Chapter 4

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  Abram P.O.V "Guess what I had just found out" Nicholas rejoiced while barging inside my office almost jumping with excitement, making Sebestian and Zach roll their eyes, not in the mood for his useless blabbering and went back on working on their laptops. "Come on man. You guys are really so disrespectful. Can't you at least show some interest?" he exclaimed, as he plopped himself at the chair in front of my desk along with the other two. "What is it, Nich?" Sebestian questioned lifting his head up from his laptop to look at Nicholas with an irritated expression plastered on his face. "Rossi would be coming to the event tonight" he responded, still smiling from ear to ear making all three of us look at him weirdly. "I don't really know what type of drugs you're taking, mate but have you forgotten already what he did?" Zach questioned him looking sideways in my direction as if waiting for me to snap at Nicholas. Zach, Sebestian and Nicholas are my buddies. We had been with each other through every thick and thin. They know every single sh*t I went through that no one knows as everyone only sees the arrogant billionaire that every company wishes to take down and whom every man envy. But they do not know the struggles I overcame just to get where I am now. But I have learnt that it's how life is. They only see the success, but not the struggle behind it. "Of course I haven't forgotten what he did. How can I?" Nicholas responded looking at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, man" he muttered letting out a sigh when a smile brightened up his face, again. "By the way, as I was saying Rossi will attend the event tonight and you know what the exciting part is? He will be bringing along his daughter!" he exclaimed like a kid on the day of christmas. Upon hearing his words, Sebestian's eyes widened and Zack's mouth almost fell open, while I found no words to say. " What game is he trying to play this time?" I questioned leaning back to my chair letting my thoughts wander away. "I heard that he wants to introduce his daughter to our world" Nicholas added, breaking me out of my daze. "I don't think that's the real reason. He's not a fool to do such a thing. He knows all too well that once she entered our world there's no turning back" Sebestian spoke, making me agree with him. "Plus, how can he forget their sacrifices? The extent they went just to make sure she is safe?" Zach added. "Whatever it is, I will make sure he does not get away this time" I replied, getting up from my chair to leave for my penthouse to get ready for the event we were invited to. **** As I stood at the bar section drinking some alcohol, a girl wearing a simple but elegant nude color dress sitting far in the corner of the room caught my eye. Her long hair cascades behind her back while her doe-like eyes roam around the mahogany hall studying every face present. It's vivid that it's her first time to attend such events. No wonder, her face is so foreign to me. Studying her intently, from her glossy eyes frantically moving from left to right to her biting her lips anxiously when all of a sudden my gaze fell to the person sitting beside her. It was him. Rossi. God, please don't tell me she's his daughter. Please. I prayed silently when Zach joined me, following where my gaze is. "She's the one" he mumbled taking a sip from his glass also staring at her. "She looks beautiful and so innocent" he added, making me scoff loudly at his words. "I wouldn't be surprised if she's just putting a facade on. After all, she's his blood. But I must say, he trained her well." I exclaimed immediately, feeling disgusted to look at the face once I thought that looked angelic. "But what if she's not like her father?" Zach questioned making me really think about it. "I don't care whether she's like them or not but there's one thing for sure. I would take my revenge even if it means, me using her, as a bait." I replied, watching Alex tenderly and lovingly looking at his only daughter. How foolish of him to reveal his weakness despite knowing what happens to the person whom you really care and adore in our world. "It's time to get into action, I guess" I said ignoring Zach's face that was laced in disbelief. "Are you seriously gonna drag an innocent soul to this?" he questioned, waiting eagerly for my response which I got no words to put it. But, am I really going to corrupt an innocent soul and drag her into this just to satisfy the beast in me? I guess only the time can tell it.
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