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The next day, Lilith woke up, and every inch of her body hurt. She moved her head up to see where she was, but the dizziness that struck her made her regret the idea. She remained in this position for nearly a quarter of an hour until she was finally able to get rid of this dizziness and pushed herself up to sit on the bed, resting her back on the bedhead. Tears immediately gathered in her eyes when she saw those marks covering her. She was naked, and with the pain she was feeling, it was not difficult for her to know what had happened. After she looked at the room she was in, it was of a modern style but with a hint of wealth. Then she saw her clothes on the chair opposite the bed. She slowly pulled her foot out, as the pain was unbearable. She was still holding on to the cover around her naked body, only to find a piece of paper placed on the bedside table. He wrote on the paper, “Tonight did not live up to my expectations.” It was signed with the decorative letter A. After seeing what was written on the paper, Lilith was sure that it was really him after seeing that letter, as it was similar to the tattoo that was behind his ear. Lilith kept cursing him while she was moving very slowly because of the pain she was feeling with every movement. She picked up her clothes from the chair, and her phone fell from her pants pocket. She took it and glanced at the time, seeing that it was six in the morning. A new hope flared up inside her that she still had time to catch the entrance exam for college; all she had to do was go quickly to her house to change her clothes and take her bag. Despite the pain she felt and her insistence not to let her last hope be destroyed, she left thinking about what happened and pushed it to the back of her mind and focused more on quickly getting dressed and getting out of this suspicious place, and although it was difficult, she did it anyway. It seems that the gods decided to take pity on Lilith after what she went through. As soon as she left the apartment, she found a taxi and took it home. On her way to her room, she did not meet her mother or any of the strange people she brought to the house. The hot bath helped her relieve her pain a little, and then she put her clothes on and went to her test, which went very smoothly, unlike what she expected. But on her way back home, Lilith wanted to cry hard, or to scream as loud as she could, or to return to that dirty place and find that bastard alpha and slap him with all her might, or even beat him up, and what made her even more miserable was that she knew very well that she could not do it, and while tears rolled down her cheeks, she knew that all she could do now was to let it go, like all the bad s**t in her life that she couldn't do anything with, too. While she was walking, she pumped on someone, and she almost fell to the ground had it not been for his strong arms that wrapped around her. She raised her tearful eyes to see a very handsome young man looking at her with concern. He was hella familier, and then he said, “Are you okay?” Lilith moved away from him slowly so as not to increase her pain, and after wiping her tears, she said, “Yes, sorry, I didn’t see you.” The young man smiled at her with pity and then said, “Tough day, ha.” Lilith's eyes watered again, then she exhaled as she giggled and said, "Something like that, yeah." He extended his hand to her and said, "Max." Lilith shook his hand in return and then said, “Lilith.” He laughed and said, "Wow, what a name." Lilith smiled at him in return, then said sarcastically, “Yeh, I have a lot of love for the name.” Max laughed as he ran his hand through his hair and said, "You're interesting, Lilith." Lilith nodded to him and did not say anything; she just turned to leave, but Max grabbed her hand and then said, “Hey, can I have your number?” Lilith quickly looked at Max's hand that was holding hers, so he removed his hand and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to." Lilith said, "I'm not in the mood right now. Sorry, but I'm leaving." Disappointment appeared in Max's eyes, but he smiled nonetheless and said, "Never mind; it was a pleasure to meet you, Lilith. I hope to see you around." Lilith nodded to him again, then turned to go on her way. She felt a little guilty, but she had a lot to deal with right now. Getting to know a new guy so quickly was too much for her, and he was also not her mate, so why be bothered with a relationship? It would fail anyway. But that voice in the back of her mind told her that she wouldn't be lucky enough to have a mate, so why not? It won't hurt anyone, but it was too late for that, as she had already reached her front door. As soon as Lilith opened the door, arms met her with a hug, and her ears received a scream, which made her flinch into the woman’s embrace, who said, “Happy birthday, my baby.” Lilith grumbled, saying, “Welcoming the new year of my life with a pierced ear, my dear aunt; this is really what I wanted, Monica.” Monica broke up the hug and then said, “Why did you pounce on me like a furious tigress? Don't tell me, Is this the old age?” Lilith rolled her eyes at her aunt's sarcasm, then headed into the kitchen. She was starving. Monica said while singing, "I made your favourite cake." Lilith's mouth twisted into a smile, and she said, "Really." But as soon as she entered the kitchen, her smile fell. There was a shirtless man sitting on the kitchen table, and he took a huge piece of cake, eating it greedily. Tears gathered in Lilith's eyes again, but she did not cry. She would never do that in this house, so she put on a cold expression on her face and headed directly to the refrigerator, ignoring the hungry looks the man gave her, while Monica followed her and said in a whisper, despite the fact that he'd hear it anyway, "I'm sorry, baby." But Lilith did not respond to her and continued to ignore everyone while she took out what was left of yesterday's food and went to heat it. While the man said, "Oh, this is your birthday cake, then, happy birthday, hottie." Lilith did not respond to him, and her mother went into the kitchen at that moment and fell next to the man, who automatically put his hand on her butt. Then Lilith's mother said in her bitchy, high voice, "Oh, you're here." Lilith's body shivered in disgust from the tone in which her mother spoke, and she continued to ignore her as she was accustomed to doing, but suddenly she felt a strong hand grabbing her hair, followed by the sound of Monica's little scream, while the man said, "Who do you think you are to ignore us, you w***e?" A tear escaped from Lilith's eyes due to the intensity of the pain she felt, but she did not move. It was a usual scenario; she got used to that from the bastards her mother brought home, while Monica quickly said while trying to keep the man away from her with the least possible loss, "Oh, sir, you know that little girls struggle with their period.” But he tightened his grip on Lilith's hair, then said, "Are you trying to trick me, you f*****g b***h? I don't smell any blood from her." Monica quickly explained, "I mean, it's close." The man did not wait to hear the rest of her words and pushed Lilith so hard that she hit her head on thecabient, while he left the room cursing them angrily, and Lilith's mother followed him, while Monica put her hand on Lilith's head and said, "I'm sorry, my little one. I'm really sorry." But Lilith moved her hand away. While she calmly wiped the blood from her head, then she stood washing the blood in front of the sink, while her mother returned to the kitchen again and sat eating directly from the cake, then she said, “You didn’t have to make him angry." "Really, April," Monica said. Something snapped in Lilith's mind, or so she thought. She turned to her mother and said angrily, "And you shouldn't have been a damned b***h and brought those fuckers home." April said coldly, “You mean my house, where you live while I give you the money they pay me.” Lilith exhaled sarcastically, then said, “I did not tell you to sell your body like the b***h you are. And it's not my fault that you became pregnant with me. If you had a mind, you would not have done that.” Monkeya said, "Enough, both of you. Oh my God, Lilith, your head is still bleeding." But April was not satisfied with that and said, “Looking at your limp leg and these marks around your neck, you are no better off than me. So, daughter, how much did you get for your first night?” Lilith bit her lip in pain and said, “I f*****g hate you.” Then she left the kitchen and headed outside the house, ignoring Monica screaming her name. The pain in her body and the pain in her heart were like boiling anger. She wanted to break something, or perhaps end her miserable life. She didn't know how much time had passed while she was hovering in the streets; she didn't have her phone with her, so she was sure that Chris was looking for her now, but she didn't give a damn about anything; she was just thinking about her miserable life until she found herself standing in the middle of the bridge. The cold night air hit her face while her eyes followed the running water under the bridge. It didn't take her a second to think as she climbed onto the bridge's fence, and then she took a deep breath and said to herself, "Happy f*****g birthday." She closed her eyes, and as soon as she pushed herself to fall into the water, two strong hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her back to fall on top of a strong body. Lilith opened her eyes to look at whoever decided to save her, and her eyes widened in shock. Then she said, “You.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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