Chapter 8

757 Words
Evangeline's P.O.V As I helped Anna to clean the entire house for tomorrow, Angela, one of the kids here, came bouncing to my direction with my phone at her hand. "Someone called you" she spoke as she handed me the phone which they were playing games on a while ago. Taking my phone from her, I saw my father's caller id flashing on the screen. "Yes, dad?" I answered with a smile on my face. "Hello princess" he greeted back with the same energy. "How's things going there? Having fun?" he questioned, while me on the other hand can't help to control myself from bursting about how happy and excited I am for tomorrow. "Yes, dad. I'm really enjoying lending a hand here. And dad, I think I would be coming home late tonight." I answered with uncertainty. "Why, Eva?" he questioned, with his voice laced with worry. "Dad, umm we will be having guests coming tomorrow so Anna really needs someone to help her with cleaning and other preparations, since her grandma is not here." I explained calmly, praying silently that my father wouldn't object to it, knowing all too well that he has been really stressed out about me and about my safety lately. Waiting for his response, I started to mentally prepare myself to hear him object and say no when he let out a sigh. "Ok, Eva. But please take care of yourself. You're old enough now and are capable of making choices of your own, but please be careful and watch out for trouble." he answered, making my heart leap with excitement but also wonder what happened to him suddenly. "I really want you to grow to be an independent woman, but sadly, the situation was so overwhelming that I can't even let you out of my sight even for a second because I was too scared to let any harm come to you. I'm so sorry that you didn't get to spend your childhood like any other kids" he added and I can clearly tell that he's feeling guilty but no words came out of my mouth to comfort him since after all, it was true. I had to spend my entire childhood indoors, I never got to taste freedom to roam to the parks by myself or hang out with friends or even go to school as I was homeschooled. I never got an opportunity to be free or make new friends as I always had bodyguards tailing behind me making me look like a brat to everyone, hence they never tried to be friends or associate with me, which is really so traumatizing and heartbreaking for a kid, who wants nothing but a little pinch of freedom. If I only knew that being the only daughter of a billionaire is a complete torture, I would have traded it with a simple life, if only that was possible. "I'm sorry, my dear. Enjoy and take care, ok?" my dad spoke out bringing me out of my daze and again, I couldn't say anything so I just waited for him to hang up. After my phone call with my father, my mood didn't stay the same, but thanks to the kids who understood that I was feeling down so they tried to lift up my mood, which is really so sweet of them. Time flew fast and the sun already sunk down and cleaning the orphanage was almost done. My body was already itching to get shower but I couldn't just leave Anna to do all the remaining chores all by herself. We already had the catering services for tomorrow done, so worrying about the food was not a problem anymore. As we finished all the work, all the kids had already had their dinner and were already asleep. "It's really late, Eva. You should go home. I'm so sorry for the trouble" Anna spoke out sitting beside me on the sofa, which reminded me that Ricardo is probably waiting outside to pick me up. "Don't be silly, Anna. I'm really glad that I can be any help. You know how much I love being around with the kids" I answered, getting up to take leave but not before hugging Anna, too ecstatic about coming back again tomorrow and a heavy feeling of hope for everything to go smoothly. After all, it's a big day for the kids as if the guests tomorrow are satisfied with the facilities that the kids are getting they may donate some finance for the kids.
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