Something That Cant Be Hidden

1014 Words

Everyone present looked at Zander as if he had suddenly grown an extra head; how could someone just fade into nothing? Celestine looked at him, she was at a loss of what to tell him but she was also weary as she thought that something must have happened to him in the no man's land that made him sound a bit off. Casper moved from the seat he had just occupied to be near Zander. He put his hand on his shoulder and spoke in low tones while checking Zander's reaction. "Son, what's the last thing you remember?" he asked him to gauge from his reply if he was okay or really something was off.  "I remember feeling sick and thinking of how I will get back to Grundolf, I started walking but I couldn't; I was too weak to walk any further. As I was contemplating on how to get home, I heard voices an

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