Cultivate Feelings

1367 Words

In the evening, Richard said that he would take care of Nelson, therefore Naomi slept in the next room. However, in the middle of the night, Richard heard Nelson's groans again, probably due to his wound beginning to hurt, and he could not stand the pain. Richard was so anxious that he had no idea what to do. "Mr. Luther, where do you feel the pain?" However, Nelson had already passed out, so how could he reply to Richard's question? Naomi pushed the door open and entered. At a glance, she saw Nelson's forehead covered in sweat. She hurriedly went to touch his forehead and said, "It's alright, he doesn't have a fever. This should be happening because the painkiller has worn off, therefore he's in pain. Bring the painkillers over!" Richard shouted in assent and hurriedly brought the p

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