Jerry stared out into space for a moment, gathering his resolve. Then he took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “The lieutenant's dead, and I'm next in the chain of command, so I'm taking over. Breeder help me.” “Yes, sir,” Mason said. “Warrant Officer Harper's now in command of Snake Platoon. Squad leaders and team leaders affirm.” “Harper's in command,” echoed the others. “Webb's breach is fixed,” Painter announced. “He's unconscious, but his suit's repressurizing. He should be coming around in the next minute or so.” “We don't have a minute,” Jerry said. “B squad, drag Webb along with you until he wakes up. We're walking right now. Mason, make sure everyone gets out. Let's go!” He leaped out of the airlock and floated towards Ormelius. The Paragon planet called Sun of Suns hun