Chapter 16

1315 Words

Kaylene A few months ago, hell even a few weeks ago, if someone told me I would have agreed to go to Florida, I might have punched you. Now, something in me is pushing me to go there. Maybe it’s the dreams that my doctors have been saying are actual signs, or maybe cause I’m going with Chase. I can’t really explain it but something in me is telling me I must. I always associate Florida with the death of my parents but now I’m thinking it might be a way to get some of my memories back. Thank God we’re flying. Even though it’s snowing a sh.t storm, I will rather be in the air than on the ground. It also helps that Chase owns his own plane, so I don’t have to deal with many people. Even with the anxiety and whatever else meds I’ve been prescribed, I can’t take loud noises, or too many peop

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