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COME BACK TO ME: CHAPTER TWENTY   “Hey Alden,” Patricia called her son. The boy was inside of his room tidying all the mess that his brother made when he came to look for one of his books. He has a habit of misplacing his stuff, something Alden gets annoyed a lot about. No matter how many times he tells him to keep his books or whatever he’s reading on his own bookshelves, the older brother just didn’t seem to listen “Yes, Ma.” He was down to the last of his old notes when his mother came to the door. “Is your friend coming again tomorrow to play chess?” “Zian? I guess so. He lost a game last time,” he said with a chuckle. Zian had been coming to their house for months to play chess with him or play a video when Erwin is not monopolizing their game console. It was a gift from their fa

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