Attack in 3…2…1…

2452 Words

Ash’s P.O.V. It was a beautiful day. Besides the cold and snow that was lying on the forest ground here and there, the sun was shining. And I wondered how the sunlight would reflect on my mate’s gorgeous red hair. I could only imagine it would look beautiful. Most of my father’s warriors had shifted into their wolves, and far too soon, the warriors slowed down in their steps, as they bent down and gritted their teeth, as I smelled the presence of other wolves close by. I looked among the trees and sure enough, there she was. Ivy, the princess, the one who I was forced to marry despite the fact that I didn't even want to. But also Ivy, the one who brought me my true mate, my Addie, while I was searching for her. She was sitting on a treelog, facing a man with longer dark hair, he was hol

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