maybe next time. Me: your meeting? Rhoda: it was okay. The wedding is set for tomorrow. Me: who weds on a Friday? Rhoda: its just a day like Saturday or Sunday. Would you love to come for the wedding? Me: naaah, I'm not into those things. Rhoda: not even if I need a ride? I was silent for a moment as I heard tones of texts get through my phone. Rhoda: pleeease! She begged and I could tell that she really wanted me to accompany her to the wedding. Me: okay fine. I will come with you to the wedding but just as your ride. Rhoda: yes! Thanks.... Another moment of silence... Rhoda: can I ask you something? Me: yes. Rhoda: why did you break up with her? I took a deep breath then cleared my throat. Me: can I answer that tomorrow? Rhoda: sure, you can..I will wait. I said good night then checked the messages and they were still from Serena. She was asking if we could go out the following day and the truth is I wasn't sure if I wanted to be seen around with Willi's daughter and I wasn't sure if I wanted anything to do with her either so i didn't respond to any of those questions... Elsewhere... Marks house... Baby, what are your plans now that Gerald is dead. Have you quit working for him? Lilly asked after putting the baby to sleep and walking to the bed. Mark was already tucked in and was on his laptop doing a few things. Mark: I will not be working as a cleaner anymore but I will be helping out Owen. His father wanted him to run the company after he died and I need to train him. Lilly: train him. Mark: there are stuff he should know about the company but besides that, he should be able to handle himself well. People now knows he wants to take after his father and they will start coming after him. He needs to know how to protect himself.. Lilly: you are indeed an Angel and the reason why I love you, is because you put yourself above others. He smiled and put the laptop away then grabbed her and pulled her to him and locked her inside his arms and kissed her neck. Mark: I love you too Lilly and I promise that when all these is done, it will be you and I in our little paradise. Lilly: you think so? Mark: I know so.. Lilly: poor thing, how does one deal with death of both parents at once? Mark: Owen is a strong boy. He will sail through. I will make sure he does... The following morning I woke up to yet another news in the morning of an attack at the GnW company. This wasn't us this time so it had to be someone who had an interest and an agenda like Willis or maybe not. I saw the look on his face when he felt the threat of the company being handed to someone else and even though the reporters were not really clear on what took place, they only had a body count of around eight police officers and after the bodies were taken away, the head of the police gave a statement ordering the company's shut down until proper investigation was carried out.. I lowered the volume to the TV when I got a call from Robert who must have been watching the same because he asked if I had seen what was going on and after we spoke for a while we agreed to see each other later that evening... "I don't think its him" Robert said to the Oscar guy as he handed him coffee. Oscar: we managed to get the fingers, we didn't know which is which so we cut both but we couldn't get access to Gerald's office. Robert: wait, you got the fingers? Oscar: yes. But it turns out they are all useless. Gerald's office was not accessible through his fingers. Robert: when did you do that and why wasn't I involved? Oscar: we had to act fast. You were taking your time to convince that boy yet time is not on our side. Robert: I said I'd handle him. Oscar: your word is not enough. I want actions Robert. I approached you because I knew you are the one who can get really close to him. Robert: the killings of the two officers that happened the night before, was that you? Oscar: no. I've got people on the inside so I didn't need to kill anyone to know Gerald's fingers do not open the damn door. Robert: you have people on the inside, so what do you need me for? Oscar: I need you to destroy Owen possibly even kill him. Just not now... You try to warn him or do anything stupid, I will kill you. Robert, I work with whoever I want as long as I get the results I'm looking for.. You get in the way of that, I will put a bullet in your head. Do we understand each other Robert? Robert: loud and clear! He walked out and banged the door behind him.. In the village... Rosemary had her husband buried and on the same day she decided to ship back the children her husband left to their families so that she could not be burdened by taking care of them yet she had no money or means to feed them. When Mpasi took in Rosemary, he had a child from a previous relationship but the kid died after like two years. Rosemary never had a kid for him but Mpasi took in some of his relatives kids and lived with them. He paid their school fees and took care of them. Mpasi was not very rich but the money he got from his killings and his dangerous type of life he took care of the children who loved him so much compared to their families.. When the children were leaving they cried and so did Rosemary who had gotten so fond of them thought she had to do it. Makaveli was by her side through out and he was somehow making it known to her that he liked her. He helped her do stuff and when the burial was done, Sankara and his guys had a short meeting with her. Sankara: now that mpasi has been laid to rest, we are here to support you. Mpasi was like our brother and we owe it to him. Rosemary bit her lower lip to try and prevent tears from falling. Sankara handed her some money tied in a band and makaveli put his hand on top of hers. Makaveli: once again, we are sorry for your loss.. Rosemary nodded then watched them get up and leave.... Willis' home... Maggy realised Willis never got home and after talking to Serena and confirming the same, she decided to give him a call away from Serena because she didn't want to give her the impression that they were fighting or something. Willis: hi hun, He said trying to sound as normal as possible. Maggy: where are you? She skipped the greetings but sounded as calm as she could. Willis: I never told you but I had to travel abruptly to the new branch and get a few things in order. Maggy: and you didn't even think of calling and telling me? Willis: my phone had no charge and the room I got had very crappy sockets. I had to take my phone to the receptionist to have it charged. I just got it back. Maggy: okay, are you coming back today, tomorrow is Gerald's burial. Willis: yes. I will be home in the evening. Everything about the burial is set. Maggy hanged up without saying another word and Willis threw the phone on the table. Willis: s**t! that thing hurts, can't you be a little gentle? Jabali: its not exactly enticing to look at another mans chest. Would you rather you do it for yourself? He remained silent as Jabali took care of the wound. Jabali: if Patrick hadn't showed up and killed that cop we would have our faces all over news. That was a shitty plan you know. Willis: but you agreed to come with me anyway. Jabali looked up at him and ignored him as Buggy walked in. Buggy: what's the plan for tomorrow's funeral, are you just going to show up like this? Willis: I have to show up for the funeral or else people will ask a lot of questions. I hope these painkillers make me feel better by tomorrow... Elsewhere... The wedding was done and I had to wait for Rhoda to clear up everything before I had to drop her off at her place. I pulled over in front of the gate to their apartment then took a deep breath and leaned back on my seat.. Me: that was quite a hectic day. I said adjusting my seat and leaning back. Rhoda was staring.. Rhoda: you talk about hectic yet you just sat around lazily watching and doing nothing? Me: I still used my eyes to keep watch over you and it was tiring... Rhoda: so, are you going to tell me what happened? I turned and looked at her. Her dimples man, this babe was something else. I had seen beautiful in different versions, Della, Serena but Rhoda, I tried so hard to keep my hands to myself. The reason why I never messed up with Rhoda when she was working for us was because I respected her and I didn't want that rich boy, poor girl kinda stuff with us. I wanted her to find herself and find a man who would really be worth her. I knew she adored me and I had a thing for her too but some tales are better left untold. Me: why do you care so much about what happened with me and Della? Rhoda: I don't. I'm just trying to check if you are okay. Me: I'm fine. Rhoda: aha? She knew he was lying... Me: Della has been cheating on me with someone I never thought she would. Apart of me tells me its a good thing I found out but another thing makes me want to grab her by the neck and strangle her to death.. Rhoda: you still love her? Me: I don't know if I do. She stared for a while then unbuckled her seatbelt. Me: are you going already? Rhoda: yes. I have to get some sleep if at all I will make it to your parents burial. She mentioned that and it dawned in me that my parents were really dead and they were going to be buried the following day. Rhoda: I'm sorry about your parents Owen. I nodded then she told me thanks for the day and got out of the car. I didn't want to go back home and I didn't feel like I needed Roberts company as well since he would only ask me about the company. I couldn't call Della because the mare sight of her pissed me off so I decided to hit the club one more time and drown my sorrows from there. I got to the same club I had gone to the night the crazy woman stole from me and the bartender flashed a smile at me. Me: are you planning to drug me again and steal from me? Bartender: no. We don't drug people here. I asked for whisky, this time an entire bottle and she handed me a glass. Into my second drink I got a call from Robert and I ignored it. He was probably worried about where I was but I honesty couldn't care. What was this world without my mum, she was a pillar that had stood so strong in my life and just the thought of seeing her go down six feet the following day gave me chills. I drank the third and the fourth and just as I was about to start getting drunk I got a tap on my shoulder and when I turned, it was her. The person I was unlikely to see at least not there... Me: uuumh, Serena? Serena: surprised? I tried to open my eyes and get a clear vision of her. It was indeed her. She sat by the bar and ordered for a drink while I stared at her in disbelief. How the hell was she even here? Serena: you didn't respond to my texts... Me: aaah, that? I must have been busy with other things... Serena: you promised to show me around. Me: is that why you are following me around? Serena: you are being an ass. I needed to unwind and my mother told me this was one of the best clubs in towns. I didn't know you were going to be here and if my company pisses you off. I will find another table. Me: I'm sorry. Not that I meat it but I wasn't ready for drama. A call came through my phone and it was Rhoda. What did she want now? Me: you forgot to kiss me goodbye? Rhoda: cute...are you home yet? Me: nope, in a club. Rhoda: what are you doing in a club? Me: obviously drinking my pain away. Rhoda: which club are you in? Me: goodnight Rhoda. "Damn it. He forgot that he asked me to carry his house keys. Why is he even in a club?" Rhoda asked scrolling through her phone and calling Robert who picked on the last ring. Rhoda: hi Robert this is Rhoda. Robert: yes Rhoda, what's up? Rhoda: which club is Owen most likely to go to? Robert: why are you asking? Rhoda: I don't think drinking himself silly will do him any good given that he has a burial to attend tomorrow. Robert told her the name of the club and offered to meet up with her but she said she would handle it. Rhoda ended the call then rushed out to get cab to the club. Me: so, why are you drinking? Serena: do I need a reason to drink? Me: most people do. Maybe they have been dumped, or they have lost someone close to them, or maybe they just want to forget bad experiences. Serena: so what is your reason? Me: I got dumped. What's your reason? Serena: my dad. Me: what about your dad? Serena: I think he is hiding something from us and especially my mum. Do you think my father could be cheating on her, he never came home last night. There was this concerned look on her face. A genuine concern. Me: well.. You should know better not to meddle in your parents affairs. Don't make assumptions either. He might have his reasons of not coming home. As we were still talking, I heard my name from behind and I turned just to see Rhoda... Rhoda: enough drinking. We are leaving. Serena: and who are you, his wife? Rhoda ignored her and grabbed my arm and Serena grabbed the other as she got off the high seat. Serena: he is not going anywhere. You dump him then you come grabbing him like you are not the reason he is drinking in the first place?.. Rhoda: who are you again?.. Serena: the new owner of the man whose arm you are holding. Me: easy ladies. What's going on really. I can find my way home you know. Rhoda gave me a stern look and I surrendered myself to her but just as we were about to leave, Serena walked up to us and pushed Rhoda aside and slapped her across the face. When Rhoda saw that she grabbed Serena by the hair and a fight broke between the two. This was going to be an interesting night......
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