Chapter 35: Evil Spawn

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"Eric, what are you talking about?" Elena was losing her patience.   "What? I’m just warning the new...”   Eric smirked, but when he looked up, he saw a pair of cold eyes glaring at him. His expression of satisfaction froze on his face. He didn't even finish what he was blurting out.   "Enough, Eric," Oliver snapped, "You’re not helping anyone.”   Eric came back to his senses and when he looked at Luther again, he noticed how unbothered he was by this.   The others only regarded Eric with disgust. Eric knew he was causing a stir, but he clenched his jaw and said, "Come on, any of you can take the lead."   As he followed the others, he felt a nervous chill run down his spine. He kept his eye on Luther as they started to walk. "I lost my head there for a minute. I think the stress of everything is just getting to me."   Luther walked in front of him. Elena and Oliver both stepped up to walk beside him.   "Luther, I’m here to help you fight if you need me," said Oliver.   "Don't worry," Elena nodded. "One or two zombies are easy to kill in the daytime, and we’ll help you out if there are more.”   "I appreciate the offer." Luther had learned to fight and kill dozens of zombies already, so the thought of struggling with only one or two made him laugh to himself. They were very kind and their hearts were in the right place, but they were not going to be able to help him very much. He just nodded and kept a straight face. He was going to have to protect them if they were in any danger.   They reached the edge of the park and Luther was the first to jump over the fence.   He looked around, but there were no zombies in sight, only green grout, and a strong smell of rotting. It was different from the rotting smell of zombie corpses. This seemed to be the smell of the brain after a zombie had been murdered, but this smell was very... fresh?   What's the matter? Just now they said there were at least a dozen zombies. It's only been ten minutes or so. Where did they go? Are there other survivors? Or could there be something worse than zombies here?   Luther remembered that with the exception of the more territorial mutants, doomsday monsters didn’t usually turn on each other.   But the more advanced mutants, when they were bored or hungry, would prey on the weaker ones.   Luther had a feeling that a mutant was lurking in the park, and soon the others had all hopped over the fence.   "Oh my god... It’s a baby!"   While Luther was checking the area, one of his teammates behind him cried out a warning.   Luther quickly turned around to find a baby emerging from the side and crawling toward them quickly. This disgusting baby was blind in one eye, its mouth split open to its ears, and green saliva dribbling down its chin. To Luther's surprise, the baby was all skin and bones, with green meridians running through its body like a snake.   “It’s a creeper!”   The creeper was a baby, and it's not hard to see why the zombies in the park were wiped clean in the space of ten minutes.   Creeper was a disgusting and powerful mutant that would even eat its companions.   According to Luther, in terms of Creeper's growth, the smaller the Creeper, the faster it matured. If they let the baby keep growing and maturing, it might become a creeper king. It would become one of the most destructive forces on earth. And it could lead hundreds of crawlers, potentially destroying entire cities.   "It must be killed before it grows."   "It's just a baby. I can kill it." Eric took the lead and was ready to fight it.   Eric was going to die, but the creeper baby's target was Elena, and Luther was afraid it would kill her first. So, Luther rushed out ahead of him and pulled out his sword, and swiped it at the creeper.   The sword cut into a concrete slab, exposing a half-meter slit. The baby dodged the blow, jumped into a tree, and screeched at Luther.   Under deviant baby's claws, a tree was eroding at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, creating a crater. With the deviant baby's shot, the tree broke and fell.   Originally, they thought it was just a normal zombie baby, so they assumed it would be easy to kill. But everyone was appalled by its speed and corrosive saliva.   Eric, who was shouting for someone to kill the baby, was terrified and his legs were shaking to the point that he couldn’t move.   Its target was Elena, and when it jumped on her, she felt the full impact of its small body on her. Though she was second in the group, she felt powerless once it was on her. She didn't even have a chance to draw her gun, and she was afraid she’d die at this creature’s hands.   But the shadow of a man she swore to protect was cast over her. He grabbed the baby and dragged it away from her.   "Thank you." Elena felt her face turn red.   She watched as they brawled hand to hand. She could barely keep up with the baby’s quick movements. Luther, on the other hand, struck it with a precise blow on its wrist, cutting off most of its hand.   The creature realized the danger it was in after this. It jumped a few meters away and decided to set its murderous eyes on someone else. It turned to Oliver now.   Oliver saw the baby turn to him and he dodged its first attack and jumped up to a tree.   The creature was standing on the cement, its green saliva dripping down and corroding the floor beneath it.   When Oliver jumped away, it decided to attack the easiest target. Eric’s eyes widened and he was shaken to his core. He had never seen such a fearsome creature before.   It moved so fast that it was less than a second away from attacking Eric. He was about to be bitten by the creature when he grabbed the young boy with a baseball cap at his side and used him to block the attack.
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