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In the night club. Eudora George massaged her aching temples as she pushed the door open. It was going to be another long night. She wasn't sure how long more it was going to take for the client to finally come to an agreement. It had been more than a month since Eudora made the deal with her husband. Felix Meyer had allowed her to work in the company since. Felix had arranged Eudora to work as the manager of the business development department. While it sounded good on paper, she was the only hard-worker in the team. Every project required her to deal with the client personally, and she often needed to entertain them till late at night. But Eudora didn't mind it at all. If spending more time securing projects meant that she could get rid of Felix and the Meyer family quicker, she would gladly do it. Eudora splashed some water on her face and refreshed herself. She then stepped out of the bathroom. When she reached the entrance of the private room, she noticed a scantily-clad lanky woman leaning against a man's body. The man turned out to be Felix. Eudora had gotten used to it. Ever since she started working, she discovered that the things she had found out earlier about Felix were just the tip of the iceberg. He had done way more and Eudora had no intention on finding out more. When she was about to walk towards the couple, the woman suddenly tripped and fell towards Eudora. Fortunately Eudora was quick enough to step aside and avoid the woman from falling onto her. Eudora looked at the woman pitifully. She wore heels as high as sky, her butt almost sticking out because of the skirt she wore was too tight and short. She fell on the ground, but Felix didn't even bother to help her up. After picking herself up, she turned to Eudora in embarrassment and started to vent her anger at her. "Are you blind! You bumped into me! Felix, look. My feet are all bruised now." Eudora was amused by her antics. "Miss, I hope you're joking. You were the one who bumped into me and lost your own balance." The woman was going to say another word when she was interrupted by the door opening behind her. Eudora's assistant came out and saw Felix. He greeted him politely, "Young Master Meyer, are you here to visit Young Madam?" The woman was stunned and her eyes darted back and forth between Felix and Eudora. People like her tend to have very good observational skills, and when she noticed that Felix did not acknowledge Eudora, she became even bolder. "Oh, are you the good-for-nothing housewife that Felix often told me about? Why are you still doing outside instead of helping Felix entertain the clients inside?" The assistant frowned. "Lady, what are you talking about?" Eudora raised her hand to stop her assistant from speaking further. "You can go back in first. I'll take care of this." After her assistant left, Eudora looked coldly at the arrogant woman standing in front of her. "I didn't know mistresses nowadays are so bold." "You..." The woman clenched her teeth. "Well, at least I'm better off being a mistress than a lowly wife like you. At least Felix still loves and cares for me, but what about you? You're still out here in the middle of the night to entertain your husband's clients to earn us more money. Thank you for your hard work." Pa! Eudora slapped the woman hard. "This slap is to teach you a lesson to behave yourself. If you don't know how to talk then just keep your mouth shut. If you're saying that I'm the one earning money here, are you insinuating that Felix is just a good-for-nothing who only knows how to spend his woman's money?" Felix's face turned pale. The woman was shocked by Eudora's remarks and quickly explained to the man standing next to her. "Felix, she's purposely twisting my words! I didn't mean that at all!" Felix took a deep breath. "I know you don't mean it that way. But she's right when she said that you spoke without thinking carefully. You should apologise." The woman saw that Felix Meyer didn't seem to be very angry, so she pleaded coyly to him. "I don't want to apologize, Felix. I don't want to." "Apologize!" Felix suddenly snapped at her. The woman's hand trembled and she knew that she crossed the line. She immediately bowed to Eudora George, "I'm sorry." Eudora's lips turned into a smirk. "It doesn't matter to me how much you want play outside, but you should at least have some standards if you know what I mean. This kind of woman will only cause you trouble in the future." Eudora turned around and entered the room. The woman glared fiercely at Eudora's retreating back and turned around to Felix. "Felix, my leg hurts so much. I don't care, you have got to do something about her." Felix took a small step back and leaned on the wall. A look of disgust flashed across his eyes. He could feel his blood boil when he thought of Eudora's condescending attitude towards him earlier. She was just a lowly woman. How daring of her to think she could belittle him just because she had been out working for a while now. "Felix..." "Yes, I will!" Felix said coldly. The woman hugged Felix's arm with joy. "I know, Felix, you're the best to me." Upon hearing this, Felix sneered, "Really? Would you listen to me to what I say then?" "Of course I will listen to you. I'm willing to do anything you want me to do!" "Then I am telling you to get lost now!" Felix said lightly. The woman was stunned for a moment before she laughed awkwardly. "What are you talking about?" "Get lost!" he yelled. The woman trembled at his temper, not knowing what to do. Felix impatiently pushed her hands away from him and turned around to leave. ...... Eudora did not have enough rest as she worked till very late last night. Her head started throbbing the next morning. Her assistant brought her a cup of coffee and said with a smile, "Manager George, the project last night has been approved. We have another client today and we have an appointment at the Rosaville City Hotel later in the afternoon." "Where did this client come from?" Eudora questioned in suspicion. "Oh! We used to deal with this client a long time ago, but it has been two years since we had a project together. This time they finally came back to us, and if we are able to successfully secure this project, we should be able to bring in quite a sum." True. There were no reason to reject good business. When they were about to leave the building to meet the client in the afternoon, the assistant's phone suddenly rang. "Manager George, our client from last night said that there were some issues with our agreement. He's requesting us to take care of it immediately. But if we leave now, what shall we do about the client here?" Eudora frowned, "In that case I'll leave the agreement to you to take care of. I'll stay and meet this client." "Are..." The assistant was a little hesitant. "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure! It's still broad daylight and we're meeting in public, I will be fine. Go, make sure you take care of the issue well." The assistant left. Eudora got on the car and drove towards Rosaville City Hotel. After entering the room, Eudora realised that the client came alone too. She felt a nagging suspicion. On the other side of the room, the client seemed decent apart from his bad taste in fashion. He was literally clad in golden shining clothes. Of course, that has nothing to do with the project at all. Eudora took out her files and started explaining. "President Horace, our company's real estate..." "There's no need to rush!" President Horace said with a smile. "You came all the way here, and you didn't even catch a breather yet! Here, have a sip of water first." Eudora really wanted this to end as soon as possible, so she took the glass and drank it all up. Then she continued to say, "This area is near to the Rosaville City's riverside and the location is very strategic..." She paused and suddenly felt a little dizzy. "What's wrong?" President Horace asked. Eudora shook her head, but for some reason, her body began to feel hot. President Horace suddenly sneered when he saw her struggle. "Do you feel a little hot? And you have no strength at all?" Eudora's heart skipped a beat as she looked at the empty glass. "What did you add to the drink?"
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