2015 Words
'You can take a bath here and I'll be just waiting outside' Haden nodded as Conan walked out of the bathroom stalls. He wondered his eyes throughout the whole room. It was not like the cabins, it was the same as those in the castle. Their bathroom stalls were made of stones. And as he walked through one stall he heard water splashing on something. Doors opening and closing. *I'm not alone then* He bathe himself quickly yet thoroughly cleansing himself too. It has been awhile since he had a proper bath. He never had this chance for he never actually had stayed in a bathroom stall before. He bathe himself on lakes, rivers or sometimes just the rain itself is bathing him. This is something he knew would just be this time. Conan on the other hand stood beside the door. He can't leave without Haden and its starting to frustrate him. A packless, still untrusted wolf will stick with him until the elders would decide his faith. Him, the Leader Alpha, would walk throughout the whole place with a wolf his name he only knows. How f****d up is that? 'Conan hey' he watched as a black haired guy walked towards him. Wearing clothes only guards and hunter wolves could wear. He nodded his head and stood straight. Watching as another two black haired man walked behind the first guy. Still wearing the same clothes. 'What are you doing here? We're supposed to survey the east side of the village today right?' Clent, a short black haired man who have stipes of gray in his hair said. 'Don't tell us the Leader Alpha forgot?' Stanley, a black haired man with a bit of silver edges teased. He rolled his eyes and scoffed. 'I don't do forgetting Stan' he said as Leo the tallest among the four chuckled 'Then what are you standing here? What is the Leader Alpha standing here for? Infront of the bathroom stalls?' Clent teasingly asked 'He's with the caught wolf from last night' Leo said calmly as the other two immediately had shocked expressions throughout their facade. 'You're with that grey haired wolf?' Stanley asked shocked with the information. 'How come we did not know? Isn't he supposed to be locked and guarded or even thrown out by now?' Clent asked. 'He's harmless, that's what Lia said. And you know her. She's never wrong' he explained as both of them just nodded. And as Clent was about to ask something, a grey haired man walks out of the door. Hair damped, hands busy with the basket he was holding and eyes still not meeting any of theirs. He was wearing a white shirt paired with brown trousers. And slippers which covers his whole feet? He does not know.It was l simple outfit that no one thought would look good in anyone. But him. Jaws almost dropping, Clent, Stanley and Leo stared at the busy man. And as Haden averted his eyes towards them, a pair of silver orbs staring at them with confusion and fear. He immediately looked at Conan. 'Uhhh, This was the only clothes I can fit with all the clothes you brought earlier.' he watched as Conan only nodded. Eyes still fixated on his silver ones. Confused with all the stares he fearfully tugged the hem of Conan's shirt. Startling him a bit. Conan looked at him. A bit intimidated with the scent Haden was releasing. He watched as Hadens eyes averted towards his comrades and back at him. Understanding the gesture he looked at the three men with him. They were watching Haden intensely, almost eating him up with the stares they were giving him. And as he watched their eyes running through Haden's facade, a sudden growl went out of his mouth. Shocking him and the others. This made the four of them look at Haden as a whimper was heard. They watched as Haden held the hem of Conan's shirt harder. Shaking his head, he looked at Conan and let go of his shirt. 'Can you...stop?' he asked as his eyes looked down. Conan widened his eyes, confused with his wolf's actions. 'Sorry. By the way these are my comrades. Clent, Stanley and Leo' Haden looked at them, fear and pain still lingering in his silver orbs as Clent waved his hands. 'You'd be sticking with me while you're still here and they are always with me' nodding his head he gaved them a small smile. 'Lia would be with us after we go to the east side of the village and she'll explain everything to you.' another nod was his only response. 'Just put the basket there someone would take it away. Let's go now' He followed as the four man walked ahead of him. Still shocked with how the Leader Alpha's expression changed in just a matter of seconds and how his words immediately held authority in them. *Are all Leader Alphas like this?* he asked himself as he followed them. Walking with alphas was a bit hard for him. He could tell all four of them are alphas. With their broad physique and technically just they're pheromones and scent telling him straight that he's with alphas. As they walk he could sense sharp stares dragging through his whole body. Given by the people around. Alphas, omegas, betas and even the undetermined children were staring at him. Uncomfortable was an understatement. He felt like an animal stared down by a thousand predators. And as almost and hour passed Lia stood infront of them. Clothes being changed into a dark brown cloak. She had the same smile she had the first time he saw Haden this morning. She walked towards Haden who was at Conan's side. 'Haden. Are your clothes fine?' she asked as Haden only nodded. Hands sweatly clamped towards each other. 'Did Conan explain everything to you now?' He whipped his head as a no. Nodding, Lia gestured he hands for Haden to follow her. As this seen, Haden looked at Conan. Who was currently busy talking to Leo and the others. He then followed her. Entering a cabin, Lia gestured him to sit down. On which he abide with. 'I know your unpacked. And confused as to why your here up until now right?' seing that haden had his eyes on her, she continued. 'You're an undetermined unpacked wolf. And in this pack, we don't make decisions in only a second.' 'Seen that you still don't have a scent, we won't have any problems if you stay here a little longer' 'The elders, the ones officiating all our decisions around here, are still away. So for now, we'd like you to stay here a bit longer until they arrive' 'And for the mean time, you would be staying and would be sticking around Conan. The Leader Alpha.' 'Is everything clear?' Haden only nodded. Shocked with the turn of events. He'd be staying here longer? That is a thing he'd be shocked for. 'You know you can speak right?' this statement made him look at Lia. Blinking his eyes, he nodded slowly. 'Now go back to Conan. He'd be doing a lot today and I hope you can keep up with his team' he nodded and stood up. He looked at Lia and a smile was still plastered on her features. A gentle reassuring smile. He bowed, a gesture his parents tought him back when he was a child, and looked at her with a small smile on his lips. 'Thankyou' he got out of the cabin and immediately spotting Conan with his comrades talking to some men. As he walked towards them, Conan looked at him. Eyes immediately meeting his in which he immediately averted on something else. Haden just stood there. Watching them talk to some other uniformed men. Almost 10 minutes passed a black haired man with stripes of silver on his head with just the same height as his , walked towards him. 'Hi' He greeted. Haden only bowed his head a bit as a way of encouraging his presence. 'Clent' he said as he stood by his side. A decent distance between them. 'Haden' he answered. Only staring at Conan and his comrades talking. 'How long are you staying here?' He looked at Haden upon asking. Haden looked at him and shrugged his shoulders. 'I'm still not sure. Lia told me I need to wait for your packs elders to decide' an o shapped letter was formed on Clent lips. Nodding his head he smiled at him. 'You know this is my first time seing an unpacked wolf' Haden chuckled uncomfortably. 'Yeah, there's a first time for everyone I guess' he said. 'I heard you were from the east side of the mountain' he nodded. 'Yeah. I was from their' 'Were you banished?' Haden chuckled and whipped his head as a no. 'No' he said and crossed his arms. This made Clents brows furrow and curiosity immediately invaded his being. 'So why are you unpacked?' he curiosly asked. 'I've been born packless' he admitted and gaved Clent a small smile. 'What?!' he gaved him a chuckle. 'Is that a big news to tell?' he asked, his small smile still intact on his lips. 'This is my first time seing a wolf born unpacked' Clent looked at him and smiled. 'I am your first unpacked wolf to ever see, so it's a thing that I'd be your first wolf that was born unpacked to ever see' he chuckled lowly. Almost five minutes passed and they just stood there. Watching Conan and the others talk about something that seemed important. Not until Haden heard sniffing sounds. He looked at Clent and saw him sniffing the air. 'You don't have a scent, are you still undetermined?' Haden stiffed as Clent started to sniff him. His face getting closer and closer. He took his body away from him yet he was still getting closer. And as he was about to sniff Haden's neck, a loud growl was suddenly heard by everyone. Making Clent stop and stiffen on his spot as Haden immediately fell on the ground. Clenching his shirt so hard his sharp nails made holes on it. The presence and the pheromones of the Leader Alpha was immediately taking over the whole place. 'No one can sniff him' authority and a hint of another emotion was lingering on his words, he then felt hands gripping hard on his arms and immediately holding him up. Making him stand weakly with his head held downwards and his another arm wrapping on his own waist. Nodding was all the other wolf did as Clent backened from his spot. Intimidated by the sudden strong pheromones Conan was now releasing. Making his alpha immediately submit towards the Leader Alpha's words. A minute passed and everyone was still statued on their spot. Waiting for the Leader Alpha to say anything or lessen his pheromones. And as another minute passed a noise of someone coughing was heard. Conan looked at the man he was currently holding. Seing as he was now coughing and choking on air. 'Please...please stop. St- stop' Haden's choking sounds invaded his head and he immediately understood. Immediately lessening his pheromones and putting Haden on the ground. Taking his hands away from the ones hard grip he had on Haden's arms. He looked at his state. Haden was still coughing, tears prickling on his eyes and arms hugging his waist. *He really can't take that much pheromones* 'I'm sorry. Please take a rest for awhile.' He stood up and looked at his comrades. 'Leo tell one of the betas to give him water and also take him to one of the cabins for awhile' Leo nodded and walked away from the scene. Conan walked towards Clent and stared at him. A calm expression placed on Conan's face while Clent's expression was still stilled. Fear seen on his face. And as Conan neared him, his breath hitched. 'The third cabin from the left had their roof broken. Take care of it.'

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