12. Reine-1

934 Words

12 Reine I didn't want to tell Lawrence about what had happened to get me exiled, but I had no choice. Or I felt I didn't. He had to understand why I protected Rhys, why our fates were tied together and why my mother had sent Rhys, although I didn't know with any certainty myself. "It started at the Battle of Culloden." If I closed my eyes and delved into my memory, I could still hear the sounds of the battle, smell the smoke and the blood. And, closer by, the terrible grunt and moan of a man being bayoneted. That had happened too often that day. "What were you doing there?" Lawrence asked and brought me back from the slaughter. "My grandmother had tasked me and Rhys to go see what was happening and to confirm that a vargamore—a half-wizard, half-werewolf creature—was attempting to in

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