This is torture

2227 Words

Addie’s P.O.V. Ash’s scent was so f*****g intoxicating it was driving me insane. What had started off as a soft and sweet kiss, now had the both of us panting, and both wanting more, so much more. But we were both pulled out of our lust and want for each other, as someone started to bang on our door, making both of our heads yank towards the direction of the sound. Ash was still breathing heavily, as he placed my feet back on the ground, holding my face in both of his hands as he gave me one final kiss, before he sighed deeply and stepped away from me, to open up the door. Seeing that Lottie was standing at the other side of it. That girl is the biggest c**k-blocker in the world! “Lottie, what are you doing here?” Ash asked her, making her shrug. “Coming to get you, the warriors are g

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