11. Live In The Real World

1997 Words

Serena's POV At this point in time, I find myself silently praying to the moon goddess that the earth would just open up and swallow me so that I don't get to continue to experience what I am going through right now. argghh!!!! This is freaking crazy and I am having a hard time trying to regain my stance as I make my way through the aisle towards that particularly annoying figure, standing at the far end looking a little bit confusing with a sort of expression I can't fathom in his eyes. " Keep your legs steady and try not to fumble if you don't want me to lash out at you in the public right now. " I can hear that sharp commanding tone directly beside me as Dad keeps my arm stiff and wrapped around his, while leading me towards the altar where Damon is presently standing and waiting

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