Written in Blood

Written in Blood

magical world
weak to strong

Ao Ruang was born with mediocre talent, but with a chance encounter with the last of a dying race he inherited their legacy. Now with the forces of humanity infighting and the return of the dark races. Ao Ruang finds himself caught between the people who call him kin now vs. the people who once considered kin. Meanwhile in the dark and sinister force lies in wait for an opportunity of their own.

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A Blessing or a Curse? part 1
Humanity is weak. The Heavens never blessed them with any sort of major strength in the martial path. In fact most of humanity's potential never raised above the fourth level of the Iron warrior rank. Yet if your family or clan had someone of the sixth to seventh rank in any human city immediately meant your clan and family would dominate for several generations. In this world the strong ruled over the weak and few people were willing to raise their heads and look to the sky...to the heavens. Even those who do had the gall to dream of ascending into the realm of Gods and Demons would often just die painful deaths. Humans though...did have one advantage. Birth Rates. Humanity simply had more children than the dark races and drove them out of the fertile provinces to desolate and inhospitable environments. This was a fact of life in this world. Despite their strength in numbers it mattered not in the end for humanity could not stand united forever and it was in their corruption that has led them standing on the edge of victory to now making deals with the dark races of the different continents. On the smallest and darkest of the continents where the Ki that the stars gave to the various continents was weakest was the continent of Wu Lan. On this continent a small town nestled in the Mountains of Mist was a town called YinWu it was a small town of no more than 15,000 humans. The town itself is controlled by two major clans. The Yang and Wen clans while it was located in the Mountains of Mist it was a known area for traveling hunters who sought to hunt down savage beasts or remnants of the dark races. The Mountains were named such due to the nearly constant thick mist that would engulf them most of the year making it quite dangerous to travel through should you lose your way. However the benefit of the towns location was that it was surrounded by major human powers that kept the mountains as neutral space between the various Kingdoms and Empires that dotted the regions around the mountains. Making the town relatively peaceful from outside conflict. Ao Ruang a 13 year old boy sat cross legged on his bed silently circulating his inner Ki as he attempted to break through to the first realm on the path of cultivation. Ao Ruang let the faint Ki in the surroundings enter his dantain and enrich his body, but despite hours of attempts he couldn't make much progress. A loud rumbling sound came croaking out of his stomach like a frog during the late spring season which snapped him out of his meditative state. 'Failure again' Ao Ruang thought to himself as he got up from his meditative position. Why couldn't he break through almost all the other children his age had broken into the first realm known as the Iron warrior realm a year prior, When a child was born in the world they would be immediately tested for their innate talent and what the nature of the Ki they produced would be. If someone was born weak with no nature to their Ki that person would be considered low class Ki users. When Ao Ruang was born he had barely registered as having the ability to absorb Ki and on top of it no special nature to the Ki he produced. So the people of YinWu held no respect for Ao Ruang and he was often verbally and at times physically bullied by his fellow citizens of the town. After all a youth with the lowest of cultivation talent was doomed to be trounced on by the strong their entire life. When he failed to condense his Ki into his bones again he felt dejected. Though it was common for people to be unable to cultivate it would always be disappointed when they discovered they had such horrible talent for it. 'Why can't I break into it!' Ao Ruang screamed in his heart, clenching his fists; he beat his chest three times to let loose his frustration so as not to disturb his mother. Exiting his room he saw a familiar sight his mother was standing next to a wood furnace making a stew of some sort. Ao Ju was not his mother's original name, but she had adopted the Ao family surname when his father had died defending the town from a 3rd class savage beast. "Hello Ru'er it is nice to finally see you come from your room. How was your cultivation?" his mother said turning to him with a bright smile on her face. She had always encouraged him despite his lack of talent which was one of the reasons he worked so hard to become stronger despite his lack of talent. "It was fine. Nothing major has changed, but I feel like it won't be long before I break through." "That is good, but don't feel like you must do that. The Ao family already said they would allow you to apprentice underneath the blacksmith or alchemist of the family. There is no shame in not pursuing the Martial path." "Mother, I cannot allow my father's memory to be shamed by his weak son. I will continue to strive to become strong like him." Ao Ruang said quickly, cutting her off from going on another talk about his future. "Okay, Okay dear I understand. I will not force you, but you must make some sort of significant progress in 1 years time or I will have to make an executive decision." His mother said with a hint of pity flashing in her eyes as she looked at her unlucky son. "I...I understand mother." Ao Ruang said a small spark lit in his eyes as he looked up with determination. This was his last chance at overcoming mediocrity and a life of being crushed underneath by the powerful. … Ao Ruang left his home after he finished his breakfast. It wasn't long before the town's school started teaching and training the children on the martial path. It was important for the whole town to train up the youth in whatever way they could. As he entered the square courtyard where all the students would meet a familiar voice came from behind. "Look who it is! If it isn't the town's biggest embarrassment!" Ao Ruang didn't turn around and chose to ignore the taunt. It was one of the Yang clan youth called Yang Tian who was the same age as Ao Ruang and never treated him well since they both started classes at the school. Plus with him being the son of the Patriarch of the Yang clan he had a lot of pull and weight to throw around. "What a block head" Ao Ruang said out loud to himself under his breath. Yang Tian's face turned red as a beet when he overheard that. "You gonna regret saying that weakling." … Ao Ruang stared into space as he watched fists crashing down onto his fragile body. Each blow bruised him down to the bone. The beating was much more severe than normal, probably because Ao Ruang was not making any reactions to the beating like he normally would. One thing Ao Ruang could tell was that he would be feeling this for many days after today. The Yang family was actually closely related to the Ao family as they had several marriage bonds between several generations so most of the kids who followed Yang Tian and watched as he beat him were what one would call extended family. Why those who called themselves extended relatives continued to watch and do nothing to help him was beyond what he could comprehend, but Ao Ruang didn't have much hope of getting in their good graces. The Yang family and really any family valued strength over blood in many cases. While the fists continued to rain down on his body Ao Ruang reflected on his attitude which had gotten into trouble more times than he could remember. As a final kick to the stomach sent himself rolling away. "What is going on here!" a thunderous voice broke through the taunts and jeers of the onlookers of Ao Ruang's beating. The group faking a bit of guilt turned to the voice. Ao Ruang clearly saw it was the Yang Clan's patriarch. In YinWu he was the ultimate existence. Except perhaps the Wen clan's patriarch. He was at the peak of the Golden Warrior realm and a half-step from the black gold realm. "Do you feel no shame Yang Tian? Beating on our long time supports the Ao family? They are like relatives to us and this will only bring shame to the Yang family name!" he barked loudly chastising Yang Tian." Turning to the bruised Ao Ruang he tossed a medical healing pill to Ao Ruang with a look of displeasure as he saw the state the young boy before him was in. "Take the pill boy and go quickly back to your family for the day." Ao Ruang quickly flicked the pill into his mouth and swallowed. Almost instantly he could feel a cool sensation spread across his body that instantly began to sooth his body all the way to his bones. Getting up Ao Ruang bowed swiftly to the Patriach "Thank you Patriach Yang." "No thanks is necessary. Now be off I have to deal with these youngsters here." Patriarch Yang didn't bother responding in length as he hurried Ao Ruang off. Pity was in his eyes as Ao Ruang ran from sight . The boy's mother was a well known beauty whose husband had saved his own life. While he couldn't overtly support the child and mother of his savior he would do his best to stop major abuses from happening to them. "Now…" his eyes looked at all the onlookers and Yang Tian in particular. "Come with me children. I think it is time for your lesson…" As he said this a shiver could be seen going down all the children's backs. … Ao Ruang didn't stick around any longer than he had to and ran as quickly as he could to the Ao family courtyard. "Ru'er you are back already?" his mother said concerned as he looked at her bruised son "What happened?" Ao Ruang looked at his mother with an expression of 'leave it be' to which he immediately understood and let him go to his room to rest. Later as the day progressed his mother knocked on the door before opening it letting in a small amount of light into the room which had the windows covered up. "Ru'er in a couple of days it will be the towns youth expedition into the mountain forests to search for rare herbs and other treasures. You need to be in peak condition if you are to survive. Their will be many rivals so the other should ignore you. Just find the minimum amount you need to pass and come back. Be safe for your mother...do you understand?" Ao Ruang understood his mother's concern and probably knew how dangerous it was, but it was his chance to potentially find some sort of rare herb that would fix his weak constitution for cultivation. One such herb that he could use was Jade fire grass that grew in the mountain forests, but was exceedingly rare. If taken raw it would immensely help him break through to the next martial realm. If he didn't do this he would be accepting a life of mediocrity. "I understand mother," he said solemnly. Ao Ru knew his mother was correct. The chances were Ao would not encounter some miraculous treasure or herb. The chances were small, but he would rather have a small chance than to give up entirely. ____________________________________________________________________________ YinWu town had an annual event that was, in a way, a form of determining which families and clans had the most outstanding youth that generation. Of course it was always the Wen or Yang clans that would take first place, but the rest of the families would use this opportunity to try and get in good with the two clans in the town. The secondary goal was to increase the overall resources that your family possessed. It would also give their youth a much needed chance to find miraculous medicines and treasures that would help them with their cultivation. A clan was only as good as it's resources if their resources dried up they would swiftly lag behind. This was of course unacceptable to any family or clan worth their salt. Ao Ruang looked at the numerous members of all families of YinWu. The Ao family had the fewest and the lowest talent on average save for a single outstanding youth of the Ao family. Ao Fang who was a talent of the town who ranked in the top ten talents of the younger generations. Ao Fang was 16 this year and was bold and calculating; he was already set to become the inheritor of the family's top position once he reached adulthood. For him that meant all the resources were thrown his way. Few if any were spared for the others let alone weak and talentless Ao Ruang. "Alright guys!" Ao Fang turned to the rest of the Ao family's younger generation. "Today is a big day for the family and we cannot mess this up." Ao Fang's eyes lingered on Ao Ruang as he continued to talk "Ao Ruang because of how important this event is we cannot afford to drag you along everywhere and carry your dead weight. You have no hope of great achievements in this expedition so I ask that you stick close to the town and don't bother going deep into the forests or you will not be able to defend yourself from savage beasts that may come out. Just pick some common herbs that our family is in need of. Do you understand?" Ao Fang was right to hoist this responsibility onto Ao Ruang it would free up the stronger Ao youth to help with the more important treasures and medicines deeper into the forest. Ao Ruang nodded in understanding, but had no intention of sticking around where it was safe and no chance of finding a treasure that would help him break through. Soon two men who looked no older than their late forties walked out in front of the crowd of YinWu youth. They were respectively the Patriarch of the Yang and Wen clans. Though they were much older than forty the realities of aging would slow down immensely once one reached the Silver warrior warrior realm. This was when the Ki in your dantian would begin to lengthen your lifespan. While it was the dream of most cultivators to reach such a level most cultivators who didn't have significant backing would never go much further past the silver rank. The two patriarchs explained the rules which were simple enough. Killing was not allowed of youth. Sparring was allowed in competition for a treasure or herb. The Primary focus while out in the forest was to cull the savage beast population while they collected resources. After stating the rules the nearly 600 youth entered the mountain forest and went off in different directions. Most had formed teams within their families or clans so to be safer in numbers. As the Ao family left Ao Ruang lingered behind 'Fantastic. Now I will head out alone and hope to find something useful.' Ao Ruang went north instead of south like most of the groups did mostly because while south was safer due to weaker savage beasts it was also picked clean over the years and was increasingly rare to find good quality things. Also to the north was the Yin river which laid in a gorge that was fed by the mountain rains. The Yin river spanned thousands of miles along the entire mountain rage towards the southern kingdoms and empires that controlled the south of the Wu Lan continent. Though no one in YinWu town knew much about the places that far south they still knew enough from the occasional hunting party that in the last ten years an Empire had united all the cities and kingdoms under one banner in the south. Time passed slowly as Ao Ruang weaved through the trees of the forest and would occasionally pick up a low level spiritual herb. Being alone isn't all that bad Ao Ruang thought to himself plus he had low risk of being harassed by other students in the academy. "Look what we have here." a cruel, but familiar voice broke through the silence of the forest. Ao Ruang's eyes widened as he turned around to see his tormentor from several days prior had caught up to him. Yang Tian wasn't alone however several of the people who had been observing their conflict earlier were there as well. "Wha--What do you guys want? Why are you wasting your time following someone like me around?" Ao Ruang broke out into a sweat as he spoke those words. "We don't need to spend much time on you anyways. You insulted me, but on top of that because of you the patriarch had been treating all of us very harshly the last couple of days which really is starting to affect our mood." "You all seem rather brave. Going 5 against 1." Ao Ruang said, backing up slightly. With a ugly sneer Yang Tian laughed "we all suffered so you will suffer for each of us. Grab him!" ____________________________________________________________________________ The beating lasted hours this time Yang Tian must have really received harsh punishment from his Patriarch...Ao Ruang wanted to curse the Yang clan Patriarch, but in his heart he knew that he had only wanted to help him out of pity. Ao Ruang's once youthful and slightly above average looks were not simple lumps and cuts and bruises. On top of that several of his teeth were knocked out and at least 3 to 4 ribs had broken or fractured. The internal bleeding likely was severe, but the pain had become basically nonexistent. "Ackk" Ao Ruang hacked up a mouthful of blood and let it just drip out onto his chin he didn't even have the energy to spit. If Ao Ruang's eyes were not almost completely swollen shut he would have seen several of the onlookers have concerned faces at this point. "Ehh Yang Tian isn't this enough? Surely he learned his lesson and won't even think of mentioning this to anyone." Yang Tian stood up from his last punch to Ao Ruang's face, his knuckles dripping in Ao Ruang's blood. "Too risky. If he does tell and elder Patriarch won't be lenient and likely will give all of us at minimum 20 lashes." Upon hearing the potential punishments several of the faces of pity turned to fear and they didn't open their mouths in his defense again. Yang Tian's eyes landed on Ao Ruang's pitiful state and he snorted, "Let's just throw him down the Yin river it will wash away the evidence and he will be out of our hair." "Good idea Yang Tian!" Several of his lackey's cried out, impressed by the logic. His assailants grabbed hold of Ao Ruang who had no will to fight back even if he had the energy at this point he doubted he would be able to survive in YinWu town even if he did make it back. He had no energy to weep even for his mother who would be heartbroken over this. As the group got closer to the edge of the ravine that had the river at the bottom they all looked down the cliff. The Yin river was called such because it had powerful Yin Ki in it that was highly beneficial to those who practiced darker cultivation techniques. Those were incredibly rare among humanity though and mostly dark races practiced dark cultivation methods. Unless a human was born with a Ki nature that was inherently based on Yin they would normally not practice such taboo methods. "Throw him in! Bye wastrel, may you learn this lesson well in the next life!" Yang Tian couldn't help but taunt Ao Ruang once more before tossing him down into the river. … Ao Ruang fell. For him who was on the verge of death already being flung off the edge of a cliff was likely a death sentence. So none of his attackers bothered turning back to be sure their handiwork was finished. The fall seemed to last an eternity, but in reality it was less than 5 seconds. Ao Ruang plunged into the river and was swiftly carried downstream. Everything went black around him and his consciousness faded away. The last words that drifted in the back of him mind was of his mother when she warned him to be careful. 'Sorry mother.' he thought pitifully.

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