Chapter 8

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Chief moved out of his apartment, he can not be here... He left a thank-you note for Samantha on the side table. The dangerous beauty was sleeping peacefully in his guest room. He still has trust in her that she can not disobedience him, he takes out his Black Audi from the underground parking then start driving towards the head office. He is a very secretive man... No one in the agency knows about him, his all information is secretive... Not many agents have seen him... It's just his name that resonates is the offices... His one phone call can make all the agencies shackle. He held power so much power!!! But from a year a man of the mafia is poking his nose in so many matters!!! He is the son of the late Mafia boss, he inherited his title after killing his father... Zach Randolph is a very dangerous man, as he not only does the little mafia jobs murdering and robbery. But he is doing human trafficking from the schools, colleges, and campuses. The students that are already orphanages!!! The children don't know much about mafia before they get addicted to the drugs falling in their trap. The case was handled by the police department but when they were unable to solve the mystery. It gets into the FBI hands... Now chief is the in-charge of the case, it took him only two weeks to get to know about Zach Randolph. Chief had all the information about that man, so he needs some agents that can work for him but they need to be sharp enough to not catch any eyes!!! They need to be intelligent enough to hideout well, they need to be perfect in their job. So he starts looking for some agents!!! He planned the whole scenario then start looking for the agents that can help him catch the mafia boss. It was all going great in his life, he was working in his office as he has a hideout of a businessman, he is also looking for his real job that no one knows!!! He was at Newyork looking for some agents that he can work with, his men come up with so many agents but he was not satisfied by any of them, so he took this job to do a little research by himself!!! Chief found out four agents from different cities, he found what he is looking for!!! But it comes as his life was going to change a little bit... As his eyes catch a girl, Agent Lilly!!! That little girl did so many projects successful in all her career but her little bitchy mouth can get her in trouble, when he talked to her for the first time he realized that she is trouble!!! He falls for that small bratty girl in one go... He has plans for her but for now, he has to focus on his plan. He also found three more agents that were working on different projects but their abilities are still not come out perfectly!!! So he took all four of them in his training. He will train them to polish their skills. Agent Lilly, Agent Hackle, Agent Jackle, and Agent Bolt!!! Chief called them in the main office that was the headquarters. All of them moved to the city for this new project, also trained by the Chief is a great opportunity to polish themselves!!! He took seven basic tests to check their abilities, he just wants to know who is good at what!!! 1) Gun Assembling. All of the four agents were seated down on a table with dis mental gun parts in front of them, they have been instructed to assemble the guns in the shortest time. Chief himself was standing behind a mirror wall, he can see them all but they can not see him. As the timer started all of the four start assemblings the guns, Agent Lilly comes in first assembling her gun in ten seconds. ( She is such a sharp little woman.) 2) Changing Appearance. He gets all of the four took fifteen minutes to change their appearance, Agent Hackle came first in all of them because he was unable to identify!!! The Chief was happy with him. 3) IQ Test. They all were good at IQ but Agent bolt was the one with some good information. 4) Shooting Agent Lilly won the shooting test, she is good at handling guns. He smirked looking the little woman is so intense. Just looking at her made his body rise to heat. 5) Hacking Agent Jackle was the best hacker in the whole agency. He was so good. Chief gives all of them one minute to hack his account... He was so sure that no one can do it in one minute, But if he gave some more seconds he was sure Jackle was so close to hacking his account so he declared him the winner. 6) Senses. All of the agents were so good at it... They were sharp, fast, strong, tricky, bright, and thoughtful... They all passed it!!! 7) The Ability to Fight Back. The boys were so good at it but Chief never imagined that Lilly would a champ in karate!!! Her skills were amazing... He sees all of them passing all the tests, he was impressed but they need to work extra... He trained all of them for six months, he was so close to them but so far away they have never seen him... It was only Lilly that always questions him, she was the one to talk back, she was the one to talk to him with confidence, she was the only one that has permission to call him on his number. Lilly annoyed him so much, freaking him out with disobedience, her behavior always made him want to punish her but he was controlling himself!!! She always sees him as her boss. She was professional with him but he has other plans in mind. After completing their training all of them entered the campus, they executed their plan so smoothly that the plan worked out very well!!!! Chief was watching all the things by himself closely... They found the first victim of the mafia the girl Sophia...
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