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Admiral Robertson looked at their satisfied faces, and paused to think of the Queen’s ‘inner’ nature. Her beautiful countenance was the envy of the entire Empire, and was described in countless ways by poets. In reality her beauty camouflaged her coal-coloured heart. He was not surprised her son had taken after her, since he was known by all for his natural viciousness. “Don’t just mind your mother”, the Queen began by caressing her son’s cheeks. “Being a good and firm leader is not always easy on me”. She now wore a ‘motherly’ look with her right hand gently placed in her son’s left hand, and strode majestically towards the palace with him. Her footsteps were hardly heard as she suddenly stopped, and turned. Still holding her son’s left hand, she spoke to the remaining men in a tone they were never going to forget. “You all know the consequence of our discussion tonight being made public, yes?” She smiled as the men nodded in the affirmative, before proceeding to the palace with her son. The next moment, the Admiral and the second man walked slowly into the well-trimmed bush behind them. They’d never have any such meeting with Her Majesty, until the arrival of General Kenneth Whyte from Shaingwa.  The High Chief’s compound was filled to capacity by Darjer and other men of his age-grade. They sat and talked in hushed tones, while awaiting Sharkoti’s arrival. Suspense was in the air, as the sun began to set. Darjer sat with three other men on a wooden bench, with a small walking space between his bench and the next one. To his utter amazement, Ziali was sitting at the end of the same bench he sat, wearing his trademark sadistic smile. Ziali was seated with his legs crossed and had his arms folded. He soon nodded his head at Darjer who subsequently acknowledged it, and did likewise, while forcing a smile in the process. Six guards with glinting spears soon appeared and stood at the front and back of the shed, as all forms of discussions and side talks immediately ceased. Sharkoti arrived in a white robe, wearing six different coral necklaces and a belt, which was made from beads and brass. He also carried a staff carved from wood, which was in the form of three swords held together by a single handle. The wooden sword had an ‘S’ sign symbolizing Shaingwa on the wooden hilt alongside slithering king cobras intricately carved on the ‘blades’.        Everyone in the gathering knew all was not well the moment they beheld the countenance of the High Chief. He sat on his stool and cleared his throat before addressing the men before him. “My brothers, I greet and salute you all”. “We greet and salute you too”, the men responded. “I am the High Chief of this island”, he began and looked around.  By the gods and goddesses, it is my sacred duty to ensure the safety of every soul on this island”. He looked around, seeing the faces of several men who’d being trained with him in Cobra Land several years ago. Some of the men in his age-grade were dead, while most of the ones now seated before him were had anxiety clearly written all over their faces. “I do not live for myself; my existence is for Shaingwa and Shaingwans. My spirit troubles me on a daily basis about something nobody would ever want to hear, but has to be spoken”. Darjer suddenly pictured himself preventing the murder of a fair stranger, while red clouds appeared in the sky. At the same time, the gods and goddesses in frightening forms, appeared from the sacred grove and began to rebuke him continuously for his actions. “My brothers, it won’t be the first time but we must all gear up for it. My spirit tells me trouble is coming in a big way to Shaingwa. When I consulted my personal chamber, it only informed me to instruct my people to be prepared for another visit by the fair strangers we dealt with years ago. I called this emergency meeting so we can put heads together in order to tackle the situation”. Darjer sat on his seat, not knowing whether to say what he had on his mind, or to keep quiet. Suddenly, out of impulse, he shot his hand out while Ziali snickered at the same time, with his arms still folded, and legs crossed. Looking in Darjer’s direction, the High Chief seemed relieved that someone had something to say, and relaxed a bit. When the old warrior was finally permitted to speak, he got up and supported himself on his walking stick, and spoke like a twenty year old. “I’ll be very honest with you, High Chief Sharkoti, and this assembly here. I’ve not seen anything, not even in my personal chamber, or in a dream, but I totally concur with your view on the fair strangers. My instincts are also telling me that their arrival this time around will be the last“. He had barely sat down when many several men under the shed began to grunt and murmur. Six men spoke after Darjer sat down, but their views were totally different from that of Darjer and Sharkoti. The men who spoke afterwards reminded the gathering of Shaingwa’s strength, fearlessness and protection by their gods and goddesses. None of the six men said anything concerning superior weapons or a larger army. As far as they were concerned, there was no way any fair stranger could come and conquer them. It was just not ‘possible’, because they’d faced them before and subsequently prevailed. Two hours later, after several arguments, a resolution was arrived at. It was agreed that all present, able and living Shaingwan warriors, numbering over two thousand would constantly patrol the edges of Shaingwa from dusk to dawn. No chances could be taken, no matter how slight. In the High Chief’s words: if they’d attempted coming to Shaingwa the first time, there was no reason why they couldn’t try it a second time”. “How is my cousin doing?” Ziali asked Darjer after the meeting was concluded, and the attendees were seen leaving Sharkoti’s compound in groups. “She’s good, beautiful and growing younger everyday”. “That’s nice to hear Darjer, I promise to come and see her before the next moon appears”. Darjer stared at Ziali’s firm cheeks and knew despite the man’s age, he’d cherish nothing more than killing someone, just for the fun for it. “Congratulations on the arrival of your new grandson, I believe he’s going to be like me, or what do you think?” “Be like you…? Well time will tell Ziali, time will tell”. Ziali didn’t bother to respond as he turned round sharply and began to walk home in the opposite direction. Before he went out of sight, he told Darjer of his intentions to wash his fishing nets before darkness came. While walking back home, Darjer felt the heavy load of the fair strangers drop from his weary back. He couldn’t wait for night to come so he’d have a long rest on his bed beside his good ‘young’ wife. He passed a group of men carrying a dead deer and thought of Danushiki (Snr.).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The ship which carried General Kenneth Whyte sailed in front of the others, while the remaining fourteen sailed in a triangular position. The fifty-one year General opened a small window in his quarter and looked in the far distance through a telescope. Although he saw little, he was satisfied nonetheless. Nearly three months on the high seas to reach this place, and he’d finally arrived. Unlike his late Uncle, he was coming here, armed, prepared with enough motivated soldiers to face and conquer any eventuality in carrying out his lifelong quest. He inhaled the afternoon air while the thinking of the glory that awaited him, once he returned successful. He’d spoken with the captain of this particular ship last night whilethey sipped a colourless alcoholic liquid. He’d assured General Whyte, that they’d be safely on the shore before dawn the next day. Patience was the key, he consoled himself, and patience which was temporal was the key to getting diamonds which were forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ziali stopped at the junction breathing heavily. Going forward would mean going to the High Chief’s compound, while the left path led to Darjer’s compound. He began to walk towards Darjer’s compound as he knew it would be unwise to subject his ‘old’ body to excessive strain. As a fisherman he was used to waking up early, alongside his six assistants, who helped him to prepare his nets and three canoes. They usually rowed into the waters to begin the day’s fishing activities before most Shaingwans awoke. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, today had been different. He couldn’t believe what he saw as his canoes moved slowly through the northern part of the island into the sea. He was certain that they were made of wood like his canoes, but they were gigantic. He saw the long objects protruding atop and around them, while large ‘cloths’ hung above them. He didn’t wait to stand and do any more investigation, as he hurriedly whispered to his assistants to make a U-turn back to the island. The moment their feet touched the shore, he tried to calm his panicky assistants, before giving them instructions. He instructed the first to run home and inform his wife and three sons about what they’d just witnessed, and prepare themselves for anything. He instructed the second man to take a short cut to Sharkoti’s compound to inform him and any warrior they met along the way. The third man was assigned to warn other fishermen of what they’d just seen in the water, and as many Shaingwans as he could. While walking to Darjer’s house, Ziali knew it would take some time before the sun came up. A quick smile appeared on his face as excitement rushed through his body. Finally, another battle had come, no more fishing for some time or even till his last breath. The moment he reached Darjer’s door several minutes later, he pounded on it three times before sitting on the ground with his back to the door frame. Darjer thought there was another meeting as he pushed gently Harshiri over, reached under the bed and pulled out a razor-sharp sword. The traditional Shaingwan sword was now held firmly in his right hand. It was as long as the arm of an average human being, with a small hilt and a firm handle. Darjer examined the blade near the oil lamp as Ziali pounded the door again. He didn’t expect an immediate response due to the time of the day. Seconds later, he opened his front door, and was surprised to see an ‘elderly’ man resting his back on the doorframe. They were three honed spears lying near his left leg, while he scanned his compound for any intruder “I didn’t come here to do you any harm”, Ziali began as Darjer leaned the sword on the wall inside the sitting room, and helped him to his feet. He ignored Darjer’s greeting as a frown developed on his face upon Harshiri’s appearance. He bent down to pick up his spears, while he constantly looked over his shoulder. “What is happening here?” Harshiri inquired, while fastening the woven cloth over her chest. “Women should not be hearing things like this. They should rather prepare their minds for the bucket of tears they’d have to shed when it’s over…” Ziali whispered to his cousin. Harshiri was not bothered by her cousin’s last remark, since she’d known of Ziali’s chivalry from time immemorial. Ziali dusted himself but refused to enter Darjer’s house. “Your grandson… please take good care of him, at least for Danushiki”. Sarrme who’d been hearing all the talking in hushed tones and whispers, tiptoed to the room while Ziali continued talking. “Since that fateful day, my blood, my entire being…even my subconscious knew I’ll never be ‘normal’ if I don’t get a chance to kill another fair stranger…” Darjer knew what he was driving at as he told Sarme to come out and stop hiding. He instructed his wife to go and return the sword from where he’d taken it. Seconds later, he watched a sadistic smile slowly develop on Ziali’s face.
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