Chapter 8: A Change in the Wind

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Ella sat down with Sarah, a hint of disappointment in her eyes as she relayed the news about Victor declining her invitation to the company anniversary party. Ella: "Sarah, I spoke to Victor about the party, but he will not attend. He will have some work commitments that evening." Sarah: (Sincere) "Oh, Ella, I'm sorry to hear that. But it's alright, these things happen." Ella: (Appreciative) "Thanks, Sarah. I understand, and I know work can be demanding sometimes." As Ella turned to gather some paperwork from her desk, she couldn't see Sarah's expression. Unbeknownst to Ella, a pensive and slightly suspicious frown crept onto Sarah's face. Sarah had always been a keen observer of human behavior, and something about Victor's excuse didn't quite sit right with her. She couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the story than met the eye. On the day of the event, Ella decided to attend the company anniversary party by herself, despite Victor's prior commitment. She arrived at the venue with a forced confident smile, determined to enjoy the evening with her colleagues and friends. She never enjoyed this type of gathering and she felt even more uncomfortable, knowing that her colleagues would tease her about her boyfriend’s absence. As she mingled with her coworkers, Ella couldn't help but notice the curious glances and teasing remarks that came her way. Her colleagues, who had heard about her date with Victor, were eager to meet him and couldn't resist some light-hearted teasing. Jessica (Grinning) "Hey, Ella! Where's the famous Victor tonight? We were all looking forward to meeting him!" Ella: (Smiling tight) "Well, Victor had a work commitment, so I'm flying solo tonight." Michael: (Teasingly) "Work commitment, huh? Sounds like he's quite a dedicated guy!" Ella: "Yes, he is. But don't worry, you'll meet him some other time." After returning home from the company anniversary party, Ella settled into the quiet comfort of her apartment. The night had been filled with laughter, music, and camaraderie, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for Victor's presence. As she was about to change into her pajamas, her phone rang, and Victor's name appeared on the screen. She answered with a warm smile, touched by his call. Ella: (Smiling) "Hi, Victor. It's so nice to hear from you." Victor: (Curious) "Hey, Ella. I was wondering how the party went. Did you have a good time?" Ella: (Appreciative) "I did, Victor. It was a fun evening with my coworkers and friends. They all asked about you, you know." Victor: (Apologetic) "I'm sorry I couldn't make it. Work got unexpectedly busy." Ella: (Understanding) "It's alright, Victor. I completely understand. These things happen." Victor: (Relieved) "I'm glad you're not upset. I really wish I could have been there with you." Ella: (Smiling) "I wish you could have been too, but there will be other opportunities. And honestly, your call makes up for it." Victor: (Grateful) "I'm glad to hear that, Ella. I'll make it up to you soon, I promise." Ella: (Warmed by his words) "I look forward to that, Victor. Thank you for calling. It means a lot." As they continued their conversation, Ella's disappointment from earlier in the evening faded away. As the weeks progressed, Ella and Victor continued to see each other, but Ella couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in their dynamic. He became increasingly distracted, and moments of warmth and affection started to give way to a growing sense of distance. One evening, as they sat together in Ella's living room, Ella couldn't ignore the change in Victor's behaviour. The atmosphere felt different, and his once-devoted attention seemed to wane. She decided to address the issue with gentle concern. "Victor," she began cautiously, "I've noticed that things have been a bit different between us lately. Is everything okay?" Victor hesitated for a moment, his gaze momentarily distant, before he finally replied, "Ella, I've been dealing with some personal matters lately, and they've been occupying my thoughts. I didn't want to burden you with it." Ella appreciated his honesty but couldn't shake the feeling of concern that had been gnawing at her. "I understand that, Victor, but I want you to know that you can always share your concerns with me. We're in this together." Victor nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Thank you, Ella." Despite the reassurance, Ella couldn't shake the lingering unease that had settled in her heart. Victor's distraction continued in the days that followed, and their once-passionate connection seemed to fade further. The weight of Victor's distraction and doubt hung heavily in the air as Ella and he sat in her living room, searching for the right words to bridge the growing divide between them. Ella couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer and mustered the courage to confront the issue head-on. "Victor, please tell me what's been bothering you. I need to understand." Victor took a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mixture of irritation. He looked at Ella, his voice soft but unwavering, "Ella, I've been feeling like you're not as eager as I am to take our relationship to a more physical level. It's left me wondering if you're not into me in that way, if you're not interested in taking things to the next stage." Ella's heart ached at Victor's confession. She had always been cautious and had moved slowly because of her inexperience, but she had also been deeply invested in their relationship. She reached out to gently caress Victor's hand, her voice trembling with emotion. "Victor, I want you to know that my feelings for you are real and deep. I care about you more than I can express. It's just that... I've never been in a relationship like this before. I've never been intimate with anyone, and it terrifies me. But it doesn't mean I'm not willing to try to explore this with you. I just need time and your patience." "Ella," Victor began, his voice tinged with longing, "I understand your fears and your need for time, but I can't deny that I desire a deeper physical connection with you. I believe it will strengthen our bond even more. Can we explore this together?" Ella: (Nervously) "Victor, I'm not quite ready to become intimate, I always wanted to save myself for my future spouse." Victor: (Disappointed) "I see, Ella. I won't deny that I was hoping for more, plus the society and personal dynamics evolved. Saving yourself is a bit overrated, my opinion. You need to know your partner from all the aspects before committing." Ella's heart was torn ,she got shocked and a bit hurt by his last sentence. She cared deeply for Victor, and she wanted to make him happy, but her fear and inexperience still held her back. She replied with a mixture of hesitation, shame, and sincerity, "Victor, I want to be with you in every way, but I'm still afraid. "
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