Chapter Seven

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Chapter SevenNyogyth paced back and forth on her quarters. Fuming about being seen and interrupted by Lam when a beep came from her speaker at the door. She stopped. “Come in,” she said and prepared herself for the worst. Her silver doors slid open silently and another woman walked in. She was wearing red and black jump suit. Taller than Nygoth with long silver hair that reflected the light. Her blue eyes pierced through Nyogyth at once, as they always had. Nyogyth saluted her commanding officer. “At ease, and there isn't a need to be so official, but I appreciate the gesture,” she said and Nyogyth relaxed, but not much. “Lam says you've been conducting experiments on the alien lifeforms?” she asked. “Yes sir,” Nyogyth replied immediately. There was no point in lying about anything now that she had been discovered. Commander Meria studied her and crossed her arms. She thought about scolding the science officer but decided against it. “Well, I want a full report. Right now,” Meria ordered and Nyogyth didn't know what to say. “Sir, I just want to go home. Those aliens infested our planet since long before any of us were born. I've just been experimenting with Delta waves. It was a side hobby, a theory of mine. I've only been working on a controller for a few years now,” she replied and continued. “And the Delta waves work. I can control three of the four types of beasts but just one at a time. I think that we can use them to get our planet back,” Nyogyth said and almost smiled, but held it back. “Attacking defenseless villages in the wasteland is how you test this out?” Meria asked her and Nyogyth didn't look away. “The dirt people are worthless to us. They are so devolved and used to the planet they'd rather die than change their ways. Don't tell me you care about the trash on the planet,” Nyogyth said and Meria tilted her head a little. “No, not really. You're right about all of that but we can subjugate them. Even maggots are useful in the right situations,” she replied and Nyogyth was annoyed, she didn't care if she killed them all, none of them deserved to live if they wouldn't fight to reclaim their planet. “I guess, I sent Lam down to hopefully take care of the situation a few hours ago. But in theory, how much time would you need to control more than one at a time?” Meria asked and she thought about it. “An amplifier, and about four days to set up,” she replied and Meria thought about it. “The Knights won't approve of this. I don't think we can pull it off,” she decided and Nyogyth narrowed her eyes. “Knights, are you kidding me? When was the last time we've heard from any of them? Five years ago? More maybe? Why do we care what they think? For all we know they are all dead by now,” Nyogyth said and Meria nodded at this. “Yeah, I don't know if they are alive or not. We all agreed not to interfere with the world and keep the program going as long as needed,” Meria said and didn't feel comfortable breaking the treaty they have held for over a century. “The Nuclear Knight Program has done its job. They defeated and sealed the Prime Kaiju on the planet, the lesser beasts are aimless now without their leaders. What are we waiting for? The Nanite systems of the stations won't fail but eventually we will. We need to go back home. We have the power to take our planet back, the means to do it. What's holding us back?” Nyogyth asked, pleaded with her. Meria walked and looked out the port side window. The planet lay far below them. She could see storms raging on the surface, black patches of scarred earth from battles long past. The ocean, once blue, was now a light shade of green. The Earth had been changed so drastically that she wasn't even sure they could live on the surface anymore. The people born there were altered, on the Seran Station, they were considerably weaker. Maybe weaker wasn't the right word, she thought. No, the right word was pure. Uncorrupted. It was then Meria made her choice. “Alright. We're going home,” Meria said and smiled. She'd always wanted to return the human race to its former glory. She was sure the rest of the humans down below were tired of living in the dust and ruins of an alien kaiju apocalypse that no one living today was alive to even see. Nyogyth smiled, beamed her approval of the choice. “I can get started right away, I think from here we can control three or four beasts at a time with what we have,” she said and Meria nodded. “Make it so. Hadoth is one of the biggest cities left on the planet and they are doing their stupid superstitious festival there. We can give the message to their leaders that the world as they know it is over in four days,” Meria said and nodded. “What if they resist?” Nyogyth asked. “Then we destroy everything they have until they see just how stupid they are and stop resisting, or die,” Meria said with a shrug. “Good enough for me. Hey. You should make Lam give the message to the waste people. He seems to care for them. I think he'd appreciate being the one to deliver hope to the masses,” Nyogyth said and Meria nodded. “Agreed. Just let me know when you're ready,” she said, took one last look at the ruined Earth below before turning and walking out of the room. Nyogyth smiled as she looked down at the planet. “Home, finally,” she said and put her hand on the window. It wouldn't be long before the human race could reclaim the planet they had lost so long ago.
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