CHAPTER SIXTwo days later Ivan felt strong enough to venture into the garden. Pluck was close at his heels and jumped for joy just because he was there. “It’s no use thinking that he is my dog any longer,” Shenda remarked rather wistfully. “I think at present we can share him,” he replied. They walked to find a seat under the trees and Ivan sat down on a bench. “This is a very beautiful garden,” he sighed. “And that surprises you. Why? Because it’s in a City?” “Yes, and also because, as the Vicomte is not here, I rather expected him to economise on extra servants like gardeners. As the Scots would say, ‘the French are awful canny about their money’!” Shenda laughed and then in a more serious tone she reflected, “We do all need to be, as the war has made so many people who were