A Good Sleep

1221 Words

Eudora and Amos reached Clearwater Bay half an hour later. Just like the Grangers' old mansion, their house in Clearwater Bay was also decorated with new furniture. They were all cleaned and polished carefully, especially the ones Eudora had chosen before. The whole room seemed to be filled with warmth. This was the bridal chamber that she wanted! Eudora looked around with joy, and the two little children followed behind, laughing happily. Amos knew that they would like it here, thus he said. "If you don't want to go back to the old mansion, we could all just live here. I'll arrange for people to take care of the house there!" "Okay!" Eudora kissed Amos' cheek without hesitation, and her eyes were narrowed into crescents from smiling. Wesley, who had been standing aside, decided to

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