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COME BACK TO ME – CHAPTER 4   Zian’s family had once again moved to a new place. His mother found a two bedroom house to rent close to his maternal grandparents’ home. There was not much difference from the house they lived in and the twins immediately took a liking to their new place. There were many kids their age and Zenny arranged play dates for the two soon as they were settled in. On the other hand, making friends became harder for the young Zian. He was a timid boy and became even shyer around people as he entered second grade. He wore that little frown in his face whenever he went and as time passed, that frown became a scowl. Once, his teacher called him out for it. He almost cried. A couple of years passed and Zian remained the same – aloof, shy, and unapproachable. However, he was a smart kid and his teachers doted on him. He entered school academic contests and battled brains against elementary students older than him. He would get first to third placers but never lower. His grandparents were very proud of him especially his father. “Will you come to my meeting, Mom?” Zian asked his mother one day. He was in his fourth grade. Zenny was getting the twins ready for school. Edward and Evie were attending their first year in kindergarten. “Your grandpa will attend it, like always,” Zenny replied. Zian had wondered why his mother never attended his school meetings, or even his recognition ceremonies. It confused his young mind but he had his grandpa and grandma. The old couple gave him attention that Zenny couldn’t give, or wouldn’t. At that time, it was enough. He was jealous of his younger siblings but his grandfather once told him that Edward and Evie were still small and they needed their mother’s attention more. He promised the young boy that as long as he was there, he has him and his grandmother. How fickle were promises. Zian held on to them but only months passed and that promise was crushed to pieces. His grandfather was a fisherman. They lived by the river that ran for a couple of kilometers to the sea. His grandmother would go with him. It was a sunny December day and the couple set out to their two day fishing trip. They had a small hut by the beach and they would go for a few days or as long as their provisions allowed. The arrival of their grandchildren made them plan their trip short. An unlucky day awaited the two when a stranger had gone fishing into their territory. Dynamites were considered illegal and the couple only wanted to warn the man. The stranger did not want to get caught and that was when he threw the lit explosives to the couple who didn’t have time to process the ill fate that came their way as they sat on their boat a few kilometers off shore. Zian was heartbroken. When he learned of his grandparents’ demise, he stood facing the river with tears rolling down his eyes. He loved the river but at that moment, it looked like a sneaky monster who would take away his loved ones while he slept. He felt anger. For the first time he wanted to scream at his mother for letting his grandfather go that day. He did not understand why but he wanted to blame somebody. Zian ran back to their house and found his siblings confused and crying in the corner of the kitchen getting consoled by their mother. Zian walked towards her with his chest full of mixed emotions, mostly anger. “You let him go! Now he’s dead! Now I don’t have anyone. You only cared for Edward and Evie! I have nobody else now!” Slap! Zian was rendered shocked from his mother’s slap. His left ear rang and his cheek felt the sting from where her palm landed. His tears had ran dry as quickly as he realized what happened. “I hate you, Ma.” Having said that, he left and ran out of their house, ignoring their nose neighbors coming into their house. *** The incident between mother and son was never brought up during the old couple’s wake. Zian saw his mother as a stranger everywhere he saw her. He stretched the distance they already had. He never understood why Zenny became cold towards him but since his grandparents’ death, he knew he couldn’t count on her to be there for him. He was alone. Jamie was never home. That was another thing that Zian did not get answer from his mother. He had not seen his father for two years and no matter how many times he asked, Zenny avoided the question. His father was a seaman and was always away. He thought it was normal he never came back. Only during the burial of his grandparents he learned the truth. His parents had separated. For two years already. Life was sad and utterly lifeless since that day. Zian was alone to receive his first honor recognition from school in his fourth grade commencement exercises. He cried after getting his medal and ribbons. He walked home alone as well. Arriving, Zian found his father’s sister at their house. It was Almira, Cher’s mother. “Auntie?” Zian called for her soon as he entered the house. His eyes landed on the bags on the bamboo sofa in the living room. “Where’s…Where’s mom?” He asked hesitantly. Why he thought the bags were his mother’s, he did not know at the time. He did feel as if the more distance he had with his mother, the more his heart knew his mother would really go farther away. “I packed your stuff,” Almira said as he ruffled the boy’s hair. “You guys are coming with me back to the province.” The boy only blinked. He had no disapproval to speak of. If anything, he felt a light of hope. Coming back to his father’s meant he would see him there. His friend Nica and also… Alden. Zenny exited one of the bedrooms, her eyes puffy. She looked pale that only highlighted the darkness under her eyes. Zian was surprised when his mother suddenly walked towards him. He flinched. However it wasn't a slap or any other type of beating he received but a hug, a warm embrace from his mother that he hadn’t felt in what seemed like forever. “Take care of your brother and sister for me, Zian.” W-Why? Aren’t you going with us? Zian couldn’t voice out his questions. His chest ached as the overwhelming feeling of being hugged by his mother took over. He missed her. So much. ___________________________________________________________        
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