Chapter 10

701 Words
Evangeline's P.O.V After getting dressed in a simple red sundress, I headed out for the orphanage as fast as I could and careful enough not to wake my parents up. They're still sleeping as it's still early but Anna told me yesterday to come early henceforth, I'm rushing so that she could get some help and assistance. "Good morning, Eva. Why are you going so early today?" Rico greeted me as he opened the door for me. "Well, there are guests coming up today at the orphanage so I need to be there for Anna. She's all alone." I answered buckling myself up, ignoring the constant tapping of my fingers on my phone screen due to the anxiety of thinking of the possible mistakes I could make in front of the guests. Arriving at the orphanage, I proceeded inside and greeted the energetic kids that were already up and playing in the main room. After checking up on the kids, I went to the kitchen to see Anna preparing the snacks. "Hey, need any help?" I questioned her as I watched her stacking up the sandwiches. "No, I'm good, don't worry but did you check up on the kids. I just hope they're not making any mess" she exclaimed, as she washed her hands on the sink. " Yeah, I just checked up on them and don't worry they're not making any mess" I answered, making her sigh in relief. " By the way, when are the guests coming?" I questioned her. " They should be here any moment," she answered, making my anxiety that was tamed a while ago rise up. "I'm really nervous, Anna. I just really hope they are happy with the improvements here" I added, fidgeting with my fingers. " Yeah, same he..." She answered when she suddenly jumped upon hearing the engine of a car outside. "They're here!" She exclaimed, wringing her hands nervously while I stood besides the counter like a statue not knowing what to do. Seeing Anna panicking made me realize even more how important it is for her and for the kids. "Listen, I'm gonna receive them and you go, stay with the kids and tame them, ok?" She explained, grabbing me by my shoulders as she rushed out of the kitchen almost tripping while I dashed towards the kids only to find them running all around the room, giggling and screaming. I stood dumbfounded for a second as I watched them wondering how to make them behave when I was pretty sure that they probably won't even hear me over their loud commotion. "Kids, kids, please stop. The guests are here" I spoke out, breaking the two small boys that are fighting over a car, while the girls are still running with dolls on their hands. "Kids, listen please" I spoke out but they seemed not to hear me or pretend not to hear me. These kids are smart. They know all too well that I'm too soft when it comes to them so that's why maybe they're not even scared of me like they are of Anna. As I tried my best to make them calm down, Anna came and immediately shut all the kids. "Won't you guys greet our guests?" She questioned the kids making my heart almost drop down to the floor. What the? He's the one who had been donating for the kids? There stood Mr. Valentino, the man who has been on my mind since the event night. The man who looks so dangerous and mysterious at the same time, especially those dark brown eyes of his that are really captivating but yet shows no emotions. There's something about him that I really desire to explore despite knowing that I'll probably end up ruining myself but I know better than to associate myself with him, seeing how he and my father interacted with one another that night. I'm pretty sure that there's more than the eye meets. It will be wise to stay away from him as much as possible but the problem is that will I be able to resist his charms that's slowly making me have a crush on him like a teenage girl?
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