


When Ryker arrives in Puerto Rico with his friend Mitch, all he’s anticipating are a few days of luxurious accommodation and an exciting place to discover. The last thing he expects is to find he has an immediate attraction to one of the hotel staff, the handsome and flirtatious Alejandro, who appears to be equally interested in him.

After spending a day with Alejandro hiking a difficult trail, Ryker finds his attraction deepening, though he knows it can’t be more than a holiday romance between them.

And he can’t help but feel Alejandro is hiding something.

Despite being warned not to leave the complex after dark, he follows Alejandro one night and discovers a world he never imagined existed. And the attraction between them becomes something much deeper.

But that’s the least of his worries when it becomes apparent something dark and deadly is stalking him.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 When the pilot announced the plane was approaching Puerto Rico, Ryker put down his book and gazed out of the window. This country hadn’t been on their initial schedule, but with a little tweaking, they now had a week there. The island was just coming into view, the green of the land contrasting with the blue of sea and sky. Pulling out a small brochure, he gazed at the accommodation which he and Mitch had picked. The hotel was set in treehouses overlooking the El Yunque rainforest. It offered the best of both worlds. It was close to the forest as he wanted, but in easy distance of the beach for Mitch. The irony was that with his blond hair and green eyes, everyone thought Ryker was the surfer dude. The reality was that while Ryker enjoyed a swim as much as any Kiwi, Mitch was a natural in the water. He swam, surfed, and paddle boarded. He was even a dragon boater. With his dark skin, powerful build, and tribal tattoos, Mitch reminded Ryker of an ancient Maori warrior. With a soft laugh, Ryker focused back on the brochure. I might be pale and skinny next to Mitch, but I can out-hike him even on a bad day. He hates climbing, tramping, and walking. That they enjoyed completely different things when on holiday meant they occasionally engaged in activities they wouldn’t choose for themselves, while having time alone to truly indulge in those they loved best. The treehouse suite they’d picked was called La Cara de Indio, which Ryker had discovered translated to ‘The Indian Face.’ Set within a mango grove, it was named after a Taino petroglyph close to the property, its balcony overlooked the rainforest. But the thing that had drawn Ryker to choose it over the other options, was that the accommodation boasted a huge private bathroom which housed a large bath and a separate rain shower and which offered a view of the forest. I can see me indulging in that most nights, with a cocktail or glass of wine and a good book while Mitch boogies the night away. Unlike Mitch, Ryker rarely indulged in holiday romances and actively shied away from casual s*x. That wasn’t his scene at all. Mitch had just one ground rule. If they have that certain spark, and they know from the outset it’s just for fun, what’s the harm? Smiling to himself, Ryker remembered a night when he and Mitch had got drunk together and ended up in the same bed. As much as they loved one another, there was most certainly no spark, for either of them, and they’d woken up in a tangle of legs, with matching hangovers, and their friendship as tight as ever. “We nearly there, bro?” Mitch’s drowsy voice cut into Ryker’s memories and he shook his head without even looking at Mitch. “Yep. I’ll give you a nudge when we need to prepare for the descent.” “Chur.” With the acknowledgment, Mitch managed to give Ryker a thumbs up, then immediately fell back asleep, and Ryker chuckled softly. “Good job I don’t rely on your scintillating conversation during a flight.” Ryker didn’t care that Mitch preferred to sleep his way through flights. It’s his way of dealing with it. I’m lucky. I love flying. Half an hour later, the plane was descending, and Mitch, now very much awake, looked every bit as eager and excited as Ryker felt. “This is going to be so cool, bro. I’m glad we managed to tweak our itinerary.” “Yeah. And managing to score the luxury accommodation was a bonus.” Ryker hadn’t minded paying a little extra to ensure they got it, but he wasn’t about to reveal that little tidbit. At least not until it’s too late for Mitch to worry about it. By the time they’d collected their luggage and cleared customs, Ryker was ready to sleep anywhere. Even on a towel on the beach was looking good. “Is it just my imagination, or does our luggage always seem to come out last? I ditched the rainbow tags.” Ryker shuffled alongside Mitch as they made their way to where they were meant to get their ride to the hotel. “I think it’s just one of those mystic rules, bro.” Mitch snickered. “Let me take your case. They’re on wheels, so it’s no hardship. You just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. See? Sleeping on the plane pays off sometimes.” “Yeah, yeah, just make sure I don’t sleepwalk off in the wrong direction.” It was taking all Ryker’s remaining energy to keep his eyes open. “Sure thing. This way.” Mitch tugged his arm and Ryker adjusted his direction. Feeling more zombie than human, Ryker was certain he was sleepwalking in places as they made their way out of the air terminal. “This way, bro.” Mitch adjusted Ryker’s direction slightly, and through half-closed eyes, Ryker saw a woman with a clipboard in the distance. “Hope the hotel transport is right outside. I don’t fancy slinging you over my shoulder.” “Har, f*****g har.” Ryker drew in a deep breath and shook his head and tried to walk with a more determined stride, Mitch chuckled as he kept pace. “Buenos tardes, Good evening, my name’s, Maria.” She greeted them wide a wide, easy smile. “Are you Ryker Holland and Mitch Solomon?” “That’s right.” Mitch spoke up, for which Ryker was grateful. He doubted he could make his mouth form intelligible words. “Look, my friend here hasn’t slept for the best part of twenty-four hours. Any time now he’ll crash, and nothing will wake him. Can we keep walking?” “Oh, yes, certainly.” Maria looked anxiously at Ryker who hoped he was smiling reassuringly. “Come this way. Let me take one of those cases. You know, um…” “Yep. I know. In case he thinks the terminal floor is a good place to sleep.” Mitch laughed as Ryker growled at him. In all honesty, Ryker was seriously struggling to stay awake. Although his eyes closed once or twice on the way to the minibus, he managed to make it on board safely. A moment later Mitch was shaking him. “We’re here, bro. Come on. Last few meters, then you can sleep for as long as you like.” “Fuck.” Ryker groaned. He’d fallen asleep the minute he’d sat down. He felt totally disorientated. “It’s all good. Just take your time. The cases are already being taken to our treehouse. All we have to do it get there ourselves. If you’re not up to it, there’s a room here where you can crash.” “I’ll make it.” Ryker hated being a nuisance, but he found it impossible to sleep on planes and now he was crashing. “Not far.” I’m not embarrassing us on our first day here. “Do you need any help?” At the sound of the new voice Ryker experienced an unexpected rush of adrenaline. He looked up and met the concerned gaze of one of the hotel staff members, who stood next to Maria. “Just tired.” Ryker offered a wry smile. “Long journey.” “Where are they staying?” The stranger asked and Ryker decided he really liked the man’s accented tone. “Indian Face Treehouse.” Maria held up a key. “I was going to go with them. You’re off duty.” “Just a few minutes’ detour. You go on. I’ll take the key, if you look after your friend.” “I can manage.” Ryker drew himself to his full height, but it still left him a few inches shorter than the other man whose grin made him want to smile despite a mix of exhaustion and irritation. “He’s just overtired, bro.” Mitch tugged gently at Ryker’s arm. “Come on, Ry. Let’s get you to a bed.” “Bed. Yeah.” Ryker found himself looking straight into the stranger’s eyes, which were warm and dark. “Bed. Yes. Go.” The stranger chuckled and Ryker was certain his insides had just melted at the sound. As much as Ryker wanted to make it to their treehouse under his own steam, he increasingly leaned on Mitch. He kept enough awareness to hear the stranger speak one more time. “This is it. I love these rooms, spacious and airy, and the bathroom is amazing. Not that I think your friend will care about that tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow. I do the presentation to welcome guests and give you an orientation to the hotel and its services. Goodnight.” “Thanks, goodnight.” Mitch spoke before Ryker could add his own thanks. At least he thought it was thanks, then he was moving again, before being stripped down to his briefs and settled in a large, cool bed. He murmured heartfelt appreciation. “You sleep, bro. Wake up whenever. Text me when you do. I’ll already be at the beach, if I know you.” “Thanks.” Ryker forced the word past uncooperative lips before his world went black.

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