I Spoke to her

1342 Words

“Mother, I want you know that I’ll be all right. I have to leave for some time, I cannot divulge all the details for now, but you only need to know that I will be in Goddess Athena’s abode,” She started but before she could go on, her mother interrupted her. “Hold on right there missy? Did you just say father?” she asked. “Ahem, I uuuh… there is a way I can open my link so all three of us can speak to each other. Can I do that mother?” she asked not wanting to overwhelm her with a lot of information but rather choosing to allow them to meet through her. “Can you do that my little moon?” she sobbed. Separately Kharisi spoke to her father as well, “Father” “I am right here my little princess, It’s still unbelievable that I have a daughter. So the oracle spoke the truth?” he said more to

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