Chapter Four

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Chapter Four Standing Welcome Dori knelt in the brightly-lit room. She could see the spotlights mounted in the ceiling and the bright whitewashed walls reflecting the light. She could see the tops of the heads of her classmates and the instructors as they busied themselves with their charges, but she could not see much else because her head was held back with her face pointing at the ceiling. As soon as she finished with Dori’s hair, Winnie fitted her with a heavy leather bridle and bit, among other things, before bringing her downstairs to the pre-dinner meeting of the class. Her new classmates were staring upwards just as Dori was and they all looked quite astonished and somewhat unhappy about their state. Instructors and grooms, male and female, hustled about, tightening straps and adjusting head harnesses on the class. One or two of the girls were crying and their instructors ignored the whines and pleas that came from behind drawn back lips, the rubber plug gags and bridle-distorted faces. Dori wore the bridle Winnie had fitted to her head after the two had at first argued over the arrangement. Winnie had tried to persuade the younger girl to wear the leather and steel device without any struggle. “If you just go with this, I will make it easier for you. Fight me and it will get done anyway. But it will hurt. I can always get a couple of male grooms to come in and help, you know.” “Yes. I know. But I really, really don’t want this. I’m tired. I hurt. My legs are killing me and my t**s are being crushed. This sleeve is yanking my arms out of the shoulder sockets or whatever they’re attached to. Come on, Winnie. This isn’t fun or funny and I paid a lot of money to come here to ride, not to be abused.” “Humm,” mused the riding instructor, stepping back and surveying her charge. “I see. You want to go home now?” “No. Not home. Just to bed. I’m really tired and this isn’t my thing. I had a boyfriend in high school who tied me up once or twice and it was okay, but this is too much and it’s too tight, damn it.” “Okay,” said Winnie. “We’ll do it my way.” She was behind Dori and as she spoke, she pulled down on the girl’s new braid and bent Dori’s head back almost painfully until the girl stared at the wooden wagon wheel chandelier over the bed. Dori yelped from the sudden strain and as she did, Winnie jammed a rubber plug and metal bit into the open mouth. “Mummph, ounnhph uuuuoh,” came the instant response. Winnie forced the plug all the way into Dori’s howling mouth and brought the steel bit back until Dori’s cheeks were distended and pulled firmly back, baring her fine white teeth and the black rubber plug that filled the inside of her mouth. “You may not use this thing on your horse, Darlin’, cause it’s a bit cruel. But it works fine for big-mouthed broads who can’t keep their mouths shut. This is in for the evening, Honey, so adjust to it.” The tone and level of Winnie’s voice had changed dramatically as she forced the bit and plug into Dori’s surprised mouth. Now Winnie was all business. She pulled straps from the rings on the sides of the bit backwards and buckled them behind Dori’s shaking head. More straps followed round the top of her head, down her cheeks and under her chin. A thick leather collar was fitted around Dori’s neck, pushing the turtleneck collar down and providing a base for the many other straps that came from the bridle. When Winnie finished, Dori’s head was encapsulated in a web of leather and the bit was firmly seated back in the girl’s straining and nearly silent mouth. Winnie tied a leather thong around Dori’s booted feet and roughly pulled until both feet were tightly together with the heels digging into her butt, then she ran the thong through the back of the wide belt, down through the cleft between her now compressed buttocks, up through the vaginal slit and anchored to the belt in front. A bit of drool ran down the corners of Dori’s mouth and dripped on the front of the tight white turtleneck shirt. Dori’s head was all the way back, her braid anchored to her feet with a leather thong. The single sleeve of the shirt had been pulled back and down and through her crotch with another sturdy thong; the end fastened to the front of the wide waist belt. The thong bisected her crotch, disappearing inside the furry slit and emerging where the breeches began. Dori wiggled her hands inside the shirt’s tight sleeve, trying to get a grip on the thong that was pulling her hands down and cutting her vaginal slit in half. Winnie responded to this defensive action by wrapping a wide leather band around both Dori’s wrists and pulling the band tight, slowly bringing the notches in the buckle tighter and tighter until both hands were palm to palm. She locked the buckle. Winnie completed the strange bondage by tying the wristband to another thong and pulling that one through Dori’s crotch as well and knotting it to the waist. She reached down and carefully worked the multiple leather strands into positions on either side and in the middle of Dori’s lower lips, pushing the lips outward and pinching them between the three lengths of rough leather. “Ever wonder how horses really feel?” Winnie purred as she busied herself with the thongs surrounding Dori’s cunt. “One of the key parts of your training is that you learn exactly how horses feel when you put harness and bridle and saddle on them. We add a few other things to make it real for you, but its all part of the approved course of instruction.” After tugging on the leather cords enough so that Dori was sure she was being cut into several bloody pieces, Winnie took another wide strap and put this over Dori’s sleeve-enclosed arms and around her already belted waist. This strap pulled her bound arms close to her body and stopped any possible movement of the upper torso. Then she sent for a luggage wagon and loaded Dori onto the steel floor of the four-wheeled cart. She fastened a chain from the top of Dori’s braid to the overhead bar intended for hanging clothing and suit bags. Then she took the cart and her charge down the hall to the elevator. Dori squirmed and hissed on the cart; trying to get a less uncomfortable position and fearing that she’s topple off the moving cart and be dragged by the chain attached to her braid. Something is really odd here and I am going to have to find out what this is all about, Dori thought.
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