am I dreaming or this is my life

924 Words
I don't know when I have fallen to sleep but when I wake up at my mother sound or must I say yelling to wake me up i was smiling like a fool but I had this strange dream that I have a stalker or was just when I was going to check my phone a private number messages me " good morning baby i wish you had good night of sleep " so i wasn't dreaming this is actually happening or am i still dreaming wait I'll pinch myself ohhh that's hurts so this is real coool "morning .yeah I kinda didn't get any sleep someone keep me up all night that i didn't know when I slept " _" yeah sorry about that but talking to you never get too boring and honey as much as i want to talk to you but you are late for school" oh s**t my mum will kille me I have 10 min before she's here to check me out if I'm ready or not well I get to school 5 min late well i did my best so here i am in my class listening to our math teacher talking about maths dont get me wrong i don't hate math in fact in my old school I was A student i just don't like getting up early to talk about maths if I was sleeping right now wouldn't be nice my sweet little bed i miss youuu huh they all want us apart i am thinking about my bed and I didn't see Ms Dawson the math teacher asking me question.." emm can you reapt the question please ?" so she's obviously wasn't listening to you ms dwosn Victoria said smiling at me. s**t this b***h won't leave me alone but thank God Nina reapt it the question to me so I answer before Ms Dawson could comment at what Victoria said well this is correct amelia it's looks after all she was listening so here's a question for you Victoria as you were listening to me so I think its easy for you what is sin plus cos equal ? ahh I don't know tan maybe the class all laughs at her answer it's was written on the bord and still didn't answer it right well now we know who wasn't listening to the class the answer is 1 look there it's written so next time make sure that's you are listening then speak about others and it's my job here to see who's with me or he's mind in other place okey let's continue the lesson Victoria was so red and angry she was staring at me like I humiliated her when the class was over she come to me and said this is not over and go I think she's crazy when we were at lunch me and the girls brad came and said hi to us and sit beside me they were choked that Brad came to our table and eating with us the hottest guy in school and that's when Victoria came and said hi Brad you want to came over and eat with us he didn't even look at her then said no go but she was there trying to speak but I.. he cut her off by saying no I don't want to see you face scum and there she was leaving crying the girls were laughing at her but I don't know why I felt bed for her so I told him that's wasn't nice and I run after her to comfort her but to my surprise she blamed me and told me it's all my fault and she slaps me and she yell at me that I should never be in this school and I'm destroying everything in her life she went i was so shocked that she slaps me that I didn't move my cheek's were red and hurting so I went to the roof till all classes finches and no one sees my cheek red i will not let anyone sees me weak or like this then i cheked my phone it was silence but there were a loot of messages and messed calls from nina and the girls even my stalker send a dozen of messages -"my kitten is so smart "-"you look beautiful today like every day "..." why you are not responding to my messages" -" she got what she deserves that b***h "-" how dare she slaps you I'm gonna kill her " -"she should have known her place don't worry baby I will make her pay for what she did to you " oh s**t oh s**t i forget about him " hey don't kill her please ""what she did that to you and you are defending her " " no I'm not defending her i just don't want her dead please if you love me don't kill her promise me "" s**t you know i love you kitten but i .... okey promise i won't kill her but I won't let this slip without punishment and this is end of conversation "... " but ".."there's no but talk to you later babe i have something to do first but before i leave are you okey " huh i wasn't expecting that.... "yeah I'm cool don't worry about it " " are you sure put some glass on your cheek's and go home oki baby " okey huh baby hahaha my life is becoming like a drama movie
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