Chapter 15 . White Lilly

1397 Words

Chapter 15 | White Lilly It was a white Lilly. She placed the white lily in a glass with water in it. Tossing her bag at the end of the couch she settled on the other end with the note in hand. 'You must think I'm weird for giving you another note, which maybe true to some extent. I didn't want to do it, trust me, but I couldn't help it.'              - you know who :) What kind of note was that? It did not make any sense to her, if he did not want to stick that note on her wall then why the hell did he do it? He couldn't help what? She was confused and tired, she had worked a lot and it was only her second day today. Three more days until weekend arrived when she could sleep and laze around all day without an annoying boss looming over her and nagging her about work. She could al

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