he’s all yours, enjoy

2706 Words

Ash’s P.O.V. I was standing outside of my father’s office. I knew I needed to speak to him, I just needed to make sure that he would understand and let me have my way for once. I had honestly thought about telling him that Addie was my true mate, but deep down, I knew it wouldn’t matter to him at all. If anything, I honestly thought it would only put Addie in more danger than she already was right now. So, I took a deep breath in, before I knocked on his door, waiting for him to call me to get inside. Once he did, I straightened my back and got inside. Playing my role, as always. My father was sitting behind his desk, leaning over some papers, as he looked up and saw that it was me. “What can I do for you, Ashford?” He asked me, sounding annoyed by my presence, like usual. “We need to

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