Lean Against Each Other

1355 Words
"Apologize?" That was probably the funniest joke that Eudora George had heard all her life. "Felix Meyer, are you crazy? He wants me to apologize to him for what he did to me?" Felix was unfazed by her outburst. "What else do you want? You'd already ruined the Amos Granger's project last month. Do you want to ruin this project too? I worked so hard to arrange it for you!" Arranged? Eudora looked at Felix in shock. She vaguely recalled her conversation with her assistant that day. He had mentioned that the client was not recently scouted by their department but was an old client who decided to engage their services again. Why would such a good project fall into their hands so easily? Eudora came to a shocking realization. She turned to look at Felix and clenched her teeth. "You knew this all along, didn't you? These were all planned by you! You knew what kind of person Franco Horace is and you deliberately arranged for us to meet at the hotel. Were you trying to exchange me for your project!?" Felix realized that his plans had been exposed, and he didn't even bother covering it up. "So? I initially wanted to send you off for a better offer. But you refused Amos Granger - that I cannot force you. Franco Horace is still a decent deal. But of course, you just had to go and screw it up." Eudora was so angry her entire body trembled. She raised her hand and gave Felix a hard slap, "Felix Meyer, you really are an animal!" When she tried to slap him again, Felix suddenly grabbed her wrist. He gnashed his teeth and said, "Eudora, stop being so shameless! You're no longer someone whom Amos Granger wants. Do you think I'll still be scared of you? This is the last time I'm going to ask you. Are you going to apologize or not?" "No!" Eudora fiercely shook off Felix's hand and turned around to leave. The door was unexpectedly pushed open from the other side before she could turn the handle. Kesha George stood at the door with a mischievous look on her face. Judging from her expression, she seemed to have been standing there for quite some time. When she saw Eudora, she smiled slightly. "Sister, are you and brother-in-law quarreling again?" "Piss off!" Eudora couldn't be bothered to pay any attention to her. Kesha giggled playfully as she tried to block Eudora's exit from the office. "Sister, is there a need to always end up in arguments? Brother-in-law is so kind to you, why do you always have to make him angry?" She glanced at Felix seductively. "Brother-in-law, why are you still standing there? My sister is about to leave. Are you not going to make her stay?" Felix snapped back to his senses and went forward to pull Eudora back. Kesha took the opportunity to close the door behind her. Eudora looked at Kesha coldly. "Do you know what you're doing? I know what you're thinking, but aren't you afraid that this kind of thing will happen to you too in the future?" Kesha reacted in a puzzled manner, pretending to not understand her sister's implicit message. "Sister, I don't understand what you're saying. Didn't you offend the client? It's only natural for you to apologize if you had done something wrong! What would the people in the company think if they heard that you're making such a big fuss?" Eudora sneered, "If you're so concerned, why don't you go instead?" The commotion in the room attracted the attention of a few of the staff in the office. Seeing Eudora vehemently refusing to comply with his wishes, he picked up a vase from the shelf and smashed it onto Eudora's head. Before Eudora had time to dodge, the vase landed on her head and broke into pieces. She fainted at the impact. Kesha was scared out of her wits and ran into Felix's arms. "Brother-in-law..." Kesha wore a long tight dress, revealing her cleavage. Her ample bosoms rubbed against Felix's chest, fueling the desire in him. Kesha blushed when Felix turned to look at her. He started flirting with her, "Your sister is just too stubborn. She's not as gentle as you." "Brother-in-law..." Kesha whispered softly as the two of them hugged closer. Her head hurts... Eudora George groaned. Her head felt it was splitting. She tried to lift her hand to touch her wounded head, only to find out that she was tied up. She couldn't move at all. Eudora's heart started beating wildly as she glanced around her surroundings. She was tied up on a bed. The room was very dark and she could vaguely see that there were iron chains and whips around her. Eudora recalled the last moment before she passed out. Felix Meyer and Kesha George! Eudora clenched her teeth. "How could they treat me like this?" Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door being pushed open from the other side. The room lit up dimly with a click. Franco Horace stepped into the room. Eudora winced at the sight of the man's disgusting and perverted face. "Hey beautiful, I bet you didn't expect that at all, did you? Alas, you've come back to me." Eudora's entire body trembled. "Where am I?" "Welcome to my playground!" Franco walked in slowly, taking off his clothes as he walked. "Don't worry, nobody will disturb us today." Eudora was horrified. "What are you doing?" "Well, I'm feeling a little adventurous!" He picked up a whip from the shelf and inched closer to Eudora. Eudora tried struggling to no avail at Franco's approaching figure. Her hands and feet were bound and she couldn't move. She could only use the strength of her body to move back as fast as she could. "Sweetheart, don't be afraid. I promise I'll be gentle!" Franco snickered, the three scars on his face became more prominent under the dim lights. He grabbed Eudora's foot and forcefully pulled her towards him. Franco began to tear Eudora's clothes away. But because her hands and feet were tied up, he struggled to remove the clothes from her body. Eudora's entire body trembled. Taking advantage of the time when Franco was distracted, she kicked his groin. Franco felt the pain and immediately covered his crotch with his hands as if that would quickly ease the pain. "B*tch, you're already mine, why are you still so stubborn! I ought to teach you a lesson!" Franco grabbed that whip next to the bed and lashed it ruthlessly at her. Eudora couldn't dodge the attacks and every whip felt like daggers cutting through her body. She was whipped everywhere. Her face, her legs, her back, her entire body. Eudora could feel her energy draining as she persevered through each hit. After seemed like the longest time, Franco finally stopped and threw the whip aside. He panted and struggled to catch his breath. "Let's play something even more fun!" Franco lifted himself onto the bed. Eudora had nowhere else to move to and was forced to the edge of the bed. She watched Franco lift up his foot and step on her hands. Franco is a big fat man weighing at least one hundred kilograms. With one foot on Eudora's leg, he slowly placed his other foot on her arm. Eudora groaned in pain. Franco's eyes lit up, her cries somehow unlocking an inner desire in him. "That's it. Make that sound again." Eudora didn't expect that her painful groans would fuel Franco's perverse mind. She clenched her teeth tightly and shook her head at Franco, unwilling to give in to his wishes. Franco's face darkened and he stomped even harder. "B*tch, did you hear what I said?" No matter what, Eudora refused to give in. Her stubbornness angered Franco. He positioned himself above Eudora's body and dropped his whole weight on her. He clenched his teeth and glared at Eudora. "B*tch, since you don't know how to cherish your blessings, then I'm not going to be so nice to you anymore!"
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