Chapter 3

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I sharply took a deep breath as my eyes wandered to the pine trees on a roadside verge .The string of lights attached to every tree danced with the wind. The fascinating view gives the place a calm ambiance at night. The view reduced my boredom inside the car as I waited for over a few minutes without any idea what would happen next. Mr. Morgan said that they’ll surprise the Wilson family with my presence. He didn’t let me change into decent clothes, as for him the first impression is very necessary for them to believe that I was lost and have been elsewhere. I looked through the black tinted window and thought we finally arrived. "How long do we need to wait?" I asked Mr. Morgan, he then slowed down the car and looked outside. "Please be patient, we need the right timing," he answered. Suddenly, a man came to knock on the window. Mr. Morgan barely opened it to see him. "Get ready, they’re all here.” as the man walked away, Mr. Morgan looked at me and smiled. "It’s time," he said briefly. "It's time to go, I will introduce you to them." he first got out of the car. I suddenly felt anxious. I was going to meet each one of them, who wouldn’t feel anxious? I went after him as he headed towards the huge house that was like a medieval castle in modern times. Mr. Morgan talked to a woman at the entrance. Meanwhile, I was in deep reluctance if I should go closer to meet them or run away to escape from embarrassment.  "Princess, you may go in." the man said who was wearing his tuxedo. I told him that I’ll go later; I still needed to gather all my nerves to show up. He nodded and bowed down indicating respect before he walked closer towards Mr. Morgan.  I noticed the woman who was speaking with Mr. Morgan turn to my direction. A surprised look plastered on her face. I smiled at her. But there is one thing I cannot explain when I saw her—it seemed like we've known each other for a long time. Suddenly, people from the inside came out to listen to Mr. Morgan. An old man also turned to my direction with teary eyes. "Sophia, my daughter.” the woman said and hugged me tightly after she came closer to me. I felt her longing so I embraced her back and expected to lessen the sadness she felt for ten years of losing her daughter. ‘’My princess, you really are here!" the old man exclaimed as he came closer too. I nodded and smiled at them. He then hugged me. Focus! Switch on your best actress side, Alice. You must earn their trust! "Now that we finally have you back, we promise that we will do anything to protect you and to take care of you." The old man said as he separated himself from hugging me. I felt like I've already found my mother because of them, they are the truer definition of a perfect family. Princess Sophia is so lucky; she has this kind of family. "I cannot really believe that I am seeing you now. My instinct was right, you're still alive." she thanked Mr. Morgan. "He can be trusted." said the man who was with Mr. Morgan. The woman wiped her cheek and spoke again "Let’s go inside." she smiled at me and grabbed my arm. I followed them, unable to speak a word. I did not know what to say. "Are the Wilson brothers already here?!" the woman asked the servants. I was amazed by the servants’ clothing! It felt like in a renaissance period, not just of the servants’ appearance, but also the design and the mood of the whole house. I gasped at the beauty I was seeing. Obviously, all the furniture and sculptures came from abroad. Those cute maids came out to see me… and who are those Wilson brothers they were talking about? "Darling, please stay put. I will look for your brothers." The woman left me and the man followed behind her, it’s really awkward to call them mom and dad. "Her name is Ally, her husband is named Rudolf and when you’re here, call them Mom and Dad." said Mr. Morgan. So those are their names. "Who are the Wilson brothers they mentioned?" I whispered to him so no one could hear me. "They're your brothers." Brothers? "You didn’t tell me." "You never asked. Later, I'm going to introduce you to them when you meet them in person," said Mr. Morgan. "But..." I was about to say something when Ms. Ally suddenly came in. "They haven’t arrived yet, maybe I'll surprise them. Let's introduce you to the people here at home." I just nodded and followed her. My eyes wandered to every corner of the house, it’s so aesthetic. The ambiance feels old-fashioned but full of wonder. "Darling, he is your personal butler." She introduced me to a man with pale skin and combed hair "Hello Princess, welcome back!" he greeted me with a huge smile as he bowed his head. "Thank you." I was able to speak but got stammered. “My name is Jack Jimenez, I studied abroad but got deported yet still glad because if it didn't happen, I would not be here to dedicate my life to serve you." he introduced himself to me.  "You’re so nice," I said awkwardly. He was too formal! "It was my first time to receive such praise." he acted like he was about to cry, Ms. Ally chuckled. "Come on, Jimenez, accompany her in her room. I'll go to the kitchen to prepare for dinner." she said and headed to the said kitchen.  I just followed Jimenez while he was describing each piece of furniture we passed. He also mentioned the functions of each room at home. The house I knew only has two bedrooms, one living room, and the dining room. I never thought that for a rich family, they have a theater room, more than 2 bedrooms, and so many other rooms. All the maids greeted me. I admit I was flattered by how they treated me and at the same time, I felt guilty. I made a fool out of them for having them believe that I am their Princess Sophia.  While he was touring me around, he could not avoid telling a story about what happened last night. "Princess, Lady Ally was so happy when she learned that you were already found. She cannot sleep well every night, she would have a prepared party for your comeback but Master Rudolf restrained her from doing it. He doesn’t want to break your privacy as a princess, they do not want to show their personal lives in public for their safety and yours as well." That's how it is, maybe those men in black who were with Mr. Morgan have decided to come here directly rather than to introduce me to the media. We went upstairs and my eyes widened in disbelief after I noticed the mansion is three stories high. Super rich! "Oh My God! This is too much!" I exclaimed. Jimenez heard it and looked at me with a hesitation plastered on his face. I composed myself, I shouldn’t say it! "You do not remember? They never change the designs in order for you to appreciate when you get back." He said.   Is that so? "Huh?" "I forgot you have amnesia, my apologies." he blurted out. We continued walking after that conversation. I survived phase one! Thank God! We passed through some rooms and he told me who slept in each of them. "This is Master Clinton’s, the firstborn son," he said, pointing to a door. "Where is he?" I curiously asked. "At this moment, he’s still working. He’s studying in the morning then goes directly to their company to work so you can barely see him here."  I nodded. That Clinton is so damn hardworking. It is never easy to study while working, I felt that because I also experienced being a part-timer, but unlike him, I only received a few cents for a whole day of working. Later on, we passed another room, Jimenez mentioned that it was Keith’s bedroom, the youngest son. We stopped and Jimenez looked at me seriously. "Is there a problem?" I asked him. ”Princess, please wait for me here for a second,” he said and slowly walked towards a room so he could not make a noise. He placed his ear on the door as if listening to what’s inside then he came back to me. “Clear.” He sighed. "Why? Is there something in this corner?" I asked him because I didn't really know why he did it. "Uh, I'm just thinking if I'm going to tell you or not but because he's your brother, you have to know it. That room was owned by Master Krypton Wilson, the second child. Please always mindful of yourself when around him because he is an unfriendly character." Suddenly, I felt nervous. It was because I saw in his face that he was afraid of Krypton too. "Is he nice?” I did not know why I asked, he’s obviously not. Uh, maybe he will change when he meets me, knowing his sister was finally back. "I never have seen him being kind to anyone, you will know him well enough when you see each other." He smiled and nodded like encouraging me not to get scared of him. Oh goodness, I prayed that he wouldn’t skin me alive. Jimenez led me to another room and opened the door for me. My eyes immediately wandered to the whole room. This is a place that could only come from my dream, which I never thought could come true! The cold from the air-con embraced my skin. I was so fascinated! I felt like I was in some five-star hotel room.  "Wow!" I exclaimed. "This is even not half of what your eyes are seeing, Princess." Jimenez said. "What do you mean?" How much more do I need to see? He just went to a bookshelf and I followed him there. "Good for geniuses," I commented. "Not yet," he said. I just looked at him smiling. "Here we go," he said and pressed something on the side of the bookshelf. Suddenly the bookshelf opened and a huge closet revealed in front of me. I went inside. I thought all kinds of clothes were already there. Sandals, shoes, and bags were displayed, and by the looks of it, I can tell it’s expensive. I felt like I was already a real princess here. Mr. Morgan was right, all my dreams will come true. "Actually, there is another fascinating view and every time I come here to check, I feel relaxed." He said, beaming. He offered his hand to me as if indicating that he wants to lead me somewhere. I placed my hand on his and we slowly went up five steps of stairs. When we arrived at a landing, he let go of my hand and drew the large drapes open. I was overwhelmed and fascinated by what I saw. There was a huge window that allows you to view the skyline and the city lights from afar.  "Princess, I can see in your face that you like what you are seeing,” he said satisfactorily. "This is so nice." A tear dropped all of a sudden. "There are still more you need to see. Better to continue in the morning so you can rest for now. If you want to freshen up, the bathroom is just a step away from the bookshelf." He said and pointed the direction of the said bathroom. I just nodded to him and watched the view again. I noticed a billboard not far from the mansion. I touched the glass of the big window as if I was touching the billboard and stared at it. Three men posed like models. Their faces were familiar. "Princess?" he asked and approached me. "Who are they?" I pointed at the billboard. It's a big question mark for me why I notice that billboard. Maybe an instinct? My eyes widened in disbelief when Jimenez said, "They are your older brothers, the Wilson Brothers.”
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