Chapter 3: Shivers.

1018 Words
The ballroom was full with excitement and laughter as wealthy and powerful men all walk around to meet with their fellow influential partners and longtime friend. Most of they are in pairs talking and laughing as the presidents started coming in in twos, the host of the party are the president of Russia, china, Italy, Queen of England and of course the United states president, some of the politicians has started panicking as they heard that Laura Mathews is coming. Some have already started planning on how they would disappear or be invisible throughout the party to hide from the prying eyes of the beast but they know that it's not possible. *Few Hours Inside The Ballroom* Laura stepped inside and looked around and the ballroom was as she expected, richly decorated and vast with the VIPs dancing gracefully and smiling at their partners. "Has Zach arrived?" she asked Leonardo and he nodded "Yes, he is upstairs" he said and she nodded whilst making her war up. She reached and walked gracefully as usual and saw her hot brother at the extreme end of the hallway wearing only a gray pant and a white office shirt with half of the top unbuttoned and his muscles glistening with sweats, she felt a shiver at the view of irresistible sight and shook her head to remove the thought. "He is my brother for f***s sake" She mumbled and continued her way to him, she has wondered why her senior brother was irresistible to all woman and even to her, if not because he was her brother, he would have f****d him and ask him to be her boyfriend. "Brother." she called and the sexy devil smirked and turn around to see his always pretty sister in front of him, he smiled again and hugged her so tight and intentionally rubbing his hard on on her center but she was still frozen at the muscles pressed so tightly to her breast to focus on her downstairs, he sniffed her neck and pull away. "I have missed you sister." he said smiling at her, the hug that he gave her earlier forced the remaining of his buttons to open revealing the so sexy muscle hunt of a brother and she started getting wet downstairs "Y...Yeah me too" she forced out and said making him to smirk and he started approaching her like a predator "Let's hug again sis" he said and she backed away and pressed her back on the way on reaching the end. "I..." she was still trying to say when he hugged he again and now boldly rub her p***y with his hard on making her to moan out "Brother this..." she wanted to again but he beat her to it "You are wearing nothing inside sis..." he said looking at her his gaze captivating and dark frozen her sister at a spot and making her lose her thinking "I am wearing underwears" she said and her brother shook his heat "You are not" he said still looking at her predatory "I...I am..." she said and he chuckled and approached her more "Let me check then..." he said and pushed her dress up, he guided his hand inside her underwear and pull it down grinning "There it is..." he said and stick his fingers rubbing her clit expertly and she moaned clutching his back "Brother..." she said and he sticked a finger inside. "Ahhhh, this..." she cut herself off with another moan as she hugged her brother giving him full access to her cunt, he added another finger and began thrusting in and out of her "f**k Zach.." he moaned and he grinned again "You like it don't you" he said and added a third finger and Laura gasped feeling a pleasure that she doesn't know existed "Please..." she moaned out and hugged Zach more "Please what?" he asked still f*****g her cunt and she kept on releasing squirts arousing Zach more "You are so horny for me sis" he said adding the fourth finger and she shouted and cummed "Fuckk!" he carried her and opened the room door that was where he was leaning earlier and opened it whilst taking her inside. He has prepared this room for his plane and after the s*x he would have nothing to do with her body again because if he didn't have the s*x he wouldn't concentrate anymore, he undressed her still very much aroused pretty sister and placed her on the bed, he undressed too and climbed ontop of the bed and entered her with his nine and half inch big c**k, she shouted as he slowly entered her raw and bare. She last time she f****d someone it wasn't this sweet, every touch of her brother when he was fingering her was heavenly, he rubbed her clit so good that she was holding herself not to come then as he make contact with her clit, this is not how she had planned for this night to go, this on-slut by her sexily devil brother is not what she bargained for, this sweet feelings, this over the sky sensation did not suppose to happen but she is here enjoying a f**k from her brother hot brother and cannot tell him to stop. Zach ram in and out of Laura, kissing her and hugging her onto the bed, he fumbled with her full breast and f****d her "You so sweet sister, so good and fitted to my c**k" he said as he started swirling his c**k inside Laura making her to see heaven, her mouth agape as she take in the pleasure, she has forgotten how to moan because of the sweetness of the f**k, she didn't know that her brother is this sweet, the way he f**k can leave anyone wanting more, he f***s so fast and slow and she can't explain it, when he is f*****g her there is this power that he exudes that doesn't take disobedience from him, the aura screams dominant and power. "Zach..., I am cumming again..." she shouted and cummed whilst Zach f***s her.
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