Chapter 6: A Mother’s Concern

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The next Monday, Ella's heart was still aflutter from the enchanting date with Victor. During the weekend they texted each other with short messages. She felt like dreaming. As she stepped into the office on Monday morning, she couldn't help but feel a newfound confidence. The whispers and stares from her colleagues that had once unnerved her were now met with a quiet self-assurance. Sarah, her supportive cubicle neighbour, was the first to greet her with a warm smile. "Ella, you look positively radiant today! How was your date with Victor?" Ella blushed, her eyes twinkling. "It was incredible, Sarah. I've never experienced anything quite like it." Sarah leaned in conspiratorially. "Spill the details! What did you guys talk about? How did it end?" Ella: "We went to that Italian restaurant we talked about earlier. The food was delicious, and the atmosphere was just perfect." Sarah: (Thrilled) "That's so sweet! Ella, I'm so happy for you. It sounds like a dream come true." Ella: (Grateful) "Thank you, Sarah. It really was. You were right all along. I do deserve to be happy, and it was a beautiful reminder of that." Sarah: "I can't wait to hear more about it! Now, spill all the details." Ella: (Laughing) "Alright, I will! Thanks for being such an incredible friend, Sarah." Ella shared the highlights of her evening with Sarah, reliving the moments of laughter, shared dreams, and their gentle goodnight kiss. Sarah listened with genuine enthusiasm, her own heartwarming at Ella's newfound happiness. Meanwhile, not all of Ella's colleagues were as supportive. As she made her way to the break room, she overheard more hushed conversations, some less friendly than others. Jessica and Michael, the sceptics from before, exchanged knowing glances as Ella entered. Michael raised an eyebrow and quipped, "So, Ella, how's the whirlwind romance with Victor going?" Ella took a deep breath, determined not to let their scepticism dampen her spirits. "It's going well, thank you for asking." Jessica chimed in, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I'm sure it is. Just remember, not all fairy tales have happy endings." Before Ella could respond, her phone buzzed with a text message, diverting her attention from the negativity around her. It was Victor. Victor: Good morning, Ella. I hope you had a great weekend. I couldn't stop thinking about our date. Ella smiled as she replied.. Ella: Good morning, Victor. The weekend was good. Hope it was the same for you. Their exchange continued as Ella shared her morning and her experiences at work. Victor's messages provided a welcome distraction from the office gossip. Back in the break room, Jessica and Michael exchanged puzzled glances as they watched Ella's contented smile while texting. Their attempts to tease her had seemingly fallen flat. After a very busy day at the office, Ella found herself yearning for a quiet moment of reflection once she arrived home. As she settled into her favourite couch, she decided to give her mother a call. They had always been close, and Ella cherished their conversations. Ella's relationship with her mother was a deep and cherished bond that had been nurtured over the years. Their connection had grown even stronger after the tragic loss of Ella's father in a car crash several years ago when Ella was in high school. Ella's father had been a kind, loving, and strong presence in their lives. His sudden death had left an indelible mark on both Ella and her mother. They had leaned on each other for support during the most challenging times, finding solace in their shared grief. Ella's mother had handled the loss with grace and resilience, becoming not only a mother but also a father figure for Ella. She had shouldered the responsibilities of raising Ella on her own while managing the household and ensuring they had everything they needed. Her dedication and love had been a source of inspiration for Ella, shaping her into the strong, independent woman she had become. Their home had always been a place of warmth and comfort, filled with cherished memories of family outings, holidays, and quiet moments together. Ella and her mother had established traditions that helped them cope with their loss, such as sharing stories about Ella's father and commemorating his birthday each year. Through it all, Ella's mother had been a pillar of strength, offering guidance and unwavering support. She had encouraged Ella to pursue her dreams and passions, even when they led her into the world of numbers and accounting. Their shared values and closeness had created a strong foundation for their relationship, one built on trust, communication, and deep love. Her mother's warm voice filled the line. "Hello, sweetheart. How was your day? How's your health, darling?" her mother asked. "Are you taking care of yourself?" Ella smiled, touched by her mother's concern. "I'm doing well, Mom. I've been trying to eat healthier and even started taking Zumba classes. It's been refreshing." "That's wonderful to hear," her mother replied with a relieved sigh. "Remember, health is your most valuable asset. Keep up the good work." Ella couldn't help but smile. " Mom. I have something I'd like to share with you." Her mother's tone turned curious. "Oh? What's on your mind, dear?" Ella took a deep breath, the excitement and uncertainty of her new relationship with Victor weighing on her. "Mom, I met someone. His name is Victor, and we went on a date last Friday evening." There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, and Ella could almost hear the gears turning in her mother's mind. Finally, her mother spoke with a mixture of curiosity, enthusiasm and caution, "Tell me more about him, Ella." Ella proceeded to share the story of her chance encounter with Victor, their wonderful dinner at Il Cielo, and the connection she felt with him. Her voice brimmed with happiness as she recounted the details, but she couldn't ignore the undercurrent of concern in her mother's responses. "He sounds like a charming man, sweetheart," her mother said. "But remember to take things slowly and be cautious." Ella nodded, her mother's advice resonating with her. "I will, Mom. I promise. I just wanted to share this with you because it's been such a significant change in my life." Her mother's voice softened. "I'm glad you did, Ella. You deserve happiness, but always remember to trust your instincts. Not everyone may have the best intentions, so be careful." Ella appreciated her mother's wisdom and concern. "Thank you, Mom. I'll keep that in mind. I'll take it one step at a time. Love you so much."
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