Chapter 5

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"Good morning, Princess Soph—no! Good morning, Princess Alice! You’re so pretty today!” I praised myself while stretching and faced the mirror after I got out of the bed. Of course! Who else would praise us apart from ourselves? Be your number one supporter no matter what people say about you. "Princess Sophia? Breakfast is ready, Milady.” I heard a servant call me from the outside of my door. "All right! I’ll go downstairs.” I responded. I quickly took a bath and fixed myself, then I came out of the room. It's a little bit far from the dining room so I walked fast. I saw them eating their breakfast when I got there. "Phia, let's eat!" Kieth gladly invited me. "Come here so you can take your meal.”  Mrs. Ally said. Mr. Rudolf only smiled and chose a seat for me. To my opposite was Clinton who was eating quietly. "Good morning, fellas.” I turned to the direction where the voice came from—the rude and lunatic man, Krypton. He fixed his nightshirt and played his tied bangs then he sat down beside Kieth. He has long hair for a guy that reached his neck. I didn’t notice it last night because of the dim light. "Are you nuts? Are you not going to greet your sister? You didn’t welcome her warmly last night and now you can’t even say sorry?" Mr. Rudolf told him. I avoided his gaze. "Oh? That wannabe princess? All right then!" he said. I tried to focus on my food when I saw him in my peripheral vision that he stood up and walked towards me. He poked me with his finger. I slowly raised my head to see him standing beside me. "Sophia, can we see you hug your brother like you used to do before?" Mrs. Ally told me as she held my hand. I just nodded and slowly stood up. To my surprise, Krypton initiated the hug. I felt he intentionally his embrace. Did he finally realize that I am his sister? Or this is just a show? "Urgh," I groaned when his embrace got even tighter. "What the f**k?! Girls, supposedly have boobs but where did your two mountains hide? I even can’t feel it!” He whispered. I pushed him back. I know what he meant to say! This asshole tried to feel my boobs! Having boobs for a skinny person is already a big miracle! They all looked at us, confused.   "Oops, I didn’t do anything wrong, she just pushed me." Krypton defended himself. What a liar! At the back of my mind, I was contemplating if I should tell them about it, but my heart is telling me that I should let go so their meal won’t be ruined. “I-I’m just so hungry. I want to start eating.” Be thankful Krypton, I thought to myself. I sat down and started eating. He went back to his seat and started eating too. I noticed him smirking as he fed himself. I can’t focus on my food! Why this man born so annoying? "Tomorrow will be your first day of school.” suddenly, Mr. Rudolf said. I almost choked on my food. I thought it would be next semester? "Don’t worry, you are already enrolled. You already have your school stuff too.” Mrs. Ally added. "Well, everything is all planned, no need for every student to know about you, just your brothers.” Mr. Rudolf assured me. Kieth nodded.  "We'll keep Sophia safe. I'll protect her as her brother!" Kieth said being determined. "Psh.” I heard Clinton. "We'll keep her? Okay!” said Krypton, also agreeing. I didn’t feel good about how he reacted. I think he’s planning something.  "You, Krypton, I know you too well! Don’t you ever do anything bad if you do not want to be thrown out of the country, are we clear?" Mr. Rudolf warned him. He rolled his eyes and chewed on a bread. "Whatever," he responded. His smile bothered me so much it seemed anytime he’d do something awful. Clinton stood up and went straight out of the dining room.  “Princess, we are here." the driver said, my eyes wandered to the whole place when I got out of the car. I can’t take my eyes off from a few landscapes—from the elevated buildings to the wide sidewalks. This is a huge university! I wasn’t accompanied by my butler because he had an appointment about completing his requirements in a certain agency. So I went solo. No bodyguards following behind, otherwise, it would be suspicious. However, Mr. Rudolf mentioned that he hired someone to look after me. I really didn’t have any idea why they are protecting Sophia so much. I was not allowed to join the Wilson brothers as it will only bother the whole campus. I am a double-hidden identity. I am hiding Alice Fuentes to become Sophia Wilson, and I now am hiding Sophia Wilson from anyone on the Campus. “Princess, just follow the map. I'm leaving now and will pick you up later." the driver said. I nodded and started walking. I have noticed that most of the students look posh and fancy. I heard a group of male students who were talking about cars like, ‘Dad bought me this car...’ or ‘Have you seen the latest model?’ and so on. Some female students proudly talked about the expensive pieces of jewelry they have. I had also read the handbook, it says that the students must wear a uniform every day except Wednesday, in which you can wear any style you wish to wear. Today is Monday, but I have seen students who didn’t wear their uniforms. When I reached one of the huge buildings, there were three female students who appeared in front of me. Their thick makeup made them look older but their figures are like a 10-year-old child who wishes to have a boyfriend at an early age.  “Hey, you! Are you new here?" A woman with curly hair asked. She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.  "You know people who look cheap, cannot easily enter? So how did you get in?" she said. She then looked at me from head to toe. I could see how domineering this girl was but I didn’t feel subdued. She looked like a gold digging brat, who stomps her feet when her sugar daddy won’t buy her favorite stilettos.  I don’t have fair and flawless skin like them but I don’t get disappointed about being born without that kind of appearance. That’s not cheap. I would have gone if someone didn’t prevent me from leaving. “Look where be you’re stepping, newbie. This place is for the elites only!" The one with the rosy cheek told me. She was like slapped a hundred times. I see no other route to my destination apart from this building and what elites are they saying again? "Huh? My locker is inside that building. No other way around." I defended myself. They stepped forward, so close to me that it made me step back. "Use your head, b***h! Can’t you see the stairs just behind you?” The tallest girl yelled, so I turned around to look. Oh, there it is! I didn’t see it since the map I was holding doesn’t indicate that stairs.  "Okay! Thank you!" I thanked them. I didn’t want to argue with them, which might result badly. I didn’t want to start a fight against them since I was a newbie; my goal was to befriend somebody. As I climbed the stairs, I noticed that the way to my locker case was far. What was with those elites, and why can’t I take that way? They’re still students like me. "Argh!" A woman suddenly groaned when her stuff fell on the stairway. I picked them up since it was near me and I gave it to her. "Thank you," she said, smiling. "No worries," I smiled back at her. She called me before I continued to walk. "Excuse me, Miss." I looked at her and saw her walk towards me. I was a bit hesitant because in the back of my mind, I thought that she like those brats I have encountered earlier. “Aesine Mercado." she extended her hand to shake mine.   I accepted it as I told her my name, “Sophia Wilson.” She nodded. "Ahh, nice to meet you." and then she added, "Wilson? How are you related to the highest rank elites on the whole campus? Those Wilson brothers?” Her voice raised as if hearing the name ‘Wilson’ gave a chill to the bone.  "I don’t know them. Maybe we only have the same surname but I don’t remember that some Wilson brothers are regarded as elites here." I am an ultimate liar, would I still go to heaven?  “It’s understandable, you’re a newbie. So fresh! By the way, which department do you belong to?" she asked. We continued to walk together in the stairway while talking about school. "Business Department," I responded. I have enrolled in a course in Business Administration. "No no no, what I meant to say is which ‘class’ department do you belong to?"   What? I haven't been oriented about it. I gave her a ‘huh’ look in which she immediately comprehended what I meant. "Oh my Gosh!" "Excuse me! I want to see them too!" Earlier, the whole place seemed to have a novena because of the silence. But when we reached the second floor, the students at every corner were like in a big concert. Most of them are female students. They were screaming so loud and the crowd filled the whole corridor where the red carpet was rolled out. A few of them held their cameras as if they were taking a picture of a famous celebrity. I also noticed two nerds wearing their name tags plastered on their uniforms. One of them named Ben and the other one named Ten. Suddenly, a student ran from behind and bumped on me. If I’m not holding the handle on the railings, there’s a bigger chance I’ll be like a rolling ball here. My jaw dropped when the big door opened. I was glued to my place when the Wilson Brothers entered the picture. They have a straight face as they walked on the red carpet and they seem to be accustomed to the scene in front of them—of screaming students, excited to see them. It was no longer surprising that they are so popular on the campus. Aside from being well-known and rich, they are also strikingly handsome. No doubt, those female students were fangirling over them. If I were in their shoes, I would do the same. "The three of them belong to the elite department." Suddenly, Aesine uttered while her eyes were still on them. "Elite department?" I asked her. "Yes, the elite department is composed of students who are heirs and heiresses. Richest among rich families, some of them are acting like rulers and mostly are arrogant, thus I am not interested in them.” She shrugged. “How one acts reflect their department in general.” I noticed that her eyes were glued on Krypton as if she wanted to r****h him, but a smile plastered on her face when she shifted her vision Kieth. Everyone was laughing all of a sudden when Kieth stumbled. He managed to walk casually again after he straightened himself. I chuckled, What’s with those feet, Kieth? I asked him at the back of my mind. "Well, yeah, the clumsy one." Aesine chuckled too. "You’re still handsome, Kieth, my love!" A woman shouted near us. Krypton smirked at him when he blushed. I rolled my eyes, he didn’t deserve my respect. I shifted my sight on Clinton who ignored the crowd and walked straight to somewhere.  Together with Aesine, we wandered on the open field. My classes didn’t start yet. I just came early to get familiar with the place. Aesine also looked at my schedule and learned that we will be in the same class in all subjects. We were having a conversation, she didn’t run out of topics to talk about. That made me like her as a newly found friend.  "Those three students you bumped into earlier, they are called hardbodies." Aesine mentioned. "Hardbodies?" "Yeah, they're in the middle-class department," she said. I also learned from her that the faculty and staff were aware of the class departments but they have nothing to do with it. It was only the students who organized the said departments to show that students here are not be equal. They made boundaries for the commoners. “The elite department was composed of heirs and heiresses, what about them?" I asked her. "They are smart and popular because of their academic excellence. They don’t want to lose, they’re egoistic and very competitive with each other. But when it comes to competing with other schools, they become cooperative with each other and work as a team."  "..and those hard bodies?" Aesine laughed softly. "Actually, they are the stupidest of all the departments. Their parents can only prevent them from being part of the lower class department, who are tagged as the losers. They also can’t afford to be in the elite department since they don’t own any type of businesses too.” She explained. I nodded. I thought they are not really rich, they are just social climbing. That’s too common at my age these days. "Lastly, the low class department. The department of all poor and inferior students.” She looked at me. “The students in that department are often bullied by a higher rank from another department, but they are the reason why the university is the number one when it comes to sports. If I were to choose which department to join, I want to be in the low class department. No matter what others think, I prefer to be with them than to be with those rich brats who think so much about themselves.” "Luckily, I belong to the low class department." Aesine shrugged and smiled at me sweetly. Her rounded face matched her not-so-skinny figure. She wore light makeup that also matched her pinkish white skin. "I like to be there too," I uttered. "Are you not afraid to get bullied?" She asked worriedly.  "I am more than what they think of me." I'm Sophia Wilson, they should fear me instead. Uh, I was not confident but Mr. Rudolf assured me that no one will dare to hurt me. "Well, I'm not the one who will put you in the department but the students are in control of it," she said and stood up. "Where are you going?" I asked and followed her. "In the room, we'll be there to wait for the class to begin." She said. “Attention! MoUnions, the faculty and staff decided to free this day. You can do whatever you want except for leaving the campus until 5:30 p.m.” Aesine stopped as we listened to the announcement. I noticed some students were glad to hear it. This was my first day of class and unexpectedly, there's no class today. Should I be glad? I guess not. But I was so excited to meet my new classmates. "This is heaven! So where do you want to go, except outside the campus?" Aesine asked me. "I want you to tour me in the whole campus. It sounded like a demand. "Sure!" she agreed. I wanted to befriend Aesine, she’s a sister material. We went to every corner of the campus. From one building to another, from the garden to the sports complex. I got tired and my leg hurt because of the long walk. When we  reached the soccer field, we sat at the bleachers and watched the different varsities playing. "Sophia, come here closer." I moved a little closer to Aesine as she pointed to someone on the field.  "What is it?" I looked to where her eyes were directed. "You find him cute?" She pointed out to Kieth who was busy playing with his team. I nodded hesitantly and asked her. "Yes, why do you ask?” Her cheeks suddenly blushed.  "He is my crush," she said softly and seemed embarrassed. I grinned at her confession. Keith’s really handsome, like a heartthrob who stole millions of girl’s hearts. During their time-out, he went to a bleacher and drank from his bottle of water. The girls from that bleacher shrieked when Kieth came closer to them.  Aesine and I left that place when we felt the presence of the hard bodies. They were glaring at us. We headed to the cafeteria to eat some snacks. I gasped when I saw Krypton with a girl. He was obviously flirting. This bastard really has the guts to flirt in public. Was he thinking about their reputation as a Wilson? I don’t think he is.  Suddenly, our eyes met, and I immediately took my eyes off him.  "What do you want to eat?” Aesine asked. "Takoyaki will do,” I said. She insisted to buy our food while I looked for a vacant seat. It took a minute to look for a seat before I found one. Only one seat was left empty that is opposite to where Krypton was seated. I quickly grabbed it so wouldn’t be taken by other students This is way better than facing him. “I’ll be back.” I heard Krypton say to the women around her and I jumped in surprise when I felt his breath in my ear. "Why are you alone?" His voice was husky. He sat beside me and even put his arm around my shoulder. I immediately took off his hand. Considering his attitude, I don’t feel like seeing him or talking with him. His presence made me uncomfortable.   "Because I want to. Go back to your girls!" I noticed him grinning. “So, am I not allowed to speak to my sister in school?" Krypton remarked sarcastically. He raised his voice that caused a few curious students to look at our direction. "Hey, keep it down,” I whispered to him. I am worried that somebody heard him. This insensitive jerk is really getting on my nerves.  "What would you do if everyone here in the cafeteria finally recognize you as Princess Sophia Wilson?" He whispered and drew my name in the air. I clenched my jaw and looked at Aesine who was at the counter, still choosing our food to eat. Everyone seemed busy until Krypton stood up and climbed on the chair, getting their attention. Is he going to reveal it? Really?! He was supposed to protect me from any danger that may if they find out who I really am! "Ladies and gentlemen, listen. I have a not-so-important thing to say” he smirked and glanced at me. “Do you know this transferee?" He pointed at me. Everyone shifted their stare at me! I will rip his head off and bury him alive! "He is P—“ My eyes immediately shifted to a plastic cup filled with juice that was left unattended on the other table. And before Krypton could say further, I took the cup and poured into his trousers. He groaned in anger. I left right away and ran to Aesine to get her out of the cafeteria. "You, b***h!" I heard him cursing before as we were running away from there. I was catching my breath when we arrived in an unfamiliar place. "I saw what you did!" Aesine said surprisingly. "That bastard, he---“I was about to say the reason when I realized she shouldn’t know. "hmm?" she was waiting for my answer.  "He’s rude! I don’t like him!" I  couldn't think of any other answer. She suddenly laughed. "You are the only one who did that to him. Good job! But expect something unexpected in return by tomorrow or the next day." Aesine warned me. "What do you mean?" I curiously asked. "When you receive a red card, that’s the time that you should be cautious of everyone." A red card? Her voice brought horror to me. Will it be my last day on earth? I'm definitely worried. Aesine just my shoulder. "It's not a bad thing at all, you’ll just be humiliated. Most of the students here already experienced it so you don’t have to worry about it.” she assured me.  “Have you received a red card before?” I asked her. “Me?” she just smiled. I thought she was one of those students she was referring to. I sighed in relief, at least, I knew that I’m not the only one, Aesine too. “No. Never.” She continued. My anxiety came back. I think I will go insane. ** It was quarter to 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was excited to go home. However, facing Krypton at home would make me want to fight with him for shaming me in school. But I'm still. Surely, he’ll do something to annoy me. The bell rang so it means it’s time to go home. "Sophia, I’ll go ahead. I still have something to do." Aesine said and stormed out the room. I nodded and waved my hand goodbye to her. I was about to leave the room too when three girls appeared in front of me. They simultaneously flipped their hair, crossed their arms and glared at me from head to toe, and even  showed red cards. What? Red cards?! But why is it labeled 'You Got Hard Bodies  Punishment’? And why are they serving it to me instead of Krypton? "What did I do to you?" I warily asked them while I recalled all that happened since I entered the school. This about Krypton earlier, right? Remember what you did to Krypton? You crazy b***h! You can’t go home without receiving our version of punishment.” “Are you ready girls?!” said another girl whose name is Magna Medusa to her fellow witches. "Hey, wait?! What are you doing?" They grabbed both my arms and drastically shoved me against the door. Magna faced me and took a razor from her pocket. Don’t tell me she is going to shave my head?! I pushed the three of them with full force which caused them to fall on the floor and I got my chance to escape. I stopped from running after reaching the ground floor of the Mid Building—there were about ten to fifteen girls who blocked my way. "We need at least to shave your head or else our Prince Krypton won’t give us his attention anymore!” One girl growled at me then they all started coming after me. I was worried about my hair so I started running again, away from them. Oh my God! Why do these girls go gaga over Krypton? And this moment I seemed to know who was behind all of these—no other than Krypton Wilson. I sighed in relief when I noticed a door that leads outside the building but when I was a few feet to door, another group of girls appeared and slowly approached me. I saw a passage on my left and I ran through there.  I had no idea where I was going until I reached the parking lot. I found an open car door and hid inside. I carefully closed the door when I heard voices approaching. I was about to go out of the car when someone suddenly entered and drove hurriedly. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw Clinton in the driver’s seat. He looked back and cursed when he saw a group of female students chasing him...or us. Maybe he encountered them when they were looking for me. Thank God! Their attention shifted to Clinton.  I remained hiding in the backseat. I already have a hard time starting a conversation with him I decided to show myself. While Clinton was focused on driving, I was thinking about tomorrow if I still need to attend school. This is my first school rumble ever!
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