Chapter 12: The Big Step

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The doorbell rang, a soft chime that sent a wave of excitement through Ella's body. Her heart raced as she hurried to answer it. She knew that this moment was crucial, a turning point in their relationship. When she opened the door, Victor stood there, looking dashing in a well-tailored suit that accentuated his confident and elegant demeanor. His blue eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and appreciation as they took in Ella's breathtaking appearance. Victor's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the romantic ambiance. "Ella, this is... incredible. What's going on? You look... absolutely stunning." Ella: (Blushing) "Thank you, Victor. Please, come in." As Victor stepped inside, the scent of Ella's perfume and the soft glow of her apartment created an ambiance that felt warm and inviting. Candles flickered on the dining table, casting a romantic glow, and soft music played in the background, adding to the enchantment of the evening. Victor: (Smiling) "Ella, I have to admit, I didn't expect all of this." Ella: (Sincere) "I wanted tonight to be special, Victor. I want us to find our way back to each other. Victor, I've been doing some thinking, and I want to take the next step with you. I've realized that my fear and inexperience were holding me back, but I want to overcome that. I've prepared something special for us tonight." Victor's surprise turned into a warm, affectionate smile. He approached Ella, his voice filled with excitement, "Ella, I'm thrilled that you've made this decision. You know I want you, and I want to explore this journey with you. Let's enjoy every moment." Ella: (Touched) "Victor, I want us to have a future together. I believe in us." Victor takes her in his arms and begins to kiss her passionately. She feels completely lightheaded, as her blood rushes in her face. She feels everything like a haze, his kisses, his touches, and without realising, he removes her dress, leaving her only in her lace underwear. For a moment she feels that everything is moving too fast, but her thoughts are quickly forgotten when Victor’s hands start exploring her body to places that were touched before. Victor's eyes were on her. "Ella, you look... absolutely stunning. How did you succeed in keeping this body hidden till now?" She feels lost for a moment and overwhelmed by shyness and strong emotions, but Victor does not slow down as he removes his shirt and trousers. When their skin touches, she feels like electricity touched her skin, as Victor takes charge and leads her to her bedroom. He is not wasting time as he starts kissing her neck, down the collar bone and grabbing her bosom with one hand and squeezing it. Ella jumps due to unexpected discomfort caused by his squeezing, but this is quickly forgotten as his hands are trailing her body and he starts touching her in her intimate areas. For a second, she feels panic and wants to tell him to slow down, not that sure anymore that this was a good idea, but any resistance is covered by the passionate kisses Victor leaves all over her body. Lost in this roller coaster of emotions and feelings, she doesn’t even realise when Victor finishes removing hers and his underwear. ‘Ella, I have been awaiting this for so long; I have been dreaming about it since I saw you in that coffee shop. It will hurt a bit, but don’t worry, it is just normal’, Victor whispers in her ear while pushing her to her bed and positioning himself between her legs. She tries to prepare herself, but too early she feels his weight on top of her, followed by a sharp pain. For the moment, she felt that she felt no air and the tears ran down her cheeks. The shock of intrusion and the pain are too sudden and strong. She grabs Victor’s shoulders, trying to tell him that it is too much, but he had already started to withdraw from her heat. This brings her a brief moment of relief, believing that he understood her pain and discomfort, but suddenly he pushes himself back to the hilt, making her groan in pain. Victor starts moving constantly in and out, more and more frantic, and the only thing that she can do is just to keep her hold on his shoulders. She felt for a moment that someone else was in her body, her previous excitement and desire being clouded by the crushing weight of Victor’s body on top of her and the sharp pain and discomfort from her intimate area. ‘Ahhhh, uhhhhh!!!!!!’ Victor groaned as his body became still accompanied by his laboured breathing. Soon she feels something hot and wet between her tights. ‘You are so tight love, heaven Ella. I couldn’t hold back.’ Victor groans as he rolls over. Victor turned his head to look at Ella, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. "Ella, that was... incredible. You've exceeded every expectation I ever had. This was definitely a unique experience." Ella blushed, her heart swelling with a mixture of contentment and vulnerability despite her physical agony. "Victor, I was nervous, but I wanted this with you. I want us to work. I'm glad you are happy." The afterglow of their intimate moment began to fade, replaced by an uncomfortable silence that hung in the air. Ella and Victor lay side by side. "Victor," Ella began, her voice tense, "did we... did we use protection?" Victor smiled from the corner of his mouth. "Hm… stop teasing Miss Seduction, unless you are ready for round two?" Ella looks at him like a deer in the headlights "I…I was not joking." Victor's demeanour changed as the realization washed over him. "No, Ella, I didn't. I presumed you covered this as you are the one who initiated all this". Victor's expression darkened, his anger bubbling to the surface. "Ella, this is serious. You didn't even think about bringing it up before starting? Do you want to trap me or something?!" Ella's eyes welled up with tears as she shook her head frantically. "No, Victor, I would never do that. It was a mistake, and I should have been more responsible. I'm scared too." Victor's anger simmered, but he remained visibly upset. "This is not something to take lightly, Ella. We need to address it immediately." Ella nodded, her own anxiety growing. "I agree. We should get tested and consider our options." "Pff... what options? I can’t have a baby with you. This is ridiculous." Ella’s heart stopped when she heard his reply. Even if she was not ready to be a mother, he was too cold in his replies. The atmosphere in the room grew even more tense as Victor's anger and frustration persisted. He let out a deep sigh and spoke dismissively, "Ella, take the morning-after pill. We can't afford to wait." Ella, her heart heavy with both fear and the weight of their situation, nodded silently. She understood the urgency of the matter, but she also felt hurt by Victor's dismissive tone. She knew they had made a mistake, but the way he was handling it left her feeling horrible.
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