Chapter 8- Cooperation With The Smiths

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  Mandy turned to Elvis, her big blue eyes opening wide in wonderment. She knew that Scott offering to cooperate with her must be because of Elvis.   It was until she saw Elvis nod at her to agree did she make sure it wasn’t all a dream. The next moment, her pretty face was flushed with excitement.   “That’s settled then. Hope we will have smooth cooperation in the future!” Scott said, not leaving Mandy any chance to refuse.   The other guests were stunned at his words. They had thought that in their own right, it was not difficult to get cooperate with the Smiths this time. In their opinion, as long as they were willing to concede some of the economic high ground to the Smiths, the cooperation was in the bag.   But now without giving them any chance to bid for the contract, Scott had directly determined Mandy as his partner, which made them boil with rage.   They thought Mandy must have secretly paid a great price to get this cooperation.   “The Greens don’t have the strength and ability to work with the Smiths at all!”   “It must be because Scott lust after Mandy’s beauty. Maybe the two of them already slept together.”   “So that’s why Elvis is treated very differently. It turns out that he lives off a woman.”   …   Several guests said tartly, thinking Scott must have been seduced by Mandy.   “Shut up! How dare you slander Mr. George! Get out of here right now, all of you!” Scott snapped, slamming the flat of his hand on the table. He was absolutely astounded at their words, and afraid it would make Elvis throw a fit.   Bob, who had guessed Elvis’s real identity, stood perfectly still, breaking out in a sweat on his forehead.   Elvis’s expression, however, did not change, not so much as by a flicker. Compared with the bloody and brutal wars that he had gone through, their sarcastic remarks were nothing to him.   For the sake of their ignorance, he could forgive them this time. But next time he would surely let them pay for it.   After all the other guests had been driven away, Scott led Elvis and Mandy to another place to sign the contract, and then bowed the two of them out of the hotel.   When Elvis and Mandy got to Maria’s house, Maria, Nancy and other relatives were sitting in the living room.   “What are you doing back so soon, Mandy?” Maria asked in astonishment.   ‘It seemed that Mandy had failed. Otherwise, it would certainly take her a lot of time to negotiate a contract with the Smiths.’ She sighed in her mind.   Feeling the same way, Nancy looked at Elvis with distaste. She thought that without Elvis, Mandy might have succeeded in cooperating with the Smiths.   “I came back as soon as I’ve signed the contract,” Mandy replied. She tilts her head and a mischievous look crosses her face. Until now, her heart had been fluttering with excitement.   “What are you talking about? You’ve signed the contract? Who have you signed the contract with?” Maria asked, her expression changing from disappointment to shock.   “Of course I’ve signed the contract with the Smiths,” Mandy said. Then, with a big grin on her face, she took out the contract.   Maria snatched the contract from her hand, carefully reading it through again and again. Looking at the signature on the contract, not only she but also others who were present could hardly believe it.   “Do you know why Mandy successfully signed the contract with Mr. Smith junior? She got the cooperation by sleeping with him! She’s brought shame on our family name!”  The door burst open and Gordon appeared. He glanced at Mandy and said with heavy irony.   “You’re talking nonsense!” Mandy growled at him, trembling with anger. She hadn’t expected Gordon would be so shameless, that he even tried to besmirch her reputation.   Elvis was also irritated by Gordon’s words. But now they were at Maria’s home, he had to make strenuous efforts to tame his anger. Otherwise, he would surely make Gordon pay dearly for it.   “Now that you’ve done it, don’t try to deny it, you can’t.” Gordon jeered. ‘He had managed to introduce Mandy to various rich men, but all had been refused. He had thought it was because Mandy was always faithful to Elvis. However, it was just because Mandy was not satisfied with their financial power.’ Gordon thought to himself.   “Shut up, Gordon! As Mandy’s cousin, you know clearly that she is too responsible a person to do such a thing! What’s more, Elvis has been with her. He can testify to it.” Nancy said.   “Elvis has no right to speak here.”   “Yes, without the support of the Georges, he was nothing but a stray dog!”   “Mandy might have been instigated by him to hook up with Mr. Smith junior.”   …   Jealous of Mandy’s cooperation with the Smiths, the relatives began to vent their anger on Elvis.   “Watch your mouths or I’ll rip them off!” Elvis warned. The expression on his face made everyone present tremble with fear.   “That’s enough. Before we get at the exact facts, I’ll take over the cooperation with the Smiths. As for Mandy, I’ll let her take over Greens Jewelers for the time being. That’s settled then.” Maria said, breaking the tense atmosphere.   In fact, Maria was not willing to let Mandy take over the family business from the beginning. So she used it as an opportunity to take back the right of cooperating with the Smiths. As for Greens Jewelers, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, she didn’t mind Mandy taking over it.   Not daring to retort upon Maria, the relatives left Maria’s home one by one.   “You’re a jinx. Mandy has been followed by bad luck since she married you!” Nancy began to growl at Elvis the moment they got back home. She thought that what had just happened was because of Elvis.   “Elvis is not to blame for this, mom. It’s Gordon’s fault.” Mandy said, pursing her lips in disapproval. She knew clearly that if it were not for Elvis, she would never have had the opportunity to cooperate with the Smiths.   “If you didn’t marry such a good-for-nothing man, you won’t need to take over Greens Jewelers at all! We all know it’s on the verge of bankruptcy!” Nancy said.   Upon hearing her words, Elvis said firmly, “I won’t let Greens Jewelers go out of business.”   
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