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As I stood frozen to the spot, I saw Blaze relax after the initial shock as he was reaching for the towel and he got a wry smile on his face. “See something you like?” He asked. I felt the heat creeping into my cheeks and I quickly turned around and closed the door behind me and rushed back to Sophie’s room and closed the door. “Are you alright?” She asked. “Yeah. I’m fine.” I said, leaning against the door without moving. Trying to calm myself down, but I knew that I couldn’t fool her. She knew something was up, but there was no way in hell I was going to tell her what just happened. I listened by the door for a couple of minutes while Sophie kept doing what she was doing and I was trying to listen for Blaze to come to the bedroom but the music was too loud. If he walked near the room, I didn’t hear him. But he didn’t try to open the door which I was relieved about. It took a little while for me to get my complete composure back and I tried to get back to doing what we were doing. I sat on the floor with the music still blasting and I was trying to concentrate on the assignment. But it was getting more and more difficult. I had to do something to get my mind off of it, so I threw the book on the ground and started going through Sophie’s wardrobe. “What are you doing?” She asked. “Wanna go out?” I asked. “Seriously? You’re ditching the assignment to go out? Are you feeling alright?” She asked, feeling my forehead to see if I had a fever. “I feel fine. Do you want to go out?” I asked. “I always want to go out. Everyone is headed to the club tonight.” She said. “Of course they are. They go there every night.” I said. “Alright then. Let’s go out.” She said. So we got changed into whatever we could find and we did our hair and makeup, but nothing fancy and we headed to a local club in town called ‘Howling’ that everyone went to. They did serve alcohol but not to minors. But everyone in the pack was allowed in. They always had a live band playing there and it was the perfect distraction. At least this way, I could dance in the middle of a dance floor and try to forget about everything. We saw some kids from school as soon as we got there and when we walked over to them they started sharing their huge plate of fries with us and Cooper went to get us drinks. We sat at the table talking to everyone for a while when a really good song started playing so Sophie grabbed me and Hallie and dragged us onto the dance floor. It was great being here. Forgetting all of our troubles and just having fun with our friends. “He’s totally looking at you.” Sophie said, leaning towards me. “What?” I asked. “Cooper.” She said. And I looked over to see Cooper watching us while we danced. “No. He’s just watching all of us.” I said, not believing that he was looking at me. “When are you finally going to realize that you are a f*****g knock out?” She asked. “Never. Because I’m not. Just drop it.” I said. “Alright then. You’re the one that’s missing out.” She said, teasing me. “I think you should grab him by the balls and drag him outside and do him there.” Hallie said. “Oh my goddess. You two are humiliating.” I said, walking off the dancefloor and I went to sit back at the table. “Are you alright?” Cooper asked. “Yeah. It’s just Sophie and Hallie being well, Sophie and Hallie.” I said. “Enough said.” He said, moving the plate on fries closer to me so I could reach them as well. He knew that those two were a couple of s**t stirrers and were always giving me crap about something. I was sitting there with Cooper, chatting about nothing in particular when someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me off the chair. I quickly turned around and saw a warrior standing there, staring at me like he was really pissed. “What the hell is your problem?” I yelled at him. “Does mom and dad know that you’re here?” He asked. “Zane, we’re just taking a study break. That’s it. We’ll be going back to Sophie’s in a minute.” I said. “How about you head back there now?” He strongly suggested. “She’s out there dancing. She’s having fun. When she comes back then I will tell her.” I said. But he wasn’t satisfied with that answer. So he walked out to the dancefloor and dragged Sophie over to me. “You two, head home now.” Zane ordered. “Your brother is such a douche.” Sophie said. “I know. He’s an ass.” I said. “Come on. Let’s go before he dobs us into the Alpha.” She said, grabbing her bag. We said goodbye to everyone and we headed back to Sophie’s house. She was still going off about my brother when we walked in the house and just as I stepped inside, I looked up and saw Blaze walking down the stairs. The second he saw me he started smirking, but I just put my head down and squeezed past him up the stairs to Sophie’s room. Luckily she was ahead of me so she didn’t notice anything and we went back inside her room. We had to get this assignment done so we were up for a few more hours to finish it. Sophie had a large queen size bed, so we always slept in the same bed whenever I slept over and I was so used to sleeping over here that it was usually pretty easy for me to go to sleep. But tonight, that was a whole different story. Sophie fell asleep almost straight away since it was past midnight, but I just kept tossing and turning. I eventually got up and I crept downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink, but I stopped in the doorway to see Blaze in the fridge wearing only a pair of shorts. The light was shining on his perfectly chiseled body, showing off the tattoos on his chest and his back now. He slowly turned and saw me standing there and he closed the fridge as a smirk crept across his face. “Come back for more huh?” He asked. “I just wanted a drink. But it can wait.” I said, trying to turn around when Blaze suddenly grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the wall of the kitchen that was next to the fridge. “What are you doing?” I asked, my breathing getting heavy and my heart was practically pumping out of my chest. “Why do you pretend to hate me?” He asked, stroking the side of my face with his hand. “Because I do.” I said, trying to look away. But he forced me to look back at him. To look straight into his eyes. “Your body doesn’t think so.” He said. “Well, what does it know?” I asked as my breath hitched again. And he smirked at me. “You can’t keep avoiding me.” He said. “I can try.” I said. “One day, you’re not going to run away from me. You’re going to be running to me. My little mate.” He smirked. And my stomach instantly dropped and my heart started pounding even harder. ‘What the f**k did he just say?’ I couldn’t remember how I went back to the bedroom, I laid down and my heart was pounding like crazy and deafening in my chest, and I kept replaying what just happened in my head until the alcohol took place and I finally fell asleep.
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