My Little Moon

2237 Words

“No way, that is not happening. If you need to settle scores, you are going to do that with me, not the child,” Casper the great vehemently declared. “I would agree but it seems the child is anxious to prove her worth to dear mommy and sweet boyfie here. After all she issued the challenge, I merely accepted as any noble man would,” he said. “Not here you know, I do not trust your word. If am not wrong, the challenge was supposed to happen in the arena with the whole Grundolf present. Why change it now, I bet you are afraid of losing to a human girl,” Carita goaded Rudolf. She seemed to hit a nerve when she suggested that he could be afraid of a scrawny human like Maya. She looked at him condescendingly and because of his pride he fell right into her trap; he agreed to fight at the arena

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