Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Carlos laughed, “When you wrote your love letter to Samira, I suggested that you might as well write it to Simran.Because Simran comes from the bottom of the social stratum, a commoner school flower, it’s obviously easier to chase than Samira.You didn’t listen to me, and you even told me that you’re more handsome, so maybe Samira doesn’t care about your status because of your handsomeness.Once you succeed, Samira’s family is so rich, you can follow her to eat and drink spicy food.” “What!”Omi looked at Carlos incredulously and sweated, “Such shameless words, was it really me who said that?” “Nonsense, now you know the result, although you’re quite pretty, but unfortunately, a rich girl like Samira, who also knows martial arts, can’t possibly fancy you.Of course, even if you chase after Simran, you won’t succeed.Although Simran’s family is poor, but she has excellent academic performance, one of the four school flowers, there are many boys chasing her, and you won’t be able to match her.” Omi laughed, “Don’t say that, I’m embarrassed to say it.” Carlos said, “In fact, I’ve already told you that we, the grippers, shouldn’t want to eat swan meat, but you’re partial to it.You are just a little more handsome than the average boys, but you haven’t reached the school grass level ah, support the death is also class grass level, besides, this world, handsome is useless.It’s only useful to have money and power, and martial arts.” “Haha!”Omi smiled, money and potential he didn’t know, but martial arts, Omi wasn’t worried at all.Even though he had just arrived in this world now and was just taking control of this weak body, it was impossible for ordinary people to be his opponent. The problem Omi needed to solve now was how to survive in this strange world.Moreover, Omi didn’t even know the identity of this body yet, whether it had parents and relatives and such, where it lived, and who else was in the family.All of it was unknown. Carlos asked, “Omi, tell me the truth, what’s wrong with you?Why is it that when you doze off and wake up in the second period, you look like a psychopath.But sometimes it doesn’t look like you’re a psychopath.” Omi smiled, “I don’t know, I just can’t remember a lot of things.” Carlos said, “It can’t be true that you’re suffering from acute transient psychotic disorder, right?” Omi was busy nodding, “No need to suspect, it must be this disease.So, I’m completely unaware of my own identity now, can you tell me?” Carlos was stunned, this was too serious, he even forgot his own identity. Carlos said, “Actually, I don’t know your identity either, even though we’re at the same table, you kid always feel mysterious and never say anything about your family.I only know that you live in the Songtao neighborhood, and you never reveal anything else.” “Ah.”Omi never expected that even a tablemate wouldn’t know his history. Omi smiled, “It’s fine, I just suffer from acute transient mental disorder, I’ll get better sooner or later.” Omi also didn’t want people to know that his current body and soul was no longer the same Omi from before, since Carlos said that he suffered from this disease, he simply assumed that he really had it. After lunch, Carlos went back to his classroom first, Omi walked around the school alone, he hadn’t even gotten to know the world properly. Omi looked at all the strange and new fresh things, especially that big ‘box’, Omi looked around it non-stop.Unable to understand why that box, after people sat on it, was able to move.Was it an animal unique to this world? After skirting around the entire campus and beyond, Omi sighed deeply, “This A world that is indeed more advanced.” Then, only then did Omi return to that room called ‘classroom’. However, there was already a teacher in the classroom, and that teacher saw that Omi had finished half of the class before coming, and said angrily, “Omi, where have you been?Why are you so late.” “Uh!”Omi was stunned and said, “I, I went to the gate to see that box-like animal.”Omi now knew that this person standing at the podium, called the teacher, was the teacher in his world, so Omi answered the gentleman’s question truthfully. That teacher’s eyebrows furrowed, completely unable to understand what Omi was saying. “What are you talking about?” “It’s that zoo by the gate, isn’t that where they keep all those box-like animals?Sorry, sir, I was delayed there for a bit.” “The zoo?Box animals?Don Omi, what the hell are you talking about?” Omi said, “It’s just to the left of the main entrance, a row of them closed, there are several colors, box-like animals, this animal runs very fast.” The teacher finally understood, Omi was actually talking about the cars in the parking lot in front of the school.Oh my God, the teacher was suddenly silly, and the entire class was unified.Nima yah, the parking lot was said to be a zoo, and those cars were said to be box animals, and they were still locked up in the zoo. The entire class was quiet, and everyone stared stupidly at Omi, who went crazy in the morning, but didn’t think he was still going crazy in the afternoon, and didn’t even recognize the cars. The teacher no longer knew what to say and beckoned, “Come in.” “Thank you sir.”Omi walked back to his seat. Omi was still quite respectful to Mr. Teach, in his world, Mr. Teach had a high status because he could teach everyone to read and write, and those who were literate were well respected by everyone.In some small villages, there weren’t many literate and cultured people in the entire village. After Omi sat down, Carlos whispered, “That one is called a car.” “Oh, car, car this animal, it runs too fast.By the way, I’ve searched around it for a long time, I couldn’t find its mouth, doesn’t it eat?” Carlos was going to faint, he was wondering if this was Omi. “Hey, tomorrow weekend, you’d better go see a psychiatrist, I hope you’ll get better soon.” “Who’s the weekend?” “On weekends, meaning tomorrow and the day after, don’t come to class here.You can be at home, free to move around.”Carlos was so tired of communicating with Omi. However, the three classes in one afternoon finally simmered down, of course, during which that teacher inquired about what had happened to Omi, and everyone said that Omi had been going crazy since the morning, so maybe he was having a nervous attack. After school, everyone picked up their bags and walked out of the classroom. Omi felt a little lost as he watched everyone keep leaving, because Omi didn’t know where he was going. “Omi, let’s go, I’m going home first, see you next week.”Carlos said as he carried his bag. “Good.” Carlos also left, and in the end, Omi was the only one left in the class.

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