1267 Words

Cooper was sitting there waiting for an answer. But I really didn’t know what to tell him. “You know what, I really have no idea what Blaze has to do with this.” I said. “He’s been in those secret meetings with my dad.” Cooper said. “Yeah. And Nolan said that Blaze had done something really bad to him and that hurting me was going to be his packback. I have no idea what the hell that meant. Why would hurting me be his payback?” I asked. I had to act completely innocent here. Like I didn’t know why I had been brought into this whole situation. I felt really guilty about lying to Cooper, but he seemed to buy it. I was just as confused as him about the whole situation. I just knew a little more than he did, that was the only difference. But I had no idea what Blaze had done to Nolan

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