Twenty One.

1475 Words

~Lynlee~ Sebastian Kingsley just kissed me. And it was one of those stupid fantasy moment kisses that I write in my books. The ones where the guy just snaps from his bottled-up feelings and lets loose on the girl trying not to like him. What was wrong with me? I. KISSED. HIM. BACK. Why was he a good kisser? This was not happening. I did not have feelings for Sebastian ‘Ice King’ Kingsley. My love story was not with a man who hated me, who loathed me. A man who went out of his way to irritate me. And then comfort me. Nope. No, this was not about that. Sebastian was not my story. He was not even in my draft. My love story was not an enemies to lovers. I didn’t want to fall for a bristly man whose ego occupied the whole room. No way. I couldn’t move until well after he was gone.

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