Response Attack

1577 Words

“My what?” she asked amazed at the bomb Zander had just dropped on her. “This is Casper, your mother’s father and your grandfather. He is the true emperor of Grundolf kingdom, the late Luna Samara’s mate,” Zander repeated expounding on what he had said earlier. “But who is the man with the long beard?” she asked. Zander looked at Casper the great, his eyes were teary as he looked at Maya, his lips trembled with emotion as he walked closer to her careful not to scare her away. “He is the man who used dark magic to steal my identity and my life from me. He kept me locked in the dungeons for the last twenty years, he poisoned and killed my mate and the love of my life Samara your grandmother,” he told Maya as he walked near her. Maya wanted to go to him but forced herself to stay where s

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