1884 Words

“Consider yourself Cinderella tonight, and get back home before midnight, or at least at the stroke of midnight or whatever. Just don’t stay out too late, do you understand?” Frankie smacked the boiled egg on the counter with a crack, and rolled it forward, until the shell disintegrated. She glared up at me through her lashes and peeled off the shell. Henri rolled his eyes. “Let her have some fun, Frankie. Just because you’re irritable tonight doesn’t mean you get to damper on her fun. C’est une adolescente, pas un vieille femme grincheuse comme toi…” He handed her another egg, and she snatched it from him with a grunt. “Come on Cranky Frankie…” I teased, knowing there was no way she would be able to stop me from attending the masquerade ball. She smacked another egg on the counter, thi

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