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Her limbs trembled and her eyes watered, and the shock ran with the blood in her veins. She was the one who thought that her life would change, and now she realised, with that malicious smile on his mouth and his bright eyes that looked at her with mockery, that she had changed for the worse. Lilith just stood there with wide eyes, feeling terrified, thoughts storming in her mind, and the biggest one of them was to run and hide, but she couldn't even move. So he deceived her. She thought that Max had become her best friend, but it is clear that she was wrong, as he also proved to her that she did not have to trust anyone, as he and his brother got her like that together. “Are you okay?” She raised her eyes to see her frightened, terrible nightmare, who was sitting on the chair, now standing a few steps away from her, looking at her with concern or with sarcasm; she couldn't tell. She stepped backwards, only to suddenly collide with a well-built body that made her jump in fear. Max furrowed his eyebrows angrily when he saw Lilith trembling with fear and tears in her eyes. He did not wait to ask, but rather snapped at his brother, saying, “What did you do to her?” His brother raised his hands defensively, then said, “I swear, I didn’t do anything. She hasn’t even said a single word since she came.” Max turned to her and wanted to put his hand on her face, but she pushed his hand away and said, “You, y-you ar-are his brother, you two, you did it, oh God.” Max turned to his brother angrily and said, "What the f**k did you do?" His brother said with justification, “I didn’t do anything, Alaric; I swear to you.” Tears escaped from Lilith's eyes as she said in shock, "Alaric! You lied to me!" Max tried to touch her again while saying, "Let me explain, please." But she pushed his hand again, and his brother said, “Wait, miss, there seems to be some misunderstanding.” Lilith didn't even want to look at him. She was afraid that she might do something wrong to him and he would repeat what he did, so she said, "Don't come near me ever again." Max said, "Have you seen him before?" Lilith bit her lips as she shifted her accusing glances between him and his brother, while his brother sighed and said, “Shiit Alex, I swear to God that I will kill you in your sleep one day.” Then he said, "Look, my name is Albert. And with that terrified look on your face, you must have met my twin brother, Alexander. Could you please explain to me what he did to you?" Lilith paused for a few seconds, while Max was completely silent. Lilith tried to comprehend what he said, so she said, “What, are you kidding me?” Albert said while moving his hands randomly, "Alexander, an alpha, hi is a bit scary. He has a little hair on his face that he calls a beard. He has a funny hairstyle. Wears all black like ravens." Lilith paused again as she looked at him as if she had realised or was trying to realise the difference. Albert was right; he was a little different from the one she saw. Even though she had only seen him for a minute or two, she had enough to dig his face into her memory. Albert continued as he showed her behind his ear, “He has an A tattoo behind his ear, like in this area.” Lilith now made sure that he was telling the truth; Albert was different from him, even though they were identical, but looking into those eyes, he was definitely not that person. She could not distinguish his smell. Since that day, when she decided to kill herself and her wolf, Leah has not spoken to her and has blocked herself from her. She did not give any reaction to anything, no matter how much Lilith tried to persuade her to do so. "I hit the jackpot, didn't I? Now tell me what he did. He might seem so scary. You have all the rights to look terrified of him, but I'm sure I can handle my twin," Albert said, a little embarrassed. Lilith bit her lips as she remembered the details of that fateful night, while she was repeating that sentence in her mind, “Why didn’t I just shut up?” Lilith was strong. Since she was young, she had learned to protect herself well due to her weakness as a wolf. In addition, the men her mother brought into the house would always harass her. At first, this formed a pattern in her mind that she hated all men, but then she noticed... This behaviour only comes from those who are in the alpha rank, as if they enjoy extending their control over her because she is an omega. This was extremely sick. This is what made her so afraid of him, Alexander. Even his name was engraved inside her, as if it were the door of an abandoned house that she should never knock on. But how she wished, even for once, to take revenge from these Alphas who had destroyed her life. But could she really trust Albert? Could he be strong enough to face his brother? Would he even face his brother, his own twin, for her sake? And in the middle of those questions that ran inside her mind like a river, she said, “He raped me.” The shock on their faces was not enough; even Lilith herself was surprised at herself, not knowing how she said this so easily. “He did what,” Albert said, still trying to comprehend the lightning bolt that struck his head, while Max continued to be shocked in silence. Lilith closed her eyes and said, “Please, don’t make me say it again.” Albert ran his hand through his hair. He was very angry, but he exhaled and said, “Don’t worry; I promise I will handle this. I will make him pay for what he did to you. We will never leave you. I mean both of you honestly, I promise.” Lilith furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Max, then at Albert, while pointing at herself and Max, then said, “Both of us!” Albert put his hand on his hip while the other was stroking his forehead. Then he said, “No, I mean, the ba...” but he stopped and said, with the realisation, “Damn, you don’t know yet.” “I don’t know what,” Lilith said with greater fear "You are pregnant." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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