Chapter 6: Being Cocky

1013 Words

He grinned at her and went back slumping on the seat looking at her and smiling "What answer do you need dear sister?" he asked bored and she scoffed looking at him with new found and heightened suspicion. 'This brother of mine is quite something, I have been trying to find where he is living whenever he leaves the country but failing till now, I can easily track down even the most mysterious president, of a country but this hot mess in front of me is more and more becoming a hard knot to crack, who the hell has he become' she thought. "How where you able to repel my attacks?" she asked him her hands on her hips as she glared at him, on the other hand he was finding all of it interesting as his previous grin returned to his face, he licked his lips and smile at her sister "What else did

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