the hot red one

2785 Words

Ash’s P.O.V. She wanted to reject me? She f*****g wanted to reject me! and worst of all, I couldn’t even blame her for it either. I am a f*****g asshole. She was completely right. I am f*****g selfish, wanting to have her while my father still has his mind set on me marrying some f*****g princess who I had zero interest in. How could I even? Addie was f*****g perfection, she was a Goddess, she was fierce, a force to be reckoned with and I f*****g wanted to worship her. Her soul, her body, even her big mouth that was never afraid to speak her mind. But I still felt hurt when she had spoken the words to me, even when I deserved them all. Just thinking about her with another man made me turn livid, I almost lost control, while Jamie had just walked up to her and wanted to shake her hand.

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