Chapter 20: Arrival in Italy

1301 Words
The hours on the plane passed in what felt like a blink of an eye for Ella. The anticipation of her trip had made time seem to fly by, and before she knew it, the pilot announced their descent into Italy. As the plane touched down on Italian soil, Ella felt a surge of excitement and a sense of wonder. She had arrived in Milan, from where she had to take additional transportation to get to the Lake Como area, a place of breathtaking beauty and tranquillity, where she hoped to find solace and healing. Stepping off the plane and into the airport, Ella couldn't help but reflect on her journey. In the solitude of the flight, she had realized: her wise decision to invest her savings outside of her job had provided her with a safety net. If it weren't for her passive income from those investments, the loss of her job would have hit her much harder. With a sense of gratitude and relief, Ella knew that her financial stability was intact (at least for the moment). It gave her the freedom to take this trip without the overwhelming worry of financial hardship and keep her safe until she would find another opportunity. Ella stepped onto the platform of the Italian train station, her suitcase in tow. Despite the late hour of her arrival, her determination to reach her final destination in Lake Como remained unwavering. Initially, she considered staying in Milan overnight and continuing her trip in the morning, but due to the highly touristic season, the large majority of hotels and accommodations are sold out, and those still available are a rip-off. The only available train tickets had been for the late evening, but Ella was resolute in her decision to continue her journey. At least she will reach her final destination soon. As she waited on the platform, she couldn't help but admire the charming Italian surroundings. The station was bustling with activity, and the air was filled with the delightful scent of Italian cuisine from nearby restaurants. The sounds of the Italian language and the warm, welcoming smiles of the locals made her feel like she was truly in a foreign land, far away from the troubles she had left behind. When the train arrived, Ella boarded with a sense of excitement and anticipation. She found her seat and settled in for the journey. As the train began to move, she watched the Italian lights pass by through the window, the rolling hills and serene lakeside vistas filling her with a sense of tranquility. Not too much of a view due to the late hour. Maybe she will see more when she returns. Ella arrived at the charming lakeside hotel in Lake Como that she booked around 11.00pm. The tranquility of the place under the moonlight added to its enchantment. Exhausted yet eager to start her journey of healing, she approached the hotel's concierge desk. The concierge, a polite but slightly puzzled gentleman, looked up as Ella approached. "Bonasera, signora. How may I help you?" "Bonasera," Ella replied with a warm smile. "I have a reservation for tonight. My name is Ella Parker." The concierge furrowed his brow and checked his reservation book. "I apologize, signora, but I don't seem to have any reservations for this late hour. Are you sure you have the correct hotel?" Ella's heart sank for a moment, but she remembered the email confirmation she had received earlier in the day from the travel agency. She quickly retrieved her phone and showed the confirmation to the concierge. "I received an email confirmation of my reservation today. It should be under the name Ella Parker." The concierge examined the email and the reference number and then nodded, his confusion dissipating. "Ah, I see now, signora. It appears there was a late reservation made for you today by one of the travel agencies. My apologies for the oversight. Your room is indeed ready. May I please see your passport for check-in formalities? " Ella: (Handing over her passport) "Of course, here you go." Receptionist: (Taking the passport) "Grazie. Just a moment, please." (He quickly types her information into the computer.) "There we go. Ms. Parker, you have a room with a beautiful view of the lake. I hope you'll enjoy it." Ella: (Appreciative) "That sounds wonderful, thank you." Receptionist: "You're welcome. I'll need you to fill in this registration form, please." (He hands her a form and a pen.) Ella: (Nods) "Sure, no problem." After filling out the form and returning it: Receptionist: "Thank you, Ms. Parker. Your check-in is complete. Your room is on the second floor, and breakfast is included during your stay. Breakfast is served from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM in our dining area on the Ground Floor." Ella: (Grateful) "Great, thank you for the information. I'm looking forward to my stay." Receptionist: "It's our pleasure. If you need any assistance during your stay or have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your time in Italy, Ms. Parker." Ella: "I will, thank you so much." As Ella received her room key and prepared to head to her room, the concierge's confusion seemed to persist. He furrowed his brow and hesitated before speaking again. "Signora Parker," he began, "it's just a bit strange. In our system, your reservation appears under your name, but there's also another name associated with the room. Are you sure you don't have a companion joining you?" Ella's brow furrowed in confusion, and she shook her head. "No, there must be some mistake. I made this reservation for myself, and I'm here alone." The concierge continued to look at his screen, still puzzled by the discrepancy. "I'm not sure how this could have happened, signora. But it seems there's another name here. Maybe you forgot when you did the booking, a Mr. Liam Steel" "That's... that's not possible. I didn't make any reservation under that name. It must be an error in your system," Ella replies. The concierge nodded slowly, still unsure of the situation. "I apologize for any confusion, signora. It's possible there was a mix-up in our system or with the travel agency. I'll make sure you have a comfortable stay in your room, and we'll look into this matter tomorrow morning to clarify any discrepancies." Ella thanked the concierge once more, her unease lingering as she made her way to her room. She enters her room feeling a mix of exhaustion and anticipation. The late-night arrival and the unexpected confusion at the concierge's desk had left her drained, both physically and emotionally, as she did not need the additional stress. What would be her options in the middle of the night in a foreign country if something went wrong with her reservation? As she stepped into the room, a sense of exhaustion washed over her. The soft, muted colors of the decor and the gentle glow of the bedside lamps created a warm and inviting atmosphere. She opened the bathroom and noticed the big bathtub, so she decided that a soothing bath in the jacuzzi was just what she needed to unwind and wash away the weariness of her journey. She filled the bathtub with warm water, adding a few drops of fragrant bath oils available on the counter to enhance the experience. She dropped a short message to her mother to let her know that she had arrived safely before plugging in her mobile phone for charging. She removed her clothes and tied her hair up; she eased herself into the jacuzzi, the warm water enveloped her tired body, and she let out a contented sigh. The bubbles gently caressed her skin, and Ella closed her eyes, allowing the stresses, chaos and worries of those last days to melt away.
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