
Broken Pieces


Olive has lived a life of torment. Her parents died when she was only 10 but according to her Alpha so did, she. Now days away from her 18th birthday Olive is still suffering at the hands of her Alpha; she has spent the last years of her life in constant torment and abuse. Olive is a very special werewolf not that anyone would know that after all her Alpha killed her parents and she has lived her life in a dungeon. Will her birthday allow her to unlock her uniqueness maybe even help her escape her torment. The only wish from Olive was to be free happiness didn't even matter just her freedom.

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Eww! Goddess, after all these years you would think that I would get used to spiders. Nope, it's not happening. They are vile, unnatural, and generally just give me the hibee gibes! They, however, are a constant in the wonderful life I live. I haven't even seen the sun in almost 8 years! My name is Olive Anderson. I will be 18 in four days. My hair is a deep yet bright shade of purple and was so long it ran past my bum. I have absolutely no figure at all. I'm comparable to a skeleton to be honest. It's hard to look or appear healthy when you are lucky to eat once a week or something like that. Who can even tell what day it is anymore? My skin is a pasty white; that is due to lack of vitamin D. I would say my face is attractive. Well, it would be if it didn't look so hollowed out and sickly. My eyes, however are the most unique thing about me and the thing I love the most. They are completely clear and devoid of any color aside from the black of my pupil. My pupil isn't dark black though it is kinda gray and milky looking. I definitely would say I'm one of a kind, but being so unique, I was teased as a child, even before I ended up in this cell. Right about now you are asking yourself how I ended up in a cell? Well, when I was 10 years old my Alpha killed my parents. You heard that correctly, my Alpha, the man that is supposed to protect every member of his pack, killed two of them. Killed them in cold blood too. My parents were good and honest people. They never ever did anything to anyone. They were the beloved Beta couple and I once upon a time, was their princess. That was certainly once upon a time. If my parents could see me now, they would be heartbroken. My day consists of regular beatings as well as whippings, lack of any kind of food or water, as well as regular doses of wolfsbane. I haven't even shifted into my wolf yet, so I'm not sure what the need is to give me injections of liquid lava! My pack thinks my parents were killed by rogues and the kicker, the Alpha, told them I was killed by the rogues as well. So any chance or hope that somebody would notice that I was missing and still alive, well that was just never going to happen. I was stuck here until I either escaped or died! Many nights I have wished for death and prayed to the Goddess that the next time would be the last time. All I do every day is wait until he comes. There is absolutely nothing else to do. The only thing in this room is me and a bucket for bathroom breaks. I wasn't even allowed a bed or anything. I just sit around on the cold hard dirt floor, the walls are concrete devoid of anything and the door is a solid metal with a small viewing hole towards the top. A chain hangs down from the middle of the ceiling. This is here simply for the Alpha to restrain me while he tortures me. He brings plenty of things that he says are to help me enjoy my stay. I have yet to enjoy anything about the situation I find myself in at all. This is where I have stayed for the past almost 8 years and I just want it to be over. I'm so tired and hope that the day comes very soon that I either find a way to escape or return to the Goddess! You are now probably questioning how I know how long I have been down here. Well, my other halves have told me. My shifts will be coming soon. That is if there isn't too much wolfsbane in my system. Again, you heard that right I said halves, and that is because I am a Hybrid. Nobody knows this secret aside from me. My parents knew, but well, they are no longer with us, so the secret is left to me and me alone. My father was a werewolf, which is where my Beta gene comes from. Thanks to my father and the moon Goddess, I was given a wolf by the name of Moon. My mother was something entirely different from a wolf. She could shift into a beautiful white tiger. So, in turn, I was also given a tiger, and her name is Jasmine. I am not sure if Jasmine will be a white tiger or not and won't ever know unless I make it to my first shift. Moon is so optimistic and hopeful that we will someday escape and find our mate. Jasmine isn't as hopeful as Moon, she still thinks we will be able to escape. We are 3 and no one knows yet. She doesn't think we will ever have a mate or love from anyone. The two people who would always love us unconditionally are gone and no one else will ever love us again. As far as me, I don't know if I have any hope! I don't care about any mate or anyone loving us, we three will love each other. I just want my freedom, to feel the sun and moon, wind and rain. What I wouldn't do to go outside just for a moment, it would be the most perfect moment! "Moon, do you actually think that we will get a mate? Do hybrids get mates?" "Olive the Moon Goddess gives everyone a mate, they are your perfect partner and other half. They will complete us in ways we didn't know we needed and love us unconditionally!" "Don't give her false hope, you dog! I don't want a dog for a mate, and I'm sure you don't want a sexy tiger for yours! So no, we won't be getting any stupid mate!" "Now stop it you lot before you give me a headache. No matter what we have each other, you got it! The human dog, and cat! What a pair we make, but at least we have each other. I never would have survived this long without you two. You both give me strength and hope that I wouldn't have otherwise!" "You are right, Olive babe, we love you to pieces". Both Moon and Jasmine were trying to send their love to me and show me we would always have each other. If it wasn't for those two, I don't think I would still be alive. It shouldn't be too long till the Alpha comes to visit. After all, it is a daily requirement of his to deliver my punishments. Punishments for what I still have yet to know, but he seems to quite enjoy my torture! Wonder what new levels of hell I will face today. I hope I black out quickly. At least then, if he continues to torture me, I won't know until I am conscious. "Oh no Moon! The lights have just clicked on, that means he is on his way!" My body has now started to tremble, even after all these years, I am not accustomed to the pain. Just let me black out quickly, so I don't have to go through so much pain. I hope the Goddess listens and hears me this time. Please let me black out quickly. Even better yet, how about you just let him kill me this time? Let me finally be at rest! "Jasmine, do you actually think we will ever be able to escape and be free? I want it to be over, I just want to die or be free! We have to come up with a plan to escape, you too, Moon. We have to come up with a plan soon, because all I am is broken pieces. Broken pieces that want to float away with the breeze!"

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